Things That Make You Go Hmmmm: More Pictures of Robert Pattinson in NYC (Dec. 20) + the commercial was for Dior??

Things That Make You Go Hmmmm: More Pictures of Robert Pattinson in NYC (Dec. 20) + the commercial was for Dior??

A fan who got a picture with Rob HERE tweeted the following:
He's filming a commercial for Dior & I've never gotten this close before either lol. They told me it was a French commercial...
Does everyone in the DR have a current will?





Source Source Source Source

On The 8th Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me...

Here we go again... all together, nice and loud now...

On the eighth day of Robmas
Robert Pattinson gave to meeeeeeee....

Eight global journeys...


Seven lips-a-licking...

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...continued after the break...

*NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson With Fans In New York

UPDATE: 2 more pics added 
*NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson With Fans In New York Today (20th Dec 2012)

WOAH Lucky Fans 
Rob is looking SO good. Look at that smirk!


Tweets about meeting Rob From (pic above)
-He was filming a commercial today around the block from where I work!
- Lol at Rob signing my picture upside down
- Rob laughing at me as I jumped up & down out of excitement was the best AND he went to me first!! & then he came back & handed me my sharpie
-  I'm pretty sure meeting Rob has given me the most retweets & comments from fans lol! LOVE IT! He's perfect!!!


Source , Source & Source  via Source & Source

The ROBsessed Advent Calendar Day 20

I have no reason for using this gif other than I can't stop looking at it ;-)


It's DAY 20!!

Not long to go to the big day now, but we have a few more treats for you yet


"The Cosmopolis Quest" - Prizes & How to Enter

So you may already have seen our trailer for "The Cosmopolis Quest"
 If you haven't check it out below.....

And now a more in depth look at what you can win and more importantly HOW you can win them !

Thanks to Hip Genius & EOne we don't have Three we have FIVE Fabulous Prize Packs each containing 3 DVD's (Cosmopolis, Little Ashes and The Haunted Airman), A "Haunted Airman" Poster AND a Mini "Cosmopolis" Poster


Starting tomorrow we'll be counting down to the DVD & BluRay release date of Robert Pattinson's "Cosmopolis" on 1st Jan 2013 (and from the 21st Dec to 1st Jan just happens to be 12 days so you're getting another 12 days of Robert Pattinson ;-))

You'll need to check in everyday for a question, some might be easy, some might be a little more difficult. Afterall this is meant to be a challenge right?
*whispers* But people Google is your friend

Ahem, anyway you'll collect your answers and then after you collect your Day 3 (24th Dec) answer we'll tell you where to send them.
A winner will be picked at random from the correct answers and will win the first of the prize packs.
The same thing will happen on Day 6 (26th Dec) (again after you've collected 3 answers) and again on Day 9 (29th Dec). The final day, on Jan 1st, will be slightly different because we'll have 2 winners!
Sorry but the competition is only open to the US & Canada

 So are you going to take us up on the challenge and complete "The Cosmopolis Quest"?
Tune in tomorrow for the start of it!

Cosmopolis is available ON DEMAND right now (check HERE for where you can find it ) and can be pre-ordered on DVD & BluRay using the links below. 

On The 7th Day Of Robmas, Robert Pattinson Gave To Me...

You ready? And a one, two, three, four... sing with me now!

On the seventh day of Robmas
Robert Pattinson gave to meeeeeeee....

Seven lips-a-licking...

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Six Sexytime Scenes

(click each pic for surprises)

...continued after the break...

The ROBsessed Advent Calendar Day 19

Not long to go to the end now


Don't look sad Rob, there's still LOTS of great treats to come and I bet you'll be smiling after today's one!


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