Here Is..... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson

Here Is..... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson 

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Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

This is a GREAT flashback to 2008 but 6:05 inspired the MoR :)

Click HERE to track Rob's "Crushing on Patricia" tour! Ellen isn't the only time he's declared his love. ;)

MOVIE NEWS: Patricia Arquette Joins Robert Pattinson in Claire Denis' 'High Life'

MOVIE NEWS: Patricia Arquette Joins Robert Pattinson in Claire Denis' 'High Life'

Screendaily reports that Patricia Arquette has joined Rob in the cast of Claire Denis' High Life.
I would imagine Rob is super excited about this casting seeing as he's a long time fan of hers ;)

Gotta love Patricia's reaction to hearing a young Rob had a crush on her! Can't wait to see her and Rob in this movie together.

From Screendaily:

EXCLUSIVE: Oscar-winner joins sci-fi alongside Robert Pattinson, Mia Goth.

Oscar-winner Patricia Arquette (Boyhood) has joined Robert Pattinson (Twilight) and Mia Goth (The Survivalist) in the cast of Claire Denis’ anticipated untitled sci-fi, written by UK novelist Zadie Smith (White Teeth) and Smith’s writer husband Nick Laird.

Denis’ English-language debut, due to shoot next year, is understood to follow a group of skilled criminals who, in a bid to escape their long sentences or capital punishment, accept a likely-fatal government space mission to find alternative energy sources.

The project, which ScreenDaily first reported in June, marks an intriguing change of direction for the White Material and Beau Travail writer-director.

The story is based on an original idea by Denis and her regular writing partner Jean-Pol Fargeau, and is due to go into production early next year.
Read More over at Screendaily

Here Is...... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson

Here Is...... Your Morning Wake Up Call With Robert Pattinson

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Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

 photo sexylistening.gif

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson Getting Down & Dirty On 'The Lost City Of Z' Set In Northern Ireland

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson Getting Down & Dirty On 'The Lost City Of Z' Set In Northern Ireland

Can you spot Rob?

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Thanks Cosmo

NEW PIC of Robert Pattinson In Costume For 'The Lost City Of Z'

NEW PIC Of Robert Pattinson In Costume For 'The Lost City Of Z'

The twitter that posted this pic is the stunt company working on The Lost City Of Z so I would imagine the guy on the right is who they're using as Rob's stunt double. Obviously Rob is one of a kind but it's a pretty good match, don't you agree?

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A closer look is needed (as always)! Look at those boots *fans self*...... see you in the DR ;)

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Thanks Robjectify
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