VIDEOS: Guy Pearce Talks Some MORE About "The Rover" & Robert Pattinson To Sunrise & The Morning Show

VIDEOS: Guy Pearce Talks Some MORE About "The Rover" & Robert Pattinson To Sunrise & The Morning Show

Bring it on! Loving that they're all asking Guy about "The Rover" and hopefully there's more to come!
This time Guy Pearce did interviews with Australia's  "Sunrise" & "The Morning Show" and they briefly brought up "The Rover".

In his interview with "Sunrise".......

  • He talks about how David is a really clever guy & brings some really unusual things to the screen
  • Says how it's a really dark film and how himself and Rob got to do some really interesting stuff together (EXCITE!!)
  • Talks about how they filmed in The Flinders Rangers and finished 3 weeks ago
 Check it out below around the 3:23 mark

And a brief mention of "The Rover" in this interview with "The Morning Show" where Guy says there were no funny anecdotes from the set of "The Rover" because it was a pretty heavy experience

Click on the screencap to watch
Around the 4:45 mark

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And in case you missed the earlier post about Guy talking about Rob check it out HERE 

Guy Pearce talks about Robert Pattinson: "The best thing about Rob is that he is a really great actor"

Guy Pearce talks about Robert Pattinson: "The best thing about Rob is that he is a really great actor"

YAY! I've been hoping for this! As Guy Pearce gears up to promote Iron Man 3, we'll get some info about Rob and The Rover because Guy will be in the press more.

 photo Reybert.jpgFrom the Daily Telegraph:
Robert Pattinson is the real deal, according to Guy Pearce, his co-star in The Rover. The two actors have just spent seven weeks together in the South Australian Outback, filming director David Michod's hotly-anticipated follow-up to Animal Kingdom, with Pearce waxing lyrical about his co-stars ''beautiful face''
''The best thing about Rob is that he is a really great actor,'' says Pearce. ''Watching the rushes back, you go: 'OK, he is just going to be fantastic'.'' 
The Twilight star plays white trailer trash from the southern states of America in the futuristic western, set in an apocalyptic near future where society has broken down in the wake of a severe financial crisis. 
''He plays (the character) slightly backward, emotionally useless and really vulnerable,'' says Pearce. ''He's got this beautiful face so you are completely entranced by that face no matter how ugly he makes himself or how wounded he is, or how manky his haircut.''
LOVE IT!!!! Guy is totally ROBsessed ;)

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365 Days of Robert Pattinson: April 8 ~ First Pic Of Rob I Saw Today

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: April 8 ~ First Pic Of Rob I Saw Today

Monday morning's are never the best. But waking up to Rob on a Monday (or any day) is always sure to brighten it up.
Here's what we woke up to this morning. Make sure and share with us the first pic of Rob YOU saw today in the comments below.


"My cell wallpaper. i loooooove the look on his face."

 photo RobBlackbook2-1.jpg


"First pic of Rob I saw today was this wallpaper when I turned on my computer this morning. "

 photo TheRoverWPWM.jpg


"Well, over a morning cup of coffee with a friend we were discussing her celeb crush on Adam Levine, which led to tattoo’s, which led to tall, skinny guys with tattoo’s, which led to Rob with ‘tattoo’s’… which led to me bringing up this gem of a photo on my phone for her."

 photo RobBlackbook1-1.jpg

Click the thumbnail if you need to review the April calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

    photo April-1.jpg

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: April 7 - Pic of Rob with Tai

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: April 7 - Pic of Rob with Tai

Rob wanted to work with Tai and what a beautiful relationship it was. The stories that came out about Rob and Tai were so cute and the pictures even cuter. Kate and I were twinsies again! This was one of Rob's early meetings with Tai and she was clearly Robsessed just like us. She ate him up! So jealous. ;)

"HAS to be this. Who else wants Tai to pick them up like that. LOVE this SO much!"

 photo RobertPattinsonampTai.jpg
"of course this one! so epic. i can hear his laugh coming through the picture - boisterous and elated. "

 photo RobertPattinsonTai.jpg

" I normally don’t look to see what Tink and Kate have posted if I’m posting late in the day, but I thought I might be picking the same one, so I cheated and looked. I was right! We were triplets… but… for your viewing pleasure I’ll post this photo of cuteness instead :-)"
 photo tumblr_mkwz1vubf51qf3lw1o1_1280.jpg
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the April calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
 photo April-1.jpg

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

Blast From The Past: Robert Pattinson playing hide and seek under a plane

Blast From The Past: Robert Pattinson playing hide and seek under a plane

A few of you had never seen my 365DoR on this day and the set of pics are so cute, I had to share. The pics are of Rob boarding a private plane in London during New Moon promo, November 2009.

Rob: Oh. Is that another plane parked yonder? 

Rob: Let me crunch down so no one will see me and investigate.

Rob: I'm practically invisible this low. Maybe I can fit in a box...

Rob: Yes, it's a plane! And it's about to be towed away. Not before I run underneath it to hide though!

Rob: heheheheeeee...


Rob: They couldn't stop me from running under planes! I'm a rebel without a cause!

Pointy Finger Man: You sneaky chap!
Rob: I tricked you, pointy man!
Dean: You didn't trick ME, Robert. I was watching. I'm ALWAYS watching.

Pointy Finger Man: Let's get you on this plane, you little devil.
Rob: *wild man giggles*
Yellow Jacket Lady: Little devil? That's one LARGE devil, if you ask me.
Big Purse Lady: I can handle him. Please let me handle him.
Dean: I see you.

MORE pics and HQs after the cut!

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson leaving The Larchmont with Joaquin Phoenix and Vince Vaughn (April 5)

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson leaving The Larchmont with Joaquin Phoenix and Vince Vaughn (April 5)

I like that hoodie, bro! LOL

Click HERE and HERE to see pics!

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: April 6 - Still from Water for Elephants

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: April 6 - Still from Water for Elephants

Ahhhhhh WFE beautiful and rich. Rob's performance as Jacob Jankowski was perfect and you can see it shining through even in still frame.

"Such a tough choice because there are SO many that I LOVE but I’m going with this one. I love how the giraffe is almost in a trance as Rob is stroking it."
 photo RobertPattinsonWFE3.jpg

"This has always been a favourite, amazing animal, amazing man, amazingness. They look like best buddies."
 photo robertpattinsonwfeuhqstills1.jpg

"i love this photo so much. that soulful face. Rob made Jacob look abandoned, displaced and achingly sad in this one frame. his hunched body and collapsed legs. look at it closer and feel your heart cry in those eyes."
 photo robertpattinsonwfejacobstills1.jpg

Click the thumbnail if you need to review the April calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
 photo April-1.jpg

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
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