NEW PIC: Lucky Fan Meets Robert Pattinson At Berlin Airport

NEW PIC: Lucky Fan Meets Robert Pattinson At Berlin Airport

Oh my, what a lucky, lucky lady!
Hello Black tee, white pants Rob.
I need a minute please *stares*

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New/Old Pic: Robert Pattinson shaggy haired and white teed during Remember Me junket (2010)

New/Old Pic: Robert Pattinson shaggy haired and white teed during Remember Me junket (2010)

Awwww this is cute. Rob was film Bel Ami at the time hence the long shag of DuRob.

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Photo caption: For that brief moment in time after our junket interview, when I became Mrs. Rob Pattinson. #twihard #teamedward #robpattinson #redcarpet #junket #celebrity #producer #robpattinson #miamiblogger #miamifashionblogger #latinablog #latinablogger #styleblog #styleblogger #nycblogger #newyorkinmiami #fashionblog #fashionblogger #twilight

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VIDEO: Robert Pattinson and two lion cubs equals cuteness! Queen of the Desert *SPOILER*!

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson and two lion cubs equals cuteness! Queen of the Desert *SPOILER*!

You know how this goes. Who knows how long it'll be up so get it while it's hot!

Thanks Nancy!

Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

Here it is...your moment of Robert Pattinson

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ROBsessed Quickie: Robert Pattinson delivers "one of the most skillfully interiorized and physically nuanced performances of the year"

ROBsessed Quickie: Robert Pattinson delivers "one of the most skillfully interiorized and physically nuanced performances of the year"

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Regarding Rob's performance in The Rover:
"The part is a breakthrough performance for the actor who brandishes a convincing Southern accent and reveals a depth of emotion in what is one of the most skillfully interiorized and physically nuanced performances of the year, and if the film had been seen by more people, certainly merits awards nominations."
~Meraj Dhir - Great Films The Awards Missed… David Michôd’s The Rover, starring Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson

New/Old Pic: Robert Pattinson signing autographs in Budapest (Feb 5)

New/Old Pic: Robert Pattinson signing autographs in Budapest (Feb 5)

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Via | Thanks Cosmo!

FANVID: Robert Pattinson works Berlinale and is this love that I'm feeling?

FANVID: Robert Pattinson works Berlinale and is this love that I'm feeling?

SlaveForRob has done it again! Here's her latest video featuring BerlinaleRob past (2012) and present (2015). She also picked a great sexy number to lace over her sexy vid.


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