Thing that make you go hmmmmmm: Robert Pattinson rumored to be circlinga new film - Posh

Thing that make you go hmmmmmm: Robert Pattinson rumored to be circling a new film - Posh

UDPATE3: From The Playlist:
There's no news on which character Irons will be playing in the ensemble, and we're not going to speculate. Other reports have linked a number of other erudite Brits to roles including Douglas Booth, Sam Clafin and Robert Pattinson, although the suggestion is that Pattinson in particular is being pursued but may not be interested.

UPDATE2: From The Hollywood Reporter:
Robert Pattinson — who is said to be in very early discussions. According to THR's source, "I think he's being circled more than he's circling."

UPDATE: The Film Stage and Collider have also joined the salt party, reporting on the film news:
  • Collider: An abundance of handsomeness could be in store for director Lone Scherfig’s (An Education) adaptation of Laura Wade‘s stage play Posh. The Daily Mail reports that Robert Pattinson, Sam Claflin (The Hunger Games: Catching Fire), Douglas Booth (Noah), and Max Irons (The Host) are all in various stages of negotiations to star in the film....No one has officially signed on yet, and Pattinson is expected to mull over the script once he wraps The Rover. As one can imagine, matching up the schedules of four up-and-comers is a bit of a logistical nightmare, so don’t set this cast lineup in stone just yet.
  • The Film Stage: In the sort of movement which feels like many a Tiger Beat reader’s fantasy pitch to some movie studio, The Daily Mail have been handed word that (brace yourselves) Robert Pattinson, Sam Claflin, Douglas Booth (Noah, Jupiter Ascending), and Max Irons (The Host) are circling the same project. One that they’d be in. Together....Schedules are the cause, unsurprisingly, with Pattinson (who’s only started to look this over), for example, having new movies from David Cronenberg and James Marsh eyeing production soon; Posh is expected to start up in May, so delays and / or tight maneuvering will be required. Even if they can’t land this whole contingent, a solid director and ripe story should do the creative trick.
Again.....we'll see. They're all sourcing The Daily Mail. On a fun note, be sure to check out The Film Stage post we linked. They're playing 365DoR today unbeknownst to them. ;)
Robert Pattinson is rumored to be circling another film project!
BUT....big but here...the story originated in the Daily Mail which meant....
This could be a name drop thing or it could be legit. The Playlist jumped in to talk about this, still sourcing Daily Mail, but I liked their breakdown. At least we have a little info on our radar. An excerpt including a little bit of background info on the project:
When it opened at the Royal Court Theatre in London in 2010, "Posh" helped to give a real boost to the careers of its young cast, with actors including Kit Harington ("Game Of Thrones"), Joshua McGuire ("The Hour"), Tom Mison (the upcoming "Sleepy Hollow" TV series) and David Dawson ("Luther") all having gone on to great things after the fact. "An Education" director Lone Scherfig signed on to a film adaptation recently, and it looks like we might be seeing a movie cast that's just as broad in talent, with a few rising names, and one massive one, apparently in various stages of talks to come on board. 
PhotobucketAccording to the ever-on-the-money Baz Bamigboye, Max Irons, Sam Claflin and Douglas Booth are all in negotiations to star in the film, and while talks are at an earlier stage, "Twilight" megastar Robert Pattinson could potentially join them. 
The play, and the film, revolves around a version of the Bullingdon Club, an Oxford University institution (not unlike a fraternity) which included current Prime Minister David Cameron and current Mayor of London Boris Johnson among its members, and which involves privileged idiots getting together, drinking themselves into oblivion and trashing restaurants. Wade's play focuses on the members of the Riot Club, whose meeting in a country pub ends in tragedy, and we can see all four of the actors fitting in nicely into that kind of environment. 
It sounds like Pattinson's involvement is the least concrete; he's still filming David Michod's "The Rover," and he has David Cronenberg's "Maps To The Stars" and James Marsh's "Hold On To Me" nominally on his slate, though lord knows what state they're in in terms of financing. But a good piece of material, amid a strong ensemble, would be a smart move for the actor as he continues to try to escape the shadow of Edward Cullen. As Bamigboye suggests, the challenge here is going to be scheduling; the nature of the piece requires the cast to all be together round a dining table for much of the shoot, and all these guys are busy and in demand, so don't be surprise if there's mixing and matching with who sticks with the project. Filming is planned to get underway in May, so it shouldn't be too long before we find out who's able to fit it into their schedules, and "Posh" should eventually open in 2014
So take that salt and sprinkle it like rain. This isn't our first time at the film rumors rodeo *coughChild44TheProfessionalscough* We're just going to have to wait and seeeeeeeeeeeee.....just like most things with Rob *morecoughDiorcoughcough*.

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 17~ Rob With A Beer

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 17~ Rob With A Beer

I hope you're all having a great St Patrick's Day! It's the perfect topic for today too,  Rob with a beer! SO let's all grab Rob.......... I mean a beer and celebrate ;-)


"How about a bicep, a watch, a smirk and a beer? You got it. *Cheers*"



"Has to be this one for me. It ALWAYS makes me giggle and I love this interview that Graham Norton did with him for WFE promo. Cheers, Happy St Patrick’s Day"



"So peeved. and hot. drink that beer, honey. drink those daddy issues away while i watch you in this hot gif. "


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

Hotness! New/Old Picture of Robert Pattinson and Eric Maddox, writer ofMission: Black List #1

Hotness! New/Old Picture of Robert Pattinson and Eric Maddox, writer ofMission: Black List #1

Lookin' goooooooooood!

Hopefully Rob is filming Mission: Blacklist in April but no word yet beyond the marketing materials from Embankment Films. Keep you posted! For now....enjoy this yummy new/old pic of Rob with Eric Maddox.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Source | Via: TBB

Great Fanmade "The Rover" Artwork With Robert Pattinson

Great Fanmade "The Rover" Artwork With Robert Pattinson 

I think you all know by now how much I love fan artwork and it's a given that when a new still or pic is released that there will be a bunch of talented ladies working their magic on it.
Here are some great edits/poster mock ups that I spotted online and I'd thought you'd like to see them.
They're too good not to share.

First up, I love this movie poster mock up by Jules!


And how great is this one by Dibanur


This great one is by InRobWeLust  


And look at this gorgeous one by Artpigui


I love this one by Erika. SO cool!


Check out loads more great Rover edits HERE & HERE

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 16 ~ Rarely Shared Pic Of Rob

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 16 ~ Rarely Shared Pic Of Rob

It's that time of the day again. Can you believe we are in our 3rd month of doing 365's? I don't know if it's me or not but it seems to be making the year go even quicker than normal!
Today's topic is rarely shared pic of Rob. Let's have a look at what we came up with.....

"i love this splendor in the grass. he’s up to something. he’s got plans for you in that grass. LOL" (Kate: Oooh is that a promise? ;-p Is anyone else noticing a pattern in Tink's pics?)


"I'm not totally sure that this is a rarely shared pic but it's one that I came across while looking for something else the other day and thought "I haven't seen one in a while". I love this pic of Rob on the tube in London, so I'm going with this. Hopefully it's one that you haven't seen too much of ;-)"

 photo robonsubway.jpg

"Loved seeing what everyone came up with today. I remember all the photos we got with this shoot… all were delicious."


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

*NEW* Interview: Robert Pattinson Talks To The Sydney Morning Herald About "The Rover" & A New On Set Pic

UPDATE: Added MORE from Rob's interview
*NEW* Interview: Robert Pattinson Talks To The Sydney Morning Herald About "The Rover" & A New On Set Pic

Check out this great new interview with Rob where he talks about "The Rover" and tells a little bit more about his character Rey.

David gives Rob great praise too (not that that surprises us, right?)

Also there's a new on set pic of David, Rob & Guy.


From The Sydney Morning Herald:
'It's very odd,'' Robert Pattinson says. ''There's something strange and disturbing about the whole relationship.''

The Twilight actor is talking about the two characters at the heart of his new film, The Rover, which finished shooting on Saturday in outback South Australia.

He plays a young man, Rey, caught up in an uneasy, dangerous alliance with a stranger, Eric (Guy Pearce), in a not-too-distant future.

The Rover is the much-anticipated new film from David Michod, the writer-director of Animal Kingdom. The title refers to Pearce's character: damaged, solitary, utterly without hope.

Pattinson has been casting his net widely since his lead role in the wildly successful Twilight movies brought him celebrity and a certain amount of paparazzi attention. He's quick and sometimes self-deprecating, and has a surprisingly hearty laugh. Looking for roles post-Twilight, he says, ''I don't know if I'm necessarily any good at sculpting a career or anything. But I know what I want to do.''

He wanted to be part of The Rover because ''it was an original script and it was one of those parts where you read it and you think, 'I'd love to do this, but I know I'm never going to get it.'''. There, ''already self-defeating before I've even started'', he says.

In this film, he's a long way from the debonair 19th-century Frenchman of Bel Ami or the New York billionaire of Cosmopolis, two of his recent roles. The near-future that Rey inhabits has a broken-down, improvised, desperate feel, and Pattinson's appearance is in keeping: unkempt and unshaven, with make-up that discolours his teeth.

Rey is an American who has come to Australia with his brother. He is, Pattinson says, ''the kind of person who has been brought up to believe they're incapable of living independently. Someone has always been looking after him.'' When he's separated from his brother, ''almost the first person that comes along, he grabs them. It doesn't matter how he gets treated''. And Eric treats him very badly at first.

The Rover was shot over seven weeks, ending with more than a fortnight in the remote small town of Marree, 685 kilometres north of Adelaide, whose population of 90 more than doubled with the presence of the movie crew. Almost every part of Marree has been incorporated into the world of the movie. The filmmakers said it felt like their own Hollywood studio backlot.

The Rover takes place ''in an unspecified relatively near future, after a number of years of quite seriously steady Western economic decline,'' Michod says. ''It's not post-apocalypse. This is an Australia that has broken down into a kind of resource-rich Third World country.''

He did not start with the idea of this near-future, but with the enigmatic, shifting relationship between the two central characters. He wrote the role of Eric for Pearce, but did not start thinking about Pattinson until they met in Los Angeles.

He had not - and still has not - seen any of the Twilight films, but had been told that Pattinson was interesting. He found Pattinson was ''really smart, and not the sort of pretty boy I was expecting. As soon as it was time to start testing… he was my first choice, by a long way.''
MORE From The Herald Sun

EDWARD Cullen wouldn't last five minutes in the baking heat of Marree, a one-pub town 650km north of Adelaide. Access all Areas. $1 for the first 28 days. Only $2.95 a week thereafter. Learn more.

But Robert Pattinson has channelled the physical discomfort of his seven-week, summer shoot in the middle of the Australian Outback into a character that he hopes will make an equally indelible impression as the Twilight vampire.

“It’s added lots to the performance – being covered in dirt, pouring sweat, with tons of flies around, you lose your inhibitions quite quickly,’’ the English star said on the set of his latest film, The Rover, in which he sports a crude, DIY haircut and badly-decayed teeth.

A neo-western set in a brutal, anarchic near-future, the $12 million film is director David Michod’s hotly-anticipated follow-up to the internationally-acclaimed Animal Kingdom.

Guy Pearce plays the title character, an embittered outsider with whom Pattinson’s naive victim forms an uneasy alliance

Located at the intersection of the Oodnadatta and Birdsville Tracks, Marree, population 90, is about far from Hollywood as an actor can get.

“That’s good in some ways,’’ says Pattinson. “You definitely end up making a different movie. Being in the desert has a funny effect. It does change you in a way.”

Pattinson, whose on-again, off-again relationship with Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart has been a matter of much conjecture, admits the different time zones and lack of mobile phone reception have taken a toll on his private life.

“Yeah, it’s tough. But at the end of the day, it’s only two months.”

Filming on The Rover, which has spent time on location in Hammond, Quorn, Copley, and Leigh Creek, wrapped yesterday.

Pattinson said he was intending to take the next three weeks off, but confirmed his participation in three upcoming projects: Werner Herzog’s Queen of the Desert, with Naomi Watts and Jude Law; Maps to the Stars, a comedy directed by David Cronenberg (Cosmopolis), and Hold Onto Into Me, with Carey Mulligan.

Thanks to PJ for the tip!

Things that make you go hmmmm: Robert Pattinson penned a screenplay? New interview with Stephenie Meyer suggests so

Things that make you go hmmmm: Robert Pattinson penned a screenplay? New interview with Stephenie Meyer suggests so

PhotobucketRob's such a hot commodity. A renaissance man. An artist with boundless talents. Sure we're biased but it's the best bias to be in. ;)

Rob's affection for Martin Amis' Money is nothing new (he'd like to play John Self one day) and neither is knowing he writes more than songs. Put two and two together and you get this mention from an interviewer and Stephenie Meyer, who's promoting The Host. Excerpt from The Times (UK):
Meyer adds that she hasn’t seen either of them since the last Breaking Dawn premiere, and missed their company deeply on the set of The Host. Nevertheless, she hasn’t yet felt inspired to seek out any of Pattinson’s own writing, which includes a screen adaptation of the Martin Amis novel Money – about as far removed from Twilight as it is possible to get. “No, I haven’t read his script,” she admits, sheepishly, looking surprised that I know of its existence. “I’d be interested… and a little scared.”
Click HERE to read the article in its entirety. She talks Twilight, the fame that came with the territory and calling Rob fans Robsters........??? :)

Lord only knows if or when we could see this to fruition. Our constant state of being right now is to just keep hearing/reading about RenaissanceRob and waiting to see RenaissanceRob. We'll wait for a lifetime. That's part of a ROBsessed vow, non? Must find those oaths in the DR safe. ;)

Thanks for the heads up, Calihi!
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