Showcase Saturday With Robert Pattinson

Showcase Saturday With Robert Pattinson

Check out this fabulous new video by the lovely
It'll have you smiling and swooning from start to finish

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson's Cosmopolis makes Criterion Collection's top 25 films of 2012

VIDEO: Robert Pattinson's Cosmopolis makes Criterion Corner's top 25 films of 2012

UPDATE: Adding this great write-up from Moviefone about Cosmopolis. The film made their 10 Best Films You Didn't See in 2012 list:
There seemed to be a little juice behind Canadian director David Cronenberg's latest effort, a wonderfully meandering adaptation of Dom DeLillo's novel of the same name that charts a single, seemingly endless limousine ride. For one, the film premiered at Cannes, to mostly ecstatic audiences (full disclosure: I was in one of them), and for another, Cronenberg loaded his bizarre contraption with a secret weapon: Robert Pattinson. As a disaffected billionaire, Pattinson showed unheard of gravitas and wit, both of which were sorely missing during his five-movie tenure as sparkly vampire Edward in the "Twilight" movies. But not even his handsome or borderline hieroglyphic face, could get people to come out to "Cosmopolis." Granted, the movie is pretty weird. But it's also tremendously rewarding -- it works its hooks into you and, months after seeing it, I still can't stop thinking about it. It's also part of 2012's great limousine ride double feature, along with Leos Carax's equally strange "Holy Motors." The mini-bar optional. 
I've always loved film montages. This is a great one from Criterion Corner with awesome music. Visit the Vimeo page for a list of the songs.

This is especially cool to have Rob's film honored here since he once said all he wanted for Christmas was the entire Criterion Collection. ;) Click HERE to read the interview from 2009.

He's got to feel pretty proud Cosmopolis made their cut. :)

The Best Films of 2012: A Video Countdown from david Ehrlich on Vimeo.

RobHoliday Season Caption Contest: Wallbanger edition Part 2! Caption Robert Pattinson in London to win a prize!

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The Robsessed Advent Calendar Day 7

I think today's treat will make you feel a bit like this


Click on the calendar to get your surprise


"Breaking Dawn Part 2" French DVD/BluRay Extras Details & Pre-Order Links

"Breaking Dawn Part 2" French DVD/BluRay Extras Details & Pre-Order Links


In an interview with Collider last month Bill Condon revealed that as far as he knew there wouldn't be any commentary from Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart on the "Breaking Dawn Part 2" dvd/bluray and this list of dvd/bluray extras from Amazon France pretty much confirms that BUT there are some pretty exciting things on there (like a longer version of BD1)

The extras listed are for the French version of the movie but the extras for other countries will likely be very similiar.

The DVD/BluRay  has a release date of March 14th 2013. There is a rumoured US release date of February 16, 2013. Obviously we'll keep you up to date as soon as we know more about that.

3-Disc DVD
You can Pre order HERE

- Disc 1
- Longer version of ‘Breaking Dawn – Part 1′ (7 mins bonus)
- ‘Breaking Dawn – Part 2′
- Disc 2
- Commentary with Bill Condon
- Making of (60-90mins)
- Featurettes on Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2 (5-7mins)
- Featurette on the music
- Disc 3
- Vampires and their powers
- Vampires and their stories
- Aro and the Volturi

2-Disc Blu Ray
You can Pre order HERE

- Longer version of ‘Breaking Dawn – Part 1′ (7 mins bonus)
- ‘Breaking Dawn – Part 2′
- Commentary with Bill Condon
- Making of (60-90mins)
- Featurettes on Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2 (5-7mins)
- Featurette on the music
- Vampires and their powers
- Vampires and their stories
- Aro and the Volturi

1 Disc DVD
 You can Pre order HERE

- Commentary with Bill Condon
- Making of (60-90mins)
- Featurettes on Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2 (5-7mins)
- Featurette on the music

1 Disc Blu Ray
You can Pre order HERE

- Commentary with Bill Condon
- Making of (60-90mins)
- Featurettes on Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2 (5-7mins)
- Featurette on the music
- Picture in Picture Movie Mode

Thanks to Twilight Belgium via 

The Robsessed Advent Calendar Day 6

It's Day 6!!


I'm excited too ;-)
Click for your surprise!


No Video Left Behind: Robert Pattinson interviews from Breaking Dawn Part 2 Promo

No Video Left Behind: Robert Pattinson interviews from Breaking Dawn Part 2 Promo

Several interviews of Rob from the LA press junket and european premieres for Breaking Dawn Part 2.


Highlights from Rob's LA press junket interview with Fantastico:
  • Rob checked out Nosferatu to prepare for the first Twilight. He liked Klaus Kinkski's performance.
  • The bigger movies start to feel like a job and independent from you. Calls it a different energy.
  • Rob thinks he's four years into the ten he predicted about Twilight settling but comments on how Leonardo DiCaprio will still be asked about Titanic.
  • He wants to do movies he would buy before he started acting. He wants to work with about 30 different directors and films that are cutting edge and dangerous.
  • Rob talks Brazilian football. 

More interviews after the cut!
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