365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 2 ~ Blackbook Photoshoot Pic

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 2 ~ Blackbook Photoshoot Pic

This photoshoot is one of my all time favourites! ALL the pics from it are so great.
Do you agree with the pics we've chosen or is your favourite another pic from this shoot?
Show us your choices in the comments below.


"My fave pic is the one in flannel but this one is so cute and bright - sipping his drink. Rob’s got long limbs and digits. Works for that “begging for a straddle” day too."



"I actually used my fave from this photoshoot, if I remember correctly, back in Jan. But it’s not difficult to pick another favourite from this shoot because it was all win. SO I’m going with this one today, I love the cheeky way he has his head tilted to the side and just the overall gorgeousness of the pic ;)"



"#365DoR for March 2nd, BlackBook Photoshoot pic… just as sweet a day late. The ‘tattoo’s’ - gah!"


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
NOTE: Clicking on the links posted in comments takes you away from our site where we no longer have control over your security. Click at your own risk. 
The links will inevitably also include hotness overdoses, which is a whole other issue entirely!

Roundup of Robert Pattinson mentions by costars and more!

Roundup of Robert Pattinson mentions by costars and more!


Rob's Cosmopolis co-star, Sarah Gadon, is on the cover of Real Style magazine for Spring 2013. She mentions Rob and the scrutiny that came with working opposite him plus compliments him working with Werner Herzog (Queen of the Desert). I excerpted the portion regarding Rob and transcribed. Visit HERE if you're interested in the photoshoot and full interview.
If Sarah's critically acclaimed role as the wife of Fassbender's Carl Jung got the industry's attention, her second Cronenberg role as Robert Pattinson's wife in Cosmopolis cemented her rising star status. Not only did a second collaboration with Cronenberg mean she'd join the ranks of the director's inner circle along with the likes of Mortensen, Jeremy Irons and Vincent Cassel, she became the focus of the Twihard sets' curiosity when she got close to Pattinson on-screen.

"I kept my distance, knowing that there might be a blacklash," says Sarah of working opposite Pattinson whose Twilight fan-base is comparable to Beatle-mania or Bieber Fever. "Caitlin, David's daughter, received more of a backlash because she was tweeting a lot of photographs from set, and people were speculating about their relationship and proximity. I think too that I kept such a distance that they thought, 'We're not going to find anything with this one! We'll pin it all on that one!' It's terrible that that happens too. It's terrible for him because I take my work so seriously, obviously, and so does he. It's not like you would ever compromise the integrity of your work by doing something...at least I never would. I'm boring that way."

Although cozying up to Fassbender, Pattinson and Gyllenhaal would definitely be a perk to most people, their hearthrob statuses seem irrelevant to Sarah. In fact, she seems more excited for her co-stars to join her in the art-house realm than anything else. When I suggest that Pattinson's work with Cronenberg has helped change the path of his career from teen heartthrob to bonafide actor, Sarah agrees. "Yes," she says with a smile. "Now he's going to go work with Werner Herzog."
More mentions under the cut!

Gorgeous HD Screencaps From "Breaking Dawn Part 2" With Robert Pattinson

Gorgeous HD Screencaps From "Breaking Dawn Part 2" With Robert Pattinson



Look at that face. Oh ya he's the man!



Sweet Smiley Edward


There are actually MORE After The Cut but you better grab all your safety gear before looking at those. That's your warning! See how much I love you all ;-)

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 1 ~ Pic Of Rob & A Piano

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: March 1 ~ Pic Of Rob & A Piano

Awwww MusicManRob is definitely a favourite of mine. SO many beautiful pictures of Rob at a piano.
Show us some of your favourites in the comments below. Here are OUR picks..............


"This KILLED me when i first saw it. i have desktop wallpapers that change every minute and at the time, when this picture came out, i stopped the slide show and this picture stayed up for days. it couldn’t be dreamier. *sigh*"

 photo pattinson-D-0912-11.jpg


"Oh my, today is a difficult day for me. Piano Rob means those gorgeous hands at work and you know how much I like those hands {giggles}
Anyway going with this pic *sigh*. It’s so difficult to narrow it down to just one"



"Not quite so many to choose from for today, photo of Rob with/playing a piano. I purposely avoided seeing what @emeraldkate and @tinkrbe1l3 decided on… was I a twin?? I love this one."

 photo Robplayingpiano.jpg

Click the thumbnail if you need to review the March calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
NOTE: Clicking on the links posted in comments takes you away from our site where we no longer have control over your security. Click at your own risk. 
The links will inevitably also include hotness overdoses, which is a whole other issue entirely!

'It Was Amazing To Watch Rob With The Babies' ~ Bill Condon

'It Was Amazing To Watch Rob With The Babies' ~ Bill Condon

We've seen this BTS clip of Rob and the babies before but now it's in better quality and come on it's too cute not to watch again right?
UGH how adorable is it when he tells the baby to go to sleep?



Check Out the vid at USAToday OR Watch the You Tube below  

via Clara
YouTube Source

Don't forget you lucky US people can get your hands on "Breaking Dawn Part 2" from midnight tonight.
If you're still having touble deciding on which version to buy then check out our handy Buying Guide with all the info you'll need on the exclusives that each store is offering. Check that out HERE

365 Days of Robert Pattinson! March calendar with updates

365 Days of Robert Pattinson! March calendar with updates 

February was quiet the month of love! We celebrated Bel Ami including favorite pics of DuRob as well as Rob and his costars, Christina and Uma. We also reminisced on AwardShowRob at the Oscars and BAFTA. Valentine's Day was more like a week with pink cheeks, sexytime and whispering sweet nothings. There was plenty of Robporn and fun with Rob's pants, mouth, hair and lap plus celebrating the 3 years anniversary of Rob's hot Details shoot. As if that wasn't enough, our 365DoR got noticed by the French press and praised for all of our devotion to the one and only Robert Pattinson.

February was a blast and March should keep the good times rolling!

There were some changes to the Mondays so be sure to swap out this calendar for any you have saved. There isn't a theme for this month except pure and awesome Rob....like every month!

Click HERE if you'd like to see all the months! The current month is always available on the side bar along with a link to the entire year.

Click for HQ!

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb.28 ~ Rob Pic/GIF That Reflects Your Mood

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb.28 ~ Rob Pic/GIF That Reflects Your Mood

WOW can you believe it's the last day of February already? It was a brilliant month wasn't it?  BUT there's lots more to come in March!
For the last day of the month it's one of my favourites the pic/gif that reflects your mood!
So let us see what type of a mood you're in today.......


"i have to buy several things today (gluten, yeast in bulk, scale, pastry cutter, etc) and im sitting around thinking if there’s a store that can be one-stop-shop. probably not….but im thinking…"


"I caught up with an old friend today ;-)"



"Confused. Yes, I’m thoroughly confused today. Starting up with a new mind boggling tracking program for my projects and figuring it out is fun. Fun is said in the most sarcastic tone possible. Rob confused makes me smile though :-)"


Check out the March Calendar below by clicking on the thumbnail. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
NOTE: Clicking on the links posted in comments takes you away from our site where we no longer have control over your security. Click at your own risk. 
The links will inevitably also include hotness overdoses, which is a whole other issue entirely!
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