365 Days of Robert Pattinson: May 13 - Cute pic of young Rob

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: May 13 - Cute pic of young Rob
Rob may have just turned 27 but he's a cute lil kid for 365DoR today! Do we love BabyRob or do we LOVE BabyRob?? His adorableness was immediate upon arrival on earth and hasn't quit for 27 years. He just gets better and better.

"I chose my pic for today’s 365 last night before heading to bed. Cute little Rob on his tricycle making a little pout looking oh so adorkable but when I went online this morning I spotted this edit for Rob’s birthday using the pic I had chosen and I just HAD to use it.
I don’t know who made this but I love it so much.
Adorkable Rob as a toddler and as a grown up <33 Seriously just too cute for words"

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"sweet baby boy with his sammich and tummy! he's already got that pensive brood down. this pic it's beyond adorable to me. really, ALL Rob's young pics are too cute but i don't know. maybe it's the sandwich. maybe it's the cool kid kicks. maybe it's the serious look in a serious hat. maybe it's just because every little thing Rob does is magic. even at a young age. long ago i edited out that other guy because he distracted me from BabyRob. no one else should have been in the pic because BabyRob was ready for his closeup. sammich and all!"

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"Seriously adorkable from the get go. How cute? #HappyBirthdayRob #RobIs27"

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Click for HQ!
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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

Robert Pattinson Fanvids Celebrating Rob's 27th Birthday

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We've said it before and we''ll say it again, Rob fans are a talented bunch. Check out these awesome fan videos to honour Rob's Birthday

By Bru SlaveforRob

By manu150176

MORE Vids After The Cut


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This is the day our 80 baby was born and it's cause for a celebration! We've been counting down for a week and can finally send our waves of love and well wishes for Robert Pattinson in the comments and in this extra special birthday tribute video from some of his most devoted fans.

Rob...we will always love you. :)

(note: The video is blocked in Germany. Click HERE to view on Daily Motion)


Click for HQ 80Baby wallpaper
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All the video birthday messages under the cut!

Robert Pattinson Looking Gorgeous In A New/Old Fanpic From The "Cosmopolis" Premiere In Berlin

Robert Pattinson Looking Gorgeous In A New/Old Fanpic From The "Cosmopolis" Premiere In Berlin

BLANCHE I need you!!
GAH he's scorching in this pic. How did these women survive?

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Source via Gossip Dance

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: May 12 ~ Pic Of Rob With A Family Member

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: May 12 ~ Pic Of Rob With A Family Member

It's Mother's Day in the US & Canada so quite fitting that today's topic is Rob with a family member.

First of all Happy Mother's Day to the Mum's out there. Big Hugs to you all

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And now onto our choices for today


it’s mother’s day in the states so i couldn’t get mama clare off my mind. i loved this set of pics. so much win. a mother and her son. LOVE.

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"Ok I'm kinda cheating coz there's more than one family member ;-} What a gorgeous family!"

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I'll update with Kat's when she posts

Click the thumbnail if you need to review the May calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

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If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

Robert Pattinson Poster Part Of The “Cannes Fait Le Mur” Exhibition

Robert Pattinson Poster Part Of The “Cannes Fait Le Mur” Exhibition

How cool is this? Rob's poster is part of the “Cannes Fait Le Mur” Exhibition

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Click for LARGE

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About the Cannes Fait Le Mur
As part of this exhibition scheduled alongside the Cannes Film Festival since 2004, monumental posters are unfurled on the walls and canvasses are hung in the Rue d’Antibes to invite passers-by to delve into dreams and glamour. Pictures can be found all around town, providing an opportunity to discover a movie star each time you go out.

The pic they used of Rob is from last years Press Conference

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Thanks PattinsonArtWork & Myriam in our comments

NEW/Old Pics Of Robert Pattinson Doing Cannes Promo For "Cosmopolis" (May 2012)

NEW/Old Pics Of Robert Pattinson Doing Cannes Promo For "Cosmopolis" (May 2012)

Loving these new/old pics of Rob doing promo for "Cosmopolis" in Cannes last year.
Look at that stare

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Thanks to Pattinson Artwork for The Tip! 
Also check out a new pic of David over at the Source
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