365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 15 ~ 2009 Rob Pic from Press Conference Or Portrait Session

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 15 ~ 2009 Rob Pic from Press Conference Or Portrait Session

Today we're going back to 2009 for our 365. There are so many great pics of 2009 Rob. It looks like myself and Kat are on the same wavelength today.
Show us YOUR favourites in the comments section below! 


"really, Rob? really? ***THUD***"



"The way he pulls on his eyebrow! GAHHHH"



" Flashback, I love flashback days as much as I love white v-neck tee’s!" 


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

Robert Pattinson's The Rover has media outlets buzzing: "awesome", "extremely promising", "can't wait" and MORE!

Robert Pattinson's The Rover has media outlets buzzing: "awesome", "extremely promising", "can't wait" and MORE!

UPDATE2: I liked what Hey U Guys had to say so I added it to the bottom! Also included Up and Comers.
UPDATE: Added a few more at the bottom!

PhotobucketThe first official still from The Rover came out today and the response has been GREAT! It's awesome to see positive articles about Rob's work in google alerts and we have to celebrate that. One site went above and beyond the standard "looking pretty good-cue Twilight diss-can't wait to see more" narrative. We Got This Covered had this to say about Rob and The Rover:
There’s a lot of reasons to look forward to The Rover. Firstly, its director David Michod’s follow-up to the extremely successful and very well made Animal Kingdom, a film that I was really, really impressed by. Secondly, it stars two actors who are often overlooked: Robert Pattinson and Guy Pearce. 
 Allow me to clarify that last comment. Yes, Pattinson is a mega-star but his acting talents are usually downplayed. Most critics don’t give him enough credit but if you’ve seen him in anything outside of Twilight, you’ll know that he’s quite a talented individual, capable of giving great performances. For all the backlash he gets for starring in the Twilight films, I actually really enjoy Pattinson as an actor and am very happy to see him taking on more mature, dramatic roles like this. 
Excited yet? We sure are. And can you blame us? The trio of Michod, Pattinson and Pearce is an extremely promising one and that first look photo above looks great, I can’t wait to see the two actors face off against each other.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this early buzz for Rob and the film. Here are a few more select film outlets that were chatty about The Rover:
  • CinemaBlend: The Twilight series made Robert Pattinson a star, but also put the 26-year-old actor into a deep dreamboat hole that can threaten the longevity of an actor's career. So, taking a page from the smart pretty boys who came before him (Brad Pitt, Jude Law and Leonardo DiCaprio come to mind), he followed up his heartthrob role with something deeply indie, and niche-shatteringly deranged. David Cronenberg's Cosmopolis forced critics worn out by Twilight to reconsider Pattinson as he played a smarmy billionaire so numb he turns to self-destruction for salvation. And now, he's gearing up for a different version of grittiness in David Michôd's The Rover.
  • TheFilmStage: After proving his acting chops in last year’s twisted, overlooked David Cronenberg-directed drama Cosmopolis, Robert Pattinson is returning in 2013 with another highly-anticipated project,
  • ThePlaylist: We gotta admit, we sort of forgot this one was happening, but we have to say, we're glad it is...no word yet on a release date, but we'd wager 2014. Either way, we'll be looking forward to it.
  • MTV Movie Blog editor: "The Rover" with Robert Pattinson is already looking pretty great.
  • RopeOfSilicon: Pearce Points Pistol at Pattinson in New Picture..."giving you a look at just how down in the dirt this pic is going to get."
  • Flix66: Obviously Robert Pattinson has annoyed a very dirty and hairy looking Guy Pearce in this photo, so it’ll be interesting to see how all of that plays out when this movie hits theaters.
  • FirstShowing: If seeing Robert Pattinson step outside his sparkly vampire self from The Twilight Saga for more serious dramas like Water for Elephants and Cosmopolis just didn't sit right with you, then we have a new film that might work.
  • MovieFone: Robert Pattinson's latest bid to shed his "Twilight" reputation is the dystopian drama "The Rover," and as you can see below, he's taking quite a beating from Guy Pearce to prove he's no longer Edward Cullen.
  • CinemaTeaser: Awesome first pic for David Michôd's THE ROVER with Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson
  • MovieHole: First still of Robert Pattinson and Guy Pearce in David Michod's "The Rover". Script is apparently ace!
  • Collider: Michod promises that The Rover is going to be “way more chillingly authentic and menacing” than those films. That’s some strong talk, but considering how great Animal Kingdom is, I’m inclined to take Michod’s word for it.
  • EmpireOnline: “You put cars in the desert in Australia and people are going to think of Mad Max,” says Michôd. “And with all due respect to that film –and I stress that – I think The Rover is going to be way more chillingly authentic and menacing.” We believe him on both counts.
  • HeatWorld: Whether Robert Pattinson's playing a teen wizard in Harry Potter, a vampire in Twilight or a fan of large mammals in Water For Elephants, he just always looks H-O-T. And his new movie's no exception.
  • TheMovies: You know what? Robert Pattinson is actually a pretty damn good actor.
  • UpandComers: With the “Twilight” franchise well and truly finished, Robert Pattinson is finally free to move on from Edward Cullen for good – and set pictures from his new film “The Rover” show a very different Pattinson. With a buzz cut, fake yellow teeth and facial hair, the British actor looks to be settling in to filming alongside Guy Pearce (“Lawless”) in David Michod‘s futuristic drama....Pattinson has a busy few years ahead of him following his meteoric rise to fame thanks to the role of Edward Cullen in Summit’s adaptation of the Stephanie Meyer novels. The “Twilight” franchise was a worldwide phenonemon but Pattinson has made smart career decisions, ensuring he isn’t pigeon-holed. Last year he premiered the David Cronenberg pic “Cosmopolis” at Cannes Film Festival, and later this year will begin shooting Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire’s “Mission Blacklist”, playing the man who spearheaded the capture of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. He will also play a young Lawrence of Arabia in Werner Herzog’s “Queen of the Desert” and join Carey Mulligan in crime drama “Hold On To Me“.
  • HeyUGuys: David Michôd made a remarkable feature debut in 2010 with Animal Kingdom, and it’s no surprise that we’re looking forward to his sophomore film, The Rover. The film features an all-star cast, led by Guy Pearce, Robert Pattinson, and Scoot McNairy, and with the three on board for Michôd, it’s definitely shaping up to be a must-see next year. And in case you weren’t looking forward to it already, the first image of Pearce and Pattinson has been released, giving a great idea of what we can expect from Michôd here....The Rover is currently without a release date, but we’re expecting it to arrive sometime in 2014. With any luck, it’ll be fairly early next year. And though it’s early days yet, given the success of Michôd’s Animal Kingdom, we might even have an Oscar contender here for the end of this year.

"The Rover" Still With Robert Pattinson & Guy Pearce Now HQ & Untagged

You may remember a few days ago we had this fabulous first still from "The Rover" with Robert Pattinson & Guy Pearce.
Now it's HQ & Untagged and check out below what the photographer Matt Nettheim has to say about what it's like working in the heat of South Australia!


Click for HQ

"Eventually work on the mainland beckoned so I loaded up my pushbike and trailer and headed back to Adelaide to join The Rover.  Writer director David Michod had hit the jackpot with his debut feature Animal Kingdom, produced Porchlight Pictures, a regular client over my career. His Animal Kingdom cast had enjoyed massive career boosts from the films local and international acclaim, and everyone was waiting to see what David would do next.  The production rolled into my hometown Adelaide, bringing with it actors Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson, before heading off to shoot in the extremely remote and dangerously hot far north of South Australia.  The prospect of working in that environment  at this time of the year, with daily temperatures expected to be around 50 degrees, scared off many experienced local crew, but a brave crew was assembled and the film making road trip commenced."
Read More over on Matt's Blog 
 via Gossipgyal

Empire magazine calls Robert Pattinson's latest film, The Rover, one of the hottest in production!

Empire magazine calls Robert Pattinson's latest film, The Rover, one of the hottest in production!

Love all ongoing positive buzz for The Rover! The latest is from Empire magazine in an article titled - The Set List: The hottest movies in production right now!




Click HERE if you want to read more positive feedback that came from the first still released for the film.

Click for uncropped & larger

Via: robsworldtweets

New BTS Photo of Robert Pattinson from the Vanity Fair shoot in 2009

New photo from behind the scenes of the 2009 Vanity Fair shoot... Robert Pattinson with the stylist on the shoot, Deborah Watson.


Oldie but good, #RPatz first time in MTK #myfavevampire#vanityfair
debwatson via

And because it's always a pleasure to remind ourselves of that 2009 Vanity Fair shoot... here we go.


Aaaaaaand many more HERE and HERE and HERE, oh wait... and HERE!

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 14 ~ Rob Pic/GIF That Reflects Your Mood

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 14 ~ Rob Pic/GIF That Reflects Your Mood

It's my favourite day of the week.
I love seeing what moods you are all in. Here's what mood WE are in today!


"I’m finding myself dealing with idiots today - I’d love to swat them away. I also love Rob in a beanie."



"I'm totally confused today and keep thinking that it's Friday!"



"ugh. tax day for me."


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

Larger still of Robert Pattinson and Guy Pearce in The Rover from digital scan

Larger still of Robert Pattinson and Guy Pearce in The Rover from digital scan

We first posted the new still HERE as well as some positive media buzz HERE. Now we have the still a little larger in the digital scan of Entertainment Weekly. Check out bloody, sweaty Reybert!


Click for larger and uncropped!

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