Know the fanfic Robert Pattinson read for a chance to win $100 to La Perla and an advance copy of Beautiful Bastard!

Know the fanfic Robert Pattinson read for a chance to win $100 to La Perla and an advance copy of Beautiful Bastard!

Photobucket Fanfiction has taken quite a turn over the past year. The Office generated over 2 million reads on sites before it was pulled in 2009.

Since then it's been extensively updated by the authors, Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings, snatched up for publishing and will be released Feb. 12th.

The published novel, Beautiful Bastard, even includes a sequel out this May (Beautiful Stranger).

Rob always surprises us and one of his delightful surprises has been that he's admitted to reading fanfiction. He's a man in the know. And that leads us to our final question...

What is the title of the fanfiction Rob has admitted to reading?

You get no hint on this one. ;)
  • Click HERE if you missed question 1
  • Click HERE if you missed question 2
Email your answers to all 3 questions to by 12am PST Feb. 4th. 

We'll give a short review of Beautiful Bastard (spolier-free!) and announce the winner and the runner up tomorrow. Winner will receive $100 gift card to La Perla or Victoria's Secret and both the winner and runner up will receive an advance copy of Beautiful Bastard. The contest is worldwide. Good luck and email those answers!

If you'd like to pre-order your copy now, here are the amazon links for the US and UK

Old video and pic of Robert Pattinson being dashing and cute at the 2010 BAFTA Awards

Old video and pic of Robert Pattinson being dashing and cute at the 2010 BAFTA Awards

UPDATE2: Adding a great black and white pic too :)

Click for larger

UPDATE: Added the YouTube for you guys :) Link is still at the bottom if you want to view on Vimeo.

I don't recall us posting this video before but we're shared the gifs since he's so cute in them.



Anywho, it goes well with the 365DoR theme today and it's a nice trip down memory lane.
Click HERE to view the video because it's not embeddable.

Thanks flying!

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb.3 ~ Pic Of Rob On Awards Show Red Carpet

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Feb.3 ~ Pic Of Rob On Awards Show Red Carpet

Mmmmm, Awards Show Rob, so many gorgeous possibilities.
What can I say, out of all the awards shows that Rob has attended myself and Tink chose the same one! At least we chose different pics BUT i nearly chose that one! Hilarious ;-))

Check out OUR favourites below and let us see yours in the comments section.

"There are SO many to choose from but I'm going for an oldie. 
This is from the Hollywood Film Festival 2008 where Rob won an award for acting (useless fact: Kristin Scott Thomas also won an award for acting that year too. Wonder if they had ANY idea that they'd end up working together in years to come.)
Anyway I love Rob's super sexy look here. His "to die for" sex hair, perfect stubble and suit is one of my favourite looks on him.

If you want a little flashback then click HERE"


"mmmmmmmmmmm….speechless and a pile of mmmmm’s"


"Think I have to go with this one for AwardsShowRedCarpetRob"


Click the thumbnail if you need to review the February calendar. If you missed the whole year, there's a link on the sidebar :)

If you post your 365DoR links in the comments, give us time to approve them so the DR can see :)
NOTE: Clicking on the links posted in comments takes you away from our site where we no longer have control over your security. Click at your own risk. 
The links will inevitably also include hotness overdoses, which is a whole other issue entirely!

Know the Robert Pattinson photo shoot for a chance to win $100 to La Perla and an advance copy of Beautiful Bastard!

Know the Robert Pattinson photo shoot for a chance to win $100 to La Perla and an advance copy of Beautiful Bastard!


Are you ladies ready for Round 2?? Yesterday we gave you the first question to our Beautiful Bastard giveaway. Click HERE if you missed it and be sure to jot down your answer. Now it's time for your next question. But before we get to that...let's check out a few, appropriate excerpts from Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren:
He had the face that any male model would kill for and the most incredible hair I've ever seen on a man. Freshly f*cked hair. That's what the girls downstairs called it, and according to them, it earned its title.  
He sat there, suit jacket hanging on the chair behind him, tie loosened, crisp white shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows and chin resting on his steepled fingers. His eyes boring into mine, but he said nothing.  
His hands were big, and rough almost to the point of pain, but instead of wincing or backing off, I pushed into his palms wanting more, and harder.
Oh. We should stop there. This is only Chapter 1! *turns on the air conditioning in the DR*

Now for your question!

What Rob photoshoot inspired Beautiful Bastard from the fanfic version, The Office?

If your hint isn't clear enough, you can google image the words "beautiful bastard" and you'll see. ;)

Our final round is tomorrow with the last question. We'll also give you the email address to submit your answers so check back in for Round 3.

If you'd like to pre-order your copy now, here are the amazon links for the US and UK

Know the year of this Robert Pattinson quote for a chance to win $100 to La Perla and an advance copy of Beautiful Bastard!

Know the year of this Robert Pattinson quote for a chance to win $100 to La Perla and an advance copy of Beautiful Bastard!

PhotobucketThe Cosmopolis Quest was such a success, we decided to have another Rob-themed quest to win some amazing prizes!

The novel, Beautiful Bastard, is set to release on Feb. 12th but the authors, Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings, have given us an awesome opportunity to give away the book as well at a $100 gift card to La Perla or Victoria's Secret! If that gift card doesn't surprise you, it's probably because you remember the fan fiction, The Office, and Beautiful Bastard's fetish for panty ripping. ;)

Excerpt from Beautiful Bastard:
I reached into my pocket and pulled out what remained of her underwear, ready to discard them into my drawer with the others, when I noticed the tag. Agent Provocateur. She dropped a pretty penny on these. And it sparkled my curiosity. I opened the drawer to examine the other two pair. La Perla. Damn, this woman was serious about her underwear. Maybe I should stop into the La Perla store downtown sometime and at least see how much my little collection was costing her. I ran my free hand through my hair and tossed them all back in the drawer slamming it shut. I was officially out of my mind. 
Oh those power panties. They haunted him didn't they? LOL I'll give a full review on the day we announce the winners but for now....what do you have to do to enter the contest??

Over the next 3 days, we'll be posting questions that we want you to find the answers to. Be sure to write down your answers and on the 3rd day, you'll email us all your answers. If you answered correctly, you'll be entered in a drawing for the grand prize. We mentioned the winner will receive $100 gift card to La Perla or Victoria's Secret plus the novel, Beautiful Bastard. The runner up will win the novel as well. Good luck and here's your first question....

What year did Rob make the comment "throw your panties at me"?

Hint: Here is the interview and the quote is towards the beginning.

Hold on to your answer and check back tomorrow for the next question!

If you'd like to pre-order your copy now, here are the amazon links for the US and UK

NEW/Old Gorgeous Robert Pattinson Pic From 2010

NEW/Old Gorgeous Robert Pattinson Pic From 2010

This pic is new to us. The upload date for it on Facebook is Dec 2011 but it's clearly not taken at that time.
I reckon it's from the day that Rob appeared on "The Today Show" on March 1st 2010.
Check out the photo underneath for comparison

Greeny/Brown Jacket....check
Grey/blue shirt......check
Sexy white v-neck with a peek of chest hair.....check
Just the right amount of stubble not to cause a rash.....check
Hair long enough to run my fingers through.....check
Come to bed eyes..........THUD

Oooops I got a bit distracted



And in case you'd like a little refresher or in case you missed Rob on "The Today Show" in 2010, have a peek at the interview below

Thanks to Alison

Robert Pattinson's "Mission Blacklist" UPDATED Filming Schedule & Location Information

 UPDATE : Added Report From "The Improper" Below (Scroll Down)

Robert Pattinson's "Mission Blacklist" UPDATED Filming Schedule & Location Information


Embankment Films have updated their website and added the delivery date for Mission:Blackist as Summer 2014.
As we reported before the start date for Principal Photography is April 2013.

 But there's an update also on location BlacklistMovie spoke via email to Embankment Films about the location and were told "It will not be Iraq, they start shooting in April."

So there you have it!!  Are you relieved that it's not going to be shot in Iraq?


Source / BlacklistMovie via MissionBlacklistfilm 

From The Improper
Robert Pattinson won’t be heading into harm’s way in Iraq after all, when he starts filming “Mission Blacklist” about Saddam Hussein’s capture during the Iraq War, according to sources.

Rob will be jumping out of his current picture, “The Rover,” and right into filming his psychological thriller.

Principal production is scheduled to start as soon as April, studio Embankment Films has announced on its website.

A source confirms to TheImproper that the movie won’t be shot in Iraq as originally reported. The film will likely do its location shooting in Morocco or Jordan.

A number of period desert films have been shot the North African country, including 2001′s “Black Hawk Down.” In the last few years, Michael Patrick King’s “Sex and the City 2,” Disney’s “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time,” and “Inception” have been filmed there.

But Director Kathryn Bigelow chose to film her Oscar-winning Iraq war epic, “The Hurt Locker,” in Jordan. She wanted to be as close to Iraq as possible, while avoiding the war-torn country. “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” also filmed in Jordan in 1988.

Read the rest of the article over at The Improper

Obviously we'll update with any more news or official confirmation about locations etc
Stay Tuned!
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