Viggo Mortensen out of Robert Pattinson's Maps To The Stars? David Cronenberg says possibly...

Viggo Mortensen out of Robert Pattinson's Maps To The Stars? David Cronenberg says possibly...


David Cronenberg has been talking to several outlets about Cosmopolis because of the US Bluray/DVD release and mentioned a couple of things about Maps To The Stars.

First, he told Movieline that filming is still on target for May if everything goes according to plan.
Movieline: Is your next project ready to go? 
Cronenberg: Finishing my novel right now, and I hope to be shooting Maps of the Stars in May, written by Bruce Wagner. However, it is an indie project which means, therefore, that it could fall apart.
But he also says this is an indie film and things change...such as this excerpt from Details online magazine:
DETAILS: Maps to the Stars is supposed to start shooting in May. Have you been able to sign Robert Pattinson, Viggo Mortensen, and Rachel Weisz? 
DAVID CRONENBERG: I don't think Viggo will be able to do it, but with the other two, so far, so good. Have they signed? No. But they have a verbal commitment if everything works out and if other things don't come along. It's still very possible for the three of them, but it's far from certain. That's life in the indie film world. Viggo is more likely out than in BUT could be in since things change everyday. We'll keep you posted!

The info regarding Rob we know already but David's interviews are great reads. Take a look to learn more about Cosmopolis, Cronenberg's filmmaking process and more!
  • Click HERE to read his interview with Movieline
  • Click HERE to read his interview with IGN
  • Click HERE to read his interview with Details

Robert Pattinson On GQ's 50 Best Dressed Men in Britain 2013 List

Robert Pattinson On GQ's 50 Best Dressed Men in Britain 2013 List

You were all voting and Rob made it onto GQ's list of 50 Best Dressed Men in Britain
He made it in at number 7 on their list.
Check out who else made the GQ list HERE


I have to say I love that they chose a pic of  Rob's Cosmo NYC Premiere look which YOU also voted as your favourite Red Carpet Look in our Robsessed Awards.

Here's a reminder WHY you thought it was his best look




Click & Save Below for Full Size

Wallpapers Thanks to Jules & Carol via RobArt Gallery

The Fashion Court names Robert Pattinson's style number 1 of 20 stars that stood out in 2012

The Fashion Court names Robert Pattinson's style number 1 of 20 stars that stood out in 2012

The Fashion Court selected the top 20 stars that stood out the most among others in 2012 and guess who made number 1???


Excerpt from CJ:
Never have I been so confident in my top choice of stylish star as I am with Robert Pattinson. While many have focused on the ladies of the year, it was this English actor who stood out the most to me. Last year when Robert was the runner up to Ryan Gosling’s #1 spot under my “Male Suspects” category, I mentioned that I wanted him to take chances with his suits like ‘The Gos’ did. In 2012 Mr. Pattinson did just that—and he soared.
Click HERE to read CJ's full report on Rob's fashion for 2012!


365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Jan. 1 ~ Future Rob Film That Excites You

365 Days of Robert Pattinson: Jan. 1 ~ Future Rob Film That Excites You


All three of us were in sync for the first 365DoR!

Well…….if I’m honest they all excite me. I guess “The Rover” would be my initial choice but I’m not sure if that’s mainly because it’s the first one on Rob’s schedule for this year. And then I’m SUPER excited about “Maps to the Stars” too (if it happens) because it’s Robenberg again can’t WAIT for that. Ugh this is harder than I thought (what are the next 364 gonna be like?) RIGHT going with the first thing that came into my head “THE ROVER” is my choice, going with this one because we know SO little about it, the cast is brilliant and I saw “Animal Kingdom” over Christmas and I liked what I saw! There…..done ;-)) 
this is crazy hard because im so excited for all of Rob’s upcoming films: The Rover because he’s working with a fresh and talented filmmaker and the role was something he said wasn’t easy to come by. he’ll be playing more of a “character” than he normally does. Hold On To Me because the role is probably the most purposely sexy of all of them and the story is great. it’s a minor role but a significant one. Queen of the Desert because he’s taking on the challenge again of playing a real person and the period and story excite me. Maps To The Stars because of David Cronenberg. Mission: Blacklist because it’s the only film with Rob as the lead and the story is completely fascinating. Rob is working with amazing directors for each role and his co-stars are some of the best in the business.  
saying all that, i’ll choose The Rover as the film i’m looking forward to the most but only because it’s the one i know the least about. we tend to be more intrigued by the unknown sometimes. that’s the only way i could decide for this day.
Excited for The Rover most I think... starting #365DoR off with a tough one. I doubt any will be easy though!!
Yeah that was a tough one because I know we're all pretty excited for Rob to get back to filming and filming all that he is. Did you guys see Dec. 31st on the list? We'll see how much difference a year makes. :)
Share your thoughts and we'll see you with tomorrow with 365DoR!

Robert Pattinson's "Cosmopolis" Is Out On DVD & Blu Ray In The US TODAY!

YES it's finally arrived for those of you in the US, the day you've been patiently waiting for.............
You can now purchase Robert Pattinson's "Cosmopolis" on DVD & BluRay



AND it's also Day 12 in our "Cosmopolis Quest" which means the last question!

Remember there are going to be 2 winners this time


Tell us.................

The name of the actor who plays Eric's bodyguard 

You should now have 3 answers. (If you missed the other 2 questions, check them out HERE)
  • You need to send in your answers to us at
  •  You have until Noon PST Tomorrow (2nd Jan) to get your answers in
  • We'll randomly pick a winner and announce the winner of the fourth & fifth prize packs tomorrow!!
  •  Sorry but only people in the US & Canada can enter 

OR you can view it NOW on Amazon | iTunes | Walmart 

365 Days of Robert Pattinson! Take the challenge and celebrate Rob every day for 2013!

365 Days of Robert Pattinson! Take the challenge and celebrate Rob every day for 2013!



 Rob's 2013 is looking amazing! With at least 5 films scheduled and a mysterious commercial/shoot for possibly, maybe, seems-to-be Dior, Rob will give us plenty to celebrate. That doesn't even include the surprise events he's cooking up!

Here on ROBsessed, we're introducing 365 Days of Rob - celebrating specific and unique Rob events/pics/gifs/videos/etc every day! Want to take the challenge? Think you can handle every day of ROBsession?? (yes, we pretty much do that already *wink*)

Here are the guidelines:
  • We're going to share our selections daily but that doesn't mean you can't share yours. Post your 365DoR on your own blogs, tumblrs, twitter accounts etc. Use the tag #365DoR so it's easy for people to search.
  • Additionally, you can share your selections for 365DoR in the comments and we'll do our best to moderate the links quickly so the DR can see. :)
  • We'll repost each month at the start of the month. There might be edits so check for updates each month. If Rob decides to run naked in the streets in 2013, we're going to need to dedicate a day for that. Possibly the whole month.
  • We'll have the current month image and link to this post on the side bar through the year in case you need to refer back to this post.
  • You can assume that each day is asking for one of your favorites. Picking the ultimate fave can be very hard. Some days require it though. ;)
  • If Rob explodes on the blog, you guys can keep posting but we'll likely do a roundup of 365DoR that we missed while Rob was making sure we're ON IT. ;)
  • You can follow 365DoR under the blog tag "365 days of Rob".
Sound good? Sound fun?? OF COURSE! Now for the list!

Click the image to view the month!

Special Thanks:
The awesome Fanni supplied the gorgeous Rob calendar edits for us to fill with the 365DoR. Click HERE if you'd like her 2013 calendar without the dates filled in. Thank you so much! xx
A few lovely ladies dropped us a line to help with the brainstorming. Thank you guys! You should see your suggestions popping up through the year :)
Holly | Cathy | АЛЕНА | robcrazy68 | Ann | Lisbeth | GeauxTwi | Bewitched By Rob | Paula

ROBsessed Awards Results: Robert Pattinson's Best Performance of 2012

ROBsessed Awards Results: Robert Pattinson's Best Performance of 2012


Rob's performance in Cosmopolis beat all others by 59.24% of the vote! It charts in a major way! Rob was incredible in the role and a majority of his ROBsessed fans agree. Congrats on the stellar performance, Rob! We look forward to more. :)


Click HERE to see links to all the winners but we're also keeping it up for awhile on the side bar!
Click HERE to flashback to 2011 and see the results for the 1st Annual ROBsessed Awards!

Until next year!

Coming soon....365 Days of Rob reveal for 2013! Get ready for the first day on January 1st!
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