Robsessed Quickie: Daniel Radcliffe gracious and supportive of Robert Pattinson's film work

Robsessed Quickie: Daniel Radcliffe gracious and supportive of Robert Pattinson's film work

While promoting his film Horns, Daniel Radcliffe chimed in with Lorraine about Rob. He's always been so sweet when talking about Rob.

Start from 1:48 to get the context of the remark that comes around 2:28

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson Looking Adorable With Fans In Toronto Today (20th Oct)

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson Looking Adorable With Fans In Toronto Today (20th Oct)

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson Looking Adorable With Fans In Toronto Today (20th Oct)

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Me and @arielanise having a casual run in with #robertpattinson

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With my boi Rpatz and @dahnagrossi at Luna for lunch #rpatz #love #lunchdate #toronto #hollywood #robertpattinson #fkatwigs

Source / Source

NEW: Robert Pattinson looking oh-so-sexy in pic at Toronto airport (Oct. 19)

NEW: Robert Pattinson looking oh-so-sexy in pic at Toronto  airport (Oct. 19)

Heeeeeey good lookin!

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Photo caption: Me and #RobertPattinson. At least I didn't have to chase him down the street for this one

Funny. This is the same girl who chased Rob in THIS know...when Rob saved a pap's life at TIFF lol

Rob was rockin' some of his cool duds from his vacation in Europe this past week. He snagged the shirt and pants at a designer shop, Henrik Vibskov, in Copenhagen. Roboshayka paired it together so we could see Rob's Shuffle shirt and Jetlag pants.

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Thanks Cosmo!

The Eagle Has Landed: Robert Pattinson Lands In Toronto To Start Work On 'Idol's Eye'

UPDATE: Loads more HQ's Added (After The Cut)
The Eagle Has Landed: Robert Pattinson Lands In Toronto To Start Work On 'Idol's Eye'

Gotta love that smile

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Always so good to his fans!

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Reunited with our favourite bodyguard

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Click for HQ

LOADS MORE HQ's After The Cut

NEW: Robert Pattinson shows off his European shopping spree wardrobe in Copenhagen (Oct. 18)

NEW: Robert Pattinson shows off his European shopping spree wardrobe in Copenhagen (Oct. 18)

I love seeing Rob in his new duds! Click HERE if you missed his arrival to Toronto earlier today. This picture is from his brief time in Copenhagen before leaving on a jet plane to get ready for Idol's Eye!

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NEW FAN PIC: Robert Pattinson At Copenhagen Airport

NEW FAN PIC: Robert Pattinson At Copenhagen Airport

Hey Rob!

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NEW Picture of Robert Pattinson Digging Through His Shopping Bags in Copenhagen

Robert Pattinson going through his shopping bags in car...

The hobo he is, he's probably thinking "Yay! I don't have to shop for another 10 years!"

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And here he is getting into the car... Celebrity Mundane Sunday Edition  :)

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Source: Eduardodali and Sexyasjaibrooks

Thanks to PJ for the tip :)
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