Robert Pattinson Playing Guitar With Andrea Meli
Remember THIS Tweet back in September?
Well now here's the video.
Good things come to those who wait ;-))
Thanks Sabstar for the tip!
Best Actor
Who should have won overall: As much as I want to say Denis Lavant, for his literally shape-shifting work in Holy Motors, no performance was as exciting as Tim Heidecker’s raging wealthy dickhead routine in The Comedy. And I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Robert Pattinson wuz robbed—for Cosmopolis, not Breaking Dawn 2.
Best Adapted Screenplay
What should have won overall: David Cronenberg’s script for Cosmopolis makes great a so-so Don DeLillo novel, although its real power emerged when the actors came to speak their lines. Who knew Robert Pattinson was put on earth to deliver overly-stylized DeLillo dialogue?The recognition Cosmopolis and Rob continues to get makes you proud. This is the most recent edition of an ongoing list I'm collecting on CosmopolisFilm. The lists have evened out so it's good to share now without missing some great ones. If you click the links, some of the critics have praised the film and more. I included excerpts of the ones that dished specific praise for Rob.
Celebrity is a subject she is becoming more and more familiar with. Recounting a story about R-Pattz, she confesses, "There are those surreal moments when you think, 'Wow, I worked with that person!'"Click To Read
The two appeared on a French talk show, and Sarah recalls, "It was nuts. There were so many fans. In my head I was thinking 'Oh yeah, I guess I forgot you're this massive movie star'."
With this films they both enter that small pool of actors that have a shot at becoming the next Pitt or Depp. But these days everyone is asking..... Can you become the next Robert Pattinson?If you want to check out the rest of the article head over to
Max: “It is a very lazy comparison, because Twilight was a phenomenon unto itself. Pattinson was chased down the streets of Paris before the films even came out. And he is doing well for himself. He has about five films with acclaimed directors lined up.(Kate: Well done Max. You're paying attention!)
Jake: “A lot of people expect us to knock the Twilight cast. But Taylor Lautner is a really nice kid. Robert Pattinson, I couldn’t imagine the tremendous amount of pressure he was under — and he earned my respect when I saw him fight for certain projects. Water for Elephants is a great novel, the movie is what it was. That’s not his fault. That’s the risk; we’re the face of projects.” (Kate: It was exactly what you would expect from a great novel...... A great movie!)
Both name check highbrow directors and repeatedly mention how Twilight paved the way for Pattinson to work with David Cronenberg on "Cosmopolis"