365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb.25 ~ Rob Pic Begging For A Straddle

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb.25 ~ Rob Pic Begging For A Straddle

WOW what a way to start the week. Rob pic begging for a straddle. No begging required here (oops did I say that out loud O.O)

Well even though, and I'm sure you'll agree, EVERY pic of Rob is straddleworthy,  here's what we chose as our favourites for today ;-} Happy Monday everyone!




"The first pic that came into my head for today was a pic I used earlier this month (the one of DuRob in the church, you know the one) but I promised myself not to use the same pic twice (we'll see how that goes as the year progesses). My second choice was Eric in the limo (but I thought that was a bit of an obvious choice) so I've decided on this one because that look tells me that he KNOWS exactly what I wanna do to him and he's teasing me BIG time!"



" Seriously, how comfy and inviting does that lap look? It’s like a really hot, sexy armchair! Just want to climb right on and ‘snuggle’… yeah, right… snuggle."


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
NOTE: Clicking on the links posted in comments takes you away from our site where we no longer have control over your security. Click at your own risk. 
The links will inevitably also include hotness overdoses, which is a whole other issue entirely!

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 24 ~ Pic of Rob at the Oscars

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 24 ~ Pic of Rob at the Oscars


Oh how I love thee. Oh how I miss thee. 4 years, you guys! Man. I can't wait for The Return of OscarRob. But for now, we reminisce on 2009's OscarRob. He was classically dashing in that perfectly tailored tux and I hope the fan he was looking at in the above video is resting in peace. ;)

"Who doesn’t love Oscar Rob? To me he’s every inch the Hollywood star in this pic and what about that pantydropping stare! *faints*"


"this pic cripples me. renders me stupid. sizzles my skin and emulsifies my insides."


"OscarRob for the win. He manages to pull of debonair and shy at the same time. How does he do that?"


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

Robert Pattinson starring in our Eric Packer-themed appreciation postdedicated to NuzzlinRob

Robert Pattinson starring in our Eric Packer-themed appreciation post dedicated to NuzzlinRob  


You got it, Eric Packer!

This is our ROBsessed Eric Packer appreciation post dedicated to NuzzlinRob. Nuzz is a longtime ROBsessor and D.R. resident and loves Cosmopolis. Many of you probably know what's going on because it's been heavy on your hearts in the comments. Some personal issues have kept her in her own private D.R. dwelling and away from us but the ROBsessed community continues to wish her all the best and a return to the D.R.'s main lounge area below in the comments asap. ;)

Maybe she needs a philosophical pause, some reflection courtesy of Eric? Yes, we think so.


Some gorgeous edits Kate's collected in RobArt's gallery...click HERE to view loads more Cosmopolis ones!




I can never get enough of the Packer Swagger. And to think this was all Rob's call. LOVE IT!


Delicious screencaps and videos after the cut!

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 23 ~ Fave Pic Edit of the Day

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 23 ~ Fave Pic Edit of the Day

I love edit day! It pops up monthly I believe and it's fun to see the work people do.

"I’m glad this is a recurring topic throughout the year because I have so many fave pic edits but this one is top of the list at the moment. GAH it just leaves me speechless! It’s too much"




"i’ve been seeing this in my dashboard for the last day and i love it. love the coloring job on CosmoNYCRob and Rob’s profile always makes me weak. His neck, the jaw, the slope of his brow, down his nose to his lips and chin. The scruff and sideburns. The peek-a-boo mole. his level attractiveness continues to boggle my mind. it’s on a level of its own."


"The eyes… the lips… the hair."


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

"Breaking Dawn Part 2" DVD/Blu-Ray US Buying Guide


With just a week to go before you can pick up your copy of "Breaking Dawn Part 2" on DVD & Blu-Ray we thought we'd give you a little helping hand in deciding which version is best for you (unless you have recently won the lotto and are going to buy them all)

So let's get started:


Blu-ray, Digital & Ultraviolet  $19.96

Special Features:
  • TWO MOVIES AT ONCE Feature showing you what it was like to shoot Breaking Dawn — Part 1 and Part 2 back to back
  • Bill Condon’s AUDIO COMMENTARY

DVD, Digital & Ultraviolet $14.96

Special Features:
  • TWO MOVIES AT ONCE Feature showing you what it was like to shoot Breaking Dawn — Part 1 and Part 2 back to back
  • Bill Condon’s AUDIO COMMENTARY
  •  JUMP TO EDWARD and JUMP TO JACOB features
Pre-Order Below

NOTE: Target, Walmart, Best Buy & Barnes & Noble all do a standard version of the BluRay & DVD (with the special features the same as the Amazon one featured above).So because of that we haven't included them in our guide. Instead the ones we've highlighted below are the  EXCLUSIVE versions that each of them have to offer. 

Also it will be possible to purchase the "Breaking Dawn Part 1" Extended Edition Separately (Release Date also 2nd March) 
These are the links for Amazon:
DVD, Digital Copy & Ultraviolet Click HERE

Blu-Ray, Digital Copy & Ultarviolet Click HERE
But Target, Walmart, Best Buy & Barnes & Noble will all be carrying it

Check out all the exclusive versions of "Breaking Dawn Part 2" After The Cut  

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 22 ~ Fave Georges Duroy pic

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb. 22 ~ Fave Georges Duroy pic

Since I've been on this Anna Karenina-period-film-with-a-seducer kick, revisiting DuRob all this month has been awesome. Bel Ami is one of my top fave Rob films and revisiting our favorite pics of Georges is perfect to me.

"There are so many great Georges pics to choose from and when I wanted to make a Bel Ami Wallpaper a while ago deciding which pic to use was a major problem but I eventually chose the one above and it is still one of my firm favourites. So for that reason this is my choice for today. I can’t wait to see what everyone else chooses ;-))"


"shameless. conniving. seductive. all wrapped up in a little smirk. i actually used my favorite pic of Georges Duroy earlier this month but this screencap has the same essence that i loved in the other pic. Rob conveys the raw and simple truth of Georges feeling entitled and how he will achieve his place by any means necessary - physically fighting and f*cking and plotting his way to where he belongs - at the top. i see all of that in this pic."


"This one because of the hair flipping Rob trait :-) Love it when a little bit of RealRob sneaks into his characters."


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)

*NEW* "Breaking Dawn Part 2" Still With Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart

*NEW* "Breaking Dawn Part 2" Still With Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart

Edward is looking pretty happy with himself in this new "Breaking Dawn Part 2" still & I think we all know why!


Also check out this BTS vid is not new, we had it in LQ already but better quality giggly Rob is ALWAYS win ;-))

Or watch at the original source HERE

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