Variety sources suggest big studio films, including Robert Pattinson's The Batman, could be pushed back

Variety sources suggest big studio films, including Robert Pattinson's The Batman, could be pushed back

A pause on our DoR today while we discuss the potential for The Batman to be pushed back.


Excerpt from Variety:
Sources tell Variety that most studios are letting talent and their reps know that at this point they do not expect these stalled productions to get back underway until mid-May at the earliest. When most of these shutdowns were first announced, studios hinted that it was possible that people could go back to work in April. But even May could be overly optimistic — the pandemic is not expected to reach its apex in major production hubs like New York City until the end of April.

Studios won’t be able to go back to work until local governments lift the bans on gatherings of more than 10 people, a number that most sets routinely eclipse. One source believes that the first films to resume production will likely be ones that are shooting in the U.S., as the prospect of filming overseas presents too many logistical challenges given the global nature of COVID-19.

Not only are studios focused on ensuring the safety of their casts and crews, they are also trying to figure out how to accommodate talent that had lined up other productions in the coming months. Right now the expectation is that in-demand stars such as Chris Pratt in “Jurassic World: Dominion” or Dwayne Johnson and Ryan Reynolds in “Red Notice” will be able to convince forthcoming productions to move their start dates further into the future so they can finish shooting. Individuals in supporting roles who have larger parts in upcoming productions will likely have to drop out, and insiders say studio executives are already checking in on the availability of other actors who can serve as possible replacements.

Other major movies were fairly far along when the virus began to intensify. “The Matrix 4” had finished shooting in San Francisco and was about to begin production in Berlin, “The Batman” had completed nearly seven weeks of filming in London, and “Red Notice” had been in the works for two months in Atlanta. There’s an outside chance these films might even make their original release dates, although it is more likely they will be moved back.
Click HERE to read the article in full.

I don't think this puts Rob at a disadvantage. Batman as a superhero will always draw attention no matter when you release a Batman film. This being a relaunch of a massive superhero benefits from more distance from the Affleck version and the Snyder universe. I know superhero films are the big moneymakers for studios but I also feel many are rushed and I definitely feel the way WB/DC have been running things post-Marvel dominance has been rushed and sloppy. I want Rob as The Batman yesterday but I'm trying to see the silver lining. That's my 2 cents. What do you all think?

30+ Days of Robert Pattinson: How to be at the grocery store

30+ Days of Robert Pattinson: How to be at the grocery store

Day 9...Art being so relatable right now

What a classic shot in Rob-land! I love How To Be and I haven't watched it in ages. I think I'll change that today! Do you guys love Rob-Art?

From @dgphotolondon:
"This is an image I captured for the official movie poster for ‘How To Be’. It came to mind the other evening when I ventured into my local supermarket and realised there was nothing left to buy. You get that sinking feeling and just want to give up! I’m sure there’s plenty of people who have felt like this over the past week."

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30+ Days of Robert Pattinson: Revisiting the Blackbook shoot

30+ Days of Robert Pattinson: Revisiting the Blackbook shoot

Day 8...I knew the director of Emma. Why? Rob of course! We talked Johnny yesterday and we'll talk the director today.

Autumn de Wilde made her directorial debut with Emma (which is GORGEOUS by the way) but she's long been a photographer and was the photographer behind the Blackbook shoot!

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30+ Days of Robert Pattinson: Strolling with Johnny Flynn

30+ Days of Robert Pattinson: Strolling with Johnny Flynn

Day 7...Rob and Johnny are on my mind. Why?

I watched Emma over the weekend and was excited because...Johnny Flynn of course! I wouldn't know about Johnny Flynn without Rob so thank you, Rob!

Also, when you watch Emma, stay for the credits because you can hear Johnny sing a tune. :) Tomorrow, our DoR will be Emma related again. Can you guess what it will be?

Here's a throwback of these two strolling in London 5 years ago.

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More pics HERE!

30+ Days of Robert Pattinson: Happy Mother's Day!

30+ Days of Robert Pattinson: Happy Mother's Day!

Day 6...Rob and Clare Pattinson!

It's mother's day in the UK and Ireland. We hope the Pattinsons are doing well and Rob is saying Happy Mother's Day...via FaceTime! He can make it up to Clare down the road. :)

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30+ Days of Robert Pattinson: Keep calm and....

30+ Days of Robert Pattinson: Keep calm and....

...LOVE Robert Pattinson! Day 5 brought to you by SlaveforRob.

Rob's Cosmopolis press tour was awesome and Bru's fanvid highlights some classic moments. Enjoy!

30+ Days of Robert Pattinson: Work it!

30+ Days of Robert Pattinson: Work it!

Day 4....Rob exercising. WHOA.

Don't forget to home! Keep those bodies healthy. :) Here's your inspiration:


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