Seeing or hearing about Rob being in the UK always brings a smile to my face. I love knowing that he's in my timezone (I know I'm easily satisfied)
Here are our choice of pics for today. Don't forget to show us yours in the comments below!
"ooooooommmmaaaaaaaan. my eye can’t rest on one thing because there’s #SOMUCHPORN. sexy sexy man out and about in his hometown. From March 2010 at a Bobby Long gig"
"Ok I think this was a given. As soon as I saw "Rob in the UK" the BD2 Premiere came into my head. And even though most of my Rob pics came out kinda blurry (ironic that Dean came out super clear in every pic LOL) I don't care I love them! Through the blurriness he's still gorgeous and sexy. I love how he's all bashful in this one"
"#playingcatchupafterabusyweek #365DoR for March 29th. Rob in the UK… I just had to go with this one as I love the fact that @emeraldkate took it :-) Makes me smile SO big! Plus it’s full of RobPorn."
Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)
If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)