365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 10 - Pic of Rob with a watch

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 10 - Pic of Rob with a watch

"Oh ya look at him looking all sweet and innocent like he doesn’t know how excited we got seeing him wearing a watch! The man can make something as simple as wearing a watch the hottest thing there is."  


"you gorgeous gorgeous man. "


"How does he make wearing a watch look so gooood? How?"


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 9 - Pic of Rob's lashes

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 9 - Pic of Rob's lashes

Gorgeous. Just another feature from countless that are stunning on Robert Pattinson.

"His lashes like everything else are SO perfect!"


"this man and those eyelashes! long, thick, wait….what am i talking about? eyelashes. yes. they sell beauties like these. "


"for a guy, he’s got some pretty luscious lashes. Look at the shadows they’re casting? Think of the butterfly kisses!"


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

New/Old Gorgeous Fan Pic Of Robert Pattinson From The "Breaking Dawn Part 1" London Premiere

New/Old Gorgeous Fan Pic Of Robert Pattinson From The "Breaking Dawn Part 1" London Premiere 

Looking SO gorgeous and relaxed


Caption on pic:
"Me & #robertpattinson on the roof at a party in London #breakingdawn"

And of course we decided to have a closer look


Source via Clara

New/Old Video Of Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg At The "Cosmopolis" Premiere In Berlin

New/Old Video Of Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg At The "Cosmopolis" Premiere In Berlin

Gah I LOVE Robenberg. Can't wait for them to work together again

via RobertPattinsonMoms

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 8 - Pic of Rob's bottom lip

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 8 - Pic of Rob's bottom lip 

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh....bottom lip day. Even though every day is bottom lip day, nothing like a slew of pictures to praise that holy pout.


"Hello bottom lip! I love this pic edit by @SlaveforRob seriously what can I say? Other than Happy Birthday @tinkrbe1l3, hope you like the pic I’ve chosen for today!"


"one of my favorite Robporn is his bottom lip. im crazy about it. i have a Robporn blog with two other gals dedicated just to that bottom lip. ALL HAIL ROB'S BOTTOM LIP!!! of course i would have THIS day be bottom lip day. ;)"


"Just to add more perfection for @tinkrbe1l3 on her birthday. Pouty McSeriouspants. Yum."



The DR is nothing but lovely, international women. Today is a celebration for all of us! Rob is jealous. ;)


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

Movie updates! Rachel Weisz out of Maps To The Stars, Quorn impresses Rob and more!

Movie updates! Rachel Weisz out of Maps To The Stars, Quorn impresses Rob and more!

Photobucket Sad news for folks that were looking forward to Rachel Weisz working with David Cronenberg and Rob. She shared with Belfast Telegraph (UK) that she has no plans to be in Maps To The Stars:
Rachel also denied stories that she will be working with David Cronenberg in Maps To The Stars with Robert Pattinson and Viggo Mortensen. "I'm not in that. I'm unemployed for now," she joked.
I'm not heartbroken. Maybe Rachel and Rob aren't destined to work together. OR third time is the charm? As long as Rob's still in something, I'm happy. But we can light a candle for Rachel in the DR. ;) There's no word yet on when the film will go into production.

Also, The Rover producer, Liz Watts and director, David Michôd, put out a sweet thank you to the people of Quorn in the February 2013 Flinders Ranges Council Newsletter. They said Rob has been impressed by Quorn!


Lastly, no Rob mention, but the screenwriter for Hold On To Me, also honored with a placement for the script on the 2012 Black List, spoke to Going Into The Story, about the film. Click HERE to read Part 3 of Brad Ingelsby's interview with the mention!

That's the latest! The Rover will be wrapping soon and it's not set in stone what's next for WorkingRob.  The most recent update has him starting Mission: Blacklist in April. Time will tell!


Happy Birthday Tink!


Once a year we get the chance 

To wish you birthday cheer. 

It pleases us no end to say, 
We wish you another Robsessed year. 

So happy birthday to you Tink, 
From the bottom of our hearts. 
And may your Rob treats multiply, 
Till they’re flying off the chart!

Happy Birthday Tink!

We Love You

Goz, Kat and Kate  

Because we love to share the love, especially on birthdays - head over to RobArt for matching iPhone, Blackberry and iPad papers.
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