MORE NEW Robert Pattinson & His Wild Hair At The LA Press Conference For 'Good Time'

MORE NEW Robert Pattinson & His Wild Hair At The LA Press Conference For 'Good Time'

Have to love the hair madness going on in these photos. He's sure making up for all the times he kept the hair hidden under those baseball caps. Set the sex hair free we said and set it free he did! 

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Alfalfa {giggles}. Sorry Rob

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Click for HQ

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Thanks Posh
via RPAU

Robert Pattinson's Smile Makes Us Melt In NEW Photos from The 'Good Time' LA Press Junket

Robert Pattinson's Smile Makes Us Melt In NEW Photos from The 'Good Time' LA Press Junket

Click below for Larger

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AUDIO: THR's Scott Feinberg Has A Great With Chat Robert Pattinson In 'Awards Chatter' Podcast

AUDIO: THR's Scott Feinberg Has A Great With Chat Robert Pattinson In 'Awards Chatter' Podcast

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Describing your perfect Sunday morning would surely include a 40 min podcast of Robert Pattinson to listen to over breakfast right? (Let's be honest that would be every morning if I had my way)
Well we can totally help with you that this morning. 

Just click below (give it a couple of seconds to load) to hear Rob's dulcet tones as he chats to Scott Feinberg from THR for his Awards Chatter Podcast where he talks about his excitement for Good Time, working with David Cronenberg and Werner Herzog, his Twilight days, his fans and lots more. 

If you have trouble listening above listen over at The Hollywood Reporter

MORE: Robert Pattinson continues his facial exercises at Good Time press conference in LA (Aug. 3)

MORE: Robert Pattinson continues his facial exercises at Good Time press conference in LA (Aug. 3)

Another bunch of the goodness that is PressConRob + a yummy black and white shot shared in the tweet below!

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Click HERE if you missed the earlier HQs!

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Tweet: Source

Robert Pattinson releases a statement about the dog pleasuring fiasco from Jimmy Kimmel Live

Robert Pattinson releases a statement about the dog pleasuring fiasco from Jimmy Kimmel Live

We got a clean up on aisle 5!

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Looks like PromoRob needs a break. LOL I'm not sure if you followed the media post-KimmelRob but his hyperbolic story about masturbating dogs on the set of Good Time went viral.

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PETA got involved, released statements, notified press, there have been headlines...very interesting headlines and it's been hilariously blown out of proportion. So much so that ROBERT PATTINSON actually released a statement to clear things up.

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From Gossip Cop:
The story I told on Jimmy Kimmel last night seems to have spiraled out of control. What didn’t come across is that this was supposed to be a joke. No one at all expected or assumed that anything like that would happen on the Good Time set. We are all huge animal lovers and would obviously never do anything to harm an animal. Everyone involved in Good Time are amazing professionals and have come together to make a movie that I’m extremely proud of. I feel embarrassed that in the moment, I was trying to make Jimmy laugh, only to create confusion and a false impression.
This whole thing has been very amusing to me.

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Oh come on! This is hysterical. Rob has a history of crazy stories on Kimmel. This time, he got himself so deep, he had to release a statement - something he basically never does.

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And I'm still laughing. Oh Rob...

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Now I wonder if Colbert will bring it up....

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VIDEOS: More Snippets From Extra TV's Interview With Robert Pattinson & Josh & Benny Safdie

VIDEOS: More Snippets From Extra TV's Interview With Robert Pattinson & Josh & Benny Safdie

A couple of more snippets from Rob's inetrview with Extra TV. We'll pop up the full thing as soon as it's available.

Robert Pattinson Talks Training For 'High Life' & Working On 'Good Time' With Innerspace

Robert Pattinson Talks Training For 'High Life' & Working On 'Good Time' With Innerspace

More new interviews with Rob. Keep them coming. This one was done at the Fantasia Festival in Montreal for Innerspace.

The interview starts approx 8:21
Click on the pic below to watch Rob, Josh & Benny talk about working on Good Time.

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Click on the pic below to hear Rob talk about how excited he is to start training for High Life.
He mentions it around the 1:40 mark.

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Another snippet from the interview....

via PAW
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