Robert Pattinson gives "a remarkable, powerhouse performance" in Cosmopolis! More year-end Best Of lists!

Robert Pattinson gives "a remarkable, powerhouse performance" in Cosmopolis! More year-end Best Of lists!


All these lists are pretty damn satisfying. They continue to flood in and they don't even count the fanboys Kat noted in the ROBsessed Awards HERE.
  • The London Film Review: Number 1 out of 10 overlooked films of 2012!
  • Huffington Post: Cosmopolis is 2 out of 10 on a writer's best films of 2012 list!
  • Film News (UK): 4th out of 10 best films of 2012
  • Dread Central: 1 of 5 Best of 2012 - Rob "giving a powerhouse performance..."
  • Badass Digest: 3 out of 10 most underrated movies of 2012
  • Film School Rejects: 3rd place out of 12 best movie soundtracks and scores of 2012
  • The Film Stage: Names Cosmopolis one of the Best Ensembles of 2012 - "Robert Pattinson proves his genuine acting chops..."
  • Buzzine: Cosmopolis 1 of 5 top Indie films of 2012 - "...surprisingly confident performance from Twilight’s vampiric hunk Robert Pattinson to create yet another intriguing controversial masterpiece from the iconic Cronenberg."
  • TV Without Pity: Cosmopolis among a list of best movies you may have missed. - "Considering how well this movie worked out, we wouldn't object to a Cronenberg and Pattinson reunion."
  • 24fps: Rob honored for best actor as well as a best director nod for Cronenberg- "It's the slow cracking of that mask that is so remarkable in Pattinson's performance...he's a revelation."
  • Online Film Critics Society: Nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay
  • MSN Movies: Cosmopolis ranked 6 out of 10 best of 2012 
  • Chicago Reader: Cosmopolis ranked 10 out of 10 best of 2012
Click HERE to check out more of Rob's year-end lists!

Rob was also featured in this movie montage as well as his other films, Bel Ami and Breaking Dawn Part 2!

Rounding out some just-for-fun, kind of poll wins, Rob won Hollywood Crush's poll for:

  • Best On Screen Couple - Edward & Bella: No surprise here! In the final year of "The Twilight Saga"'s big-screen run, its leading lovers, the newlywed Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, dominated in this category.
  • Best Sex Scene - Bel Ami: Not even the "Twilight" fandom could outvote the National Society for the Appreciation of Robert Pattinson's Nude Upperbutt! Despite a nomination for his vampire bang-a-lang in "Breaking Dawn," his skin-tastic turn as a slutty social climber in "Bel Ami" edged out the top spot.

We have our own poll for these two categories coming up in a few hours so keep a look out!

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson with Kristen Stewart and friends (Dec. 29)

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson with Kristen Stewart and friends (Dec. 29)

Crazy pic but we know Rob's MTV jacket (and legs and gait and upper body hold and shoes and and lol). Rob is on the far left with a gray hoodie up talking to a friend.


From the source: Robert pattinson in the black and burgundy jumper second in on the left and Kristian Stewart in the hat on right


Day 9: "The Cosmopolis Quest" With Robert Pattinson

Day 9: "The Cosmopolis Quest" With Robert Pattinson


We're onto the last question for the third prize pack! 


What's the name of Eric's limo driver pictured above? (we're looking for the characters name not the actors name)

You should now have 3 answers. (If you missed the other 2 questions, check them out HERE
  • You need to send in your answers to us at
  •  You have until Noon PST tomorrow (30th Dec) to get your answers in.
  • We'll randomly pick a winner and announce the winner of the third prize pack tomorrow!!
  •  Sorry but only people in the US & Canada can enter 

And don't forget there's only 3 more days to the release of the "Cosmopolis" DVD/BluRay!!
You can Pre-Order it at the links below

OR you can view it NOW on Amazon | iTunes | Walmart 

ROBsessed Awards - Robert Pattinson's Best TV Show Appearance 2012

ROBsessed Awards - Robert Pattinson's Best TV Show Appearance 2012

2012 brought us so many great TV Show Appearances by Rob and YOUR difficult choice is to chose which one is your favourite out of this lot and vote for it below!

(We have kept the choices to the US/Canadian TV Shows)

Click each pic for a fabulous refresher of each interview

Cast your votes below

You only get 1 vote and polls close at midnight (ET) on Dec. 31st

Click HERE to view the guidelines for the 2nd Annual ROBsessed Awards

ROBsessed Awards - Robert Pattinson's Best Non-Fandom Supporter

Robert Pattinson is lucky to have had some wonderful support again this year from outside the fandom. A couple make the list for the second year running... and a couple of newbies too.

Josh Horowitz: Josh's coverage of Cosmopolis showed us he's on the Rob train for the long run, MTV First and red carpet interview to name a couple. Pretty sure we can count on Josh for more.
Click the image for some Josh Cosmopolis love


David Cronenberg: As recent as just a couple of days ago we've had so much love and praise of Rob from David. Quite the bromance. Then of course casting Rob in Maps to the Stars says it all.
Click on each image for some Cronenberg support

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Cosmo Fanboys Galore: Seriously, there are so many. So many guys shocked by Rob's performance and impressed enough to tweet their approval. Loved seeing their thoughts roll in and we know there will be more next week when Cosmopolis comes out on DVD.


The R Team - Nick, Stephanie, Dean, Sarah and Grace: They've been there from the start, Rob's business family. This video says it all. What family member doesn't love to tease the baby brother?

There they are, your four nominees in this category.
And remember, you only get 1 vote and polls close at midnight (ET) on Dec. 31st

RobHoliday Season Caption Contest: Wallbanger Edition Part 5! CaptionRobert Pattinson in Cannes to win a prize!

RobHoliday Season Caption Contest: Wallbanger Edition Part 5! Caption Robert Pattinson in Cannes to win a prize!   

Good tidings ROBsessed brings....
To the DR and our King...
Good tidings for Robmas...
And a happy new year.

We wished you a Merry Robmas,
We wished you a Merry Robmas,
We wished you a Merry Robmas,
Now a Haaaaaa-ppppppppyyyyy Neeeeeeeeew Yeeeeeeaaaaaarrrrrrr!!!



Our RobHoliday Season Caption Contests have come to a close! The Wallbanger Edition was very successful and the publisher has new treats for us in the new year. For now, we leave you with the rules, prizes and a final word from the author of Wallbanger, Alice Crayton.

Caption Contest Guidelines: 
  • To enter, write a caption for the picture in the comment section. 
  • Your fellow ROBsessors will vote by clicking the little "vote up" arrow beneath your comment. 
  • Do not click the "vote up" arrow twice because it deletes your vote when you do. You'll see the voted number light up blue when your vote is counted.
  • The caption with the most votes wins. 
  • Try to keep your caption to 1-3 sentences. ;) 
  • The contest is open worldwide & you have until 9pm (PST) Sunday, Dec. 30th, to enter.
  • Winner: You'll win the eBook version of the newly released (Nov. 25, 2012) Wallbanger by Alice Clayton
  • Runner up: You'll win the eBook versions of the 2010 series, The Unidentified Redhead and The Redhead Revealed, by Alice Clayton
Alice had one more lovely thing to share about her fanfic experience and the Twilight community. I think we can all relate to what she says about the relationships that have come from the community as a whole:
The other part about the Twilight community, and more specifically theTwilight Fan Fiction community, that I loved so much were therelationships that were forged. The commonality, the frenzy when a newchapter would update, the thrill of discovering a new story and thensharing it with others. That's why I still go on and on about booksthat I read now. When I find a book I love I just want everyone elseto know about it too! That's half the fun of being on Twitter, isfinding out what everyone else is going bonkers over. Right now it'sThe Original Sinner Series P to the S...READ IT NOW!
Click HEREHEREHERE and HERE if you'd like more info on Alice and Wallbanger

If you'd like to purchase Wallbanger or the Redhead series now, check out the links below for the Kindle version and paperback:


Day 8: "The Cosmopolis Quest" With Robert Pattinson

Day 8: "The Cosmopolis Quest" With Robert Pattinson


Are you ready for your day 8 question?


An easy one today. When you've finished staring at the pic above, I want to know.......

How old is Eric Packer?

Write your answer down and hang onto it tomorrow when we'll give you the final question for your chance to enter for the third fabulous Prize Pack and instructions about where to send your answers
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