Fan pics and video of Robert Pattinson from the Breaking Dawn Part 2 premieres and MORE

Fan pics and video of Robert Pattinson from the Breaking Dawn Part 2 premieres and MORE

Thanks, twifreakgal, for the heads up! I loved this because it was my view. LOL I didn't take any video or pictures, I just observed - something I rarely get to do. It was pretty cool to see our fandom frenzy and the ease Rob takes it. The energy is intense and I'll miss seeing it on a big scale like you get with a franchise film. We'll see if Rob makes a move to go that route again in his career. For now, enjoy the video of Rob signing for fans in the bleachers at the LA premiere.

A couple of our readers had pics to share like, MrsRob :)) I know several of you went to the premieres so if you'd like to share pics, just email us.


Our reader, Michelle, sent us this awesome encounter story and great pics of Rob on the press platforms. How she survived is beyond me!
Hi ladies, I had the most unbelievable pleasure of working with E! last night and stood with the host and camera crew during ALL the interviews for the World Premier in LA! My cousin is the camera man for E! and he got me in! The producer of E! actually had me working, handing the host and hostess there question cards during there interviews! It was amazing and something I'll never forget! Additionally, I had the pleasure of chatting with Josh Horowitz from MTV as well. His platform was inches from ours and he was so sweet! I asked him if he knew where the Robsessed girls were and he didn't, but was clearly interested. We chatted more and after the show, his last interviewee was Kristen and when his camera crew wrapped he looked so sad. He just stood there staring at the ground while they packed up. I finally asked him if he was okay and he said "No, I can't believe it's over"! It was heartbreaking! I love you guys! Team Robsessed Forever!

Awww I love it! I had my own encounter with Josh too. I'll share it even though it's not exactly a Rob encounter however I did mention Rob and thanked Josh.

Loads more after the cut from other fans at LA, London, Madrid and Berlin

Your Lord and Eminence, Robert Patttinson, tweets from Glamour and not surprisingly, he owned it

Your Lord and Eminence, Robert Patttinson, tweets from Glamour and not surprisingly, he owned it

UPDATE2: The transcript from Glamour UK had more of Rob's answers included. What's with MSN UK and Glamour censoring our guy? Rob should always be unfiltered. :) I included the additions to our transcript below. Your Serene Highness's extended comments are now bold in blue. ;)

UPDATE: Rob shared more about his two dogs with Glamour UK. The new excerpt from their article about the tweeting event:
The star also spoke about the two dogs he shares with rumoured girlfriend Kristen Stewart, Bear and Bernie. Quizzed on whether the pets fight or get on as friends, Pattinson tweeted, "They love each other v much," before commenting on how "weird" it was that the public were aware of them. "I've never spoken about them in interviews. I don't think Kristen has mentioned them, either, " he said.
Um. How is Rob's memory doing? Can he go to the doctor after promo, please? Rob has spoken about Bear in the past, first with Josh Horowitz during his MTV First for Water for Elephants and most recently with Ellen Degeneres for Breaking Dawn Part Two promo. He has never mentioned Bernie but Kristen has in promo from Snow White & The Huntsman and most recently shared a picture of Bear and Bernie on Live with Kelly & Michael as well as mentioned the pups to VH1 during Breaking Dawn Part Two promo. I am up-to-date on the dogs, y'all.



Glamour UK offered fans on twitter this awesome opportunity to chat with Rob via their twitter while he's in London to promote Breaking Dawn Part two. He did a fantastic job! He sounded just like himself and gave us a mix of sweet and funny and thoughtful replies. Here's GlamourRob (bold and in red)!
  • Robert Pattinson's first tweet is just "tweet" #GlamourRob 
  • Loyal, keen, voracious RT @angel_swan_18 Des Twilight fans in 3 words #GlamourRob
  • I like the one which one of the Volturi [Alex] has, which just kills everybody. The fog thing that just kills everyone, that would be kind of fun. RT @avantika97 #GlamourRob In #BD2, new vampire powers have been introduced, which 1 do u like the most? (Tink: Alec had that cool fog effect in the film)
  • I think I was but Peter was the only one who actually paid, I was like ‘idiot’, she’s just a little kid, she’s just trying to scam us. RT @KateEDonnelly Who was fined the most money for swearing? #GlamourRob
  • Taylor I think RT @thew4llflower #GlamourRob Who would survive the longest in I'm a celebrity, u, Kristen or Taylor?
  • Depends who the woman is... Either way, it will be offensive. RT @FirstClassKris What’s the 1st thing you notice about a woman? #GlamourRob (Tink: LOL Tell us more...)
  • Taylor's imprinting scene - the funniest & saddest RT @vale55dc which scene was the funniest to shoot & which 1 was the saddest? #GlamourRob (Tink: LOL forever joking about this...)
  • A little sun round my belly button like Sisqo RT @ropebert If you got a tattoo what would it b & why? #GlamourRob (Tink: I died laughing. Sisqo is a musician from Dru Hill and released a solo album with the famous "Thong Song". Click HERE if you want to see the tat.)
  • They love each other v much RT @Dennniii Do Bear & Bernie fight often or are they good friends? #GlamourRob (Tink: Awwwww)
  • Depends on if they want to, I don’t believe in reading to kids. You put the book in front of them, if you wanna read, you've got to learn! RT @somedayrk Will you read your kids Twilight? #GlamourRob
  • I would love it if he had a six pack in the movie, and I’d like to carry that out of the movie as well. RT @KateFlor90 Tell us 1 characteristic you’d change about Ed & one you'd love to have? #GlamourRob (Tink: Hilarious. Rob has such a complex about this.)
  • Me! Because I'm a better than everyone RT @TARAISANINJA if the chars of Twilight were in The Hunger Games who would win & why? #GlamourRob (Tink: Damn right!)
  • Marmite and Baked Beans RT @PurpleHayley #GlamourRob When your parents visit you in LA, is there 1 thing you ask them to bring from the UK? (Tink: Click HERE if you don't know what Marmite is. Similar to Vegemite.)
  • Yes, I think. RT @aarushiganju Do you believe in soulmates? @GlamourMagUK #GlamourRob (Tink: Awwwwwww)
  • I want to be a Lord, I want to be Your Eminence. How do you get that? Your Serene Highness. RT @eleanorford #GlamourRob If you keep on acting would you like to get a Knighthood some day? Sir Rob? (Tink: I die. And we will SO call him this.)
  • I do have a stylist but I pick what I wear. He brings me boxes of stuff, I dress myself. RT @contagiously do u pick out what to wear or do u have a stylist? #GlamourRob 
  • There’s a scene when she runs up, oh that might not be MacKenzie, oh wait, I think that’s MacKenzie, she runs up and we’re planning a battle and she jumps up into my arms but they’re not recording sound and so I’m saying all this stuff, saying all this incredibly inappropriate stuff and she always gets really angry at me. It’s really funny because it looks really sweet but... RT @emmylovesrob What’s your fave scene with Mackenzie? #GlamourRob (Tink: I can't with his sweet answers.)
  • Depends what you consider fortune. RT @mzstaylorxx #GlamourRob is all the fame & fortune worth having no privacy in ur life?
  • A writer for Glamour magazine? Or someone who works at Nandos RT @Amy_Elizabeth30: #GlamourRob If you could swap lives with someone for one day.. who would you be? (Tink: Another foodtweet from Rob. Click HERE if you don't know about Nandos.)
  • Goodbye everyone! Thanks for your questions #GlamourRob
Another pic under the cut

New still of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Breaking Dawn Part 2

New still of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Breaking Dawn Part 2

Twilight facebook shared this new still of Edward and Bella for the Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you, Twilight :)


Source: Twilight

Robert Pattinson's Cosmopolis places #2 on Top 10 list + HD screencaps of the film!

Robert Pattinson's Cosmopolis places #2 on Top 10 list + HD screencaps of the film!

Indiewire/ThePlaylist reported that Cosmopolis made the top 10 list for "French movie bible, Cahiers Du Cinema" and not just top 10 but placed #2! Love it when Cosmopolis gets positive recogniztion.

Movieline also had this to say:
And who would've thought, four years ago when the first Twilight movie launched him into the teen idol stratosphere, that Robert Pattinson would not only make the Cahiers du Cinema Top 10 but come in with a film in the #2 slot? Looks like teaming up with Cronenberg was RPattz's best career move, after all.
To celebrate, we have HD screencaps of the film! These images are AMAZING. If you want to save them for your files, there's a link to the zip file at the source. Click HERE if you'd like to download the zip file of screencaps!

Now for a lovely preview of the screencaps. I'm obsessed with the dialogue and might know it by heart so excuse my insertion of the dialogue that's near or from the image. I wasn't going to add it but my fingers didn't stop and I had to let it express itself. ;)

"What have we learned then..."

"Put a stick of gum in your mouth and try not to chew it."


"You've seen it?"

"I didn't sleep last night."

"...a man tells her how much she excites him."

"No. We want to do it."

"It's not the sex you think I've had. It's the sex I want."

"You've been talking about the future being impatient. Pressing upon us."

Thousands of caps and more previewed images after the cut!

Robert Pattinson Shooting "Hold On To Me" After "The Rover"

According to this short NEW Interview Robert Pattinson did with 20 Minuten 
that's what's happening
Don't know how true this is but we'll keep you up to date on it as soon as we know more

Translation is done using Google Translate


How do you like the "Twilight" showdown?Robert Pattinson: When I read the screenplay, I was quite shocked. The ending with all the fighting is more "Twilight" atypical. It will be interesting.

Have you been interested in vampires before?I'm not really a vampire fan, but of course I have nothing against them. Before the first film, I researched a lot, but quickly noticed how few similarities between "Twilight" and other vampires exist. Stephenie Meyer has developed in the novel, her own personal ideas.
How has "Twilight" impacted your life?Before the movies I did not want to necessarily be an actor, but suddenly I was famous and was recognized everywhere. After this success, I couldn't take any other profession, otherwise people would have asked me what am I doing there for a job. "Twilight" has opened many doors for me and meant that I look at my own life differently now.
The fans are looking forward to the culmination of the vampire saga, but also sad that it is ending. How are you feeling?I feel the same. But now I'm curious to see how my life without "Twilight" will continue. Up to now on any other film project returned to "Twilight". I'm curious what my future brings.
That sounds mysterious. Can you tell us where you will you see next?I'm committed the next year to about ten films. Among them are "The Rover" with Guy Pearce. Then I'll proceed with "Hold On To Me," in which Carey Mulligan plays a femme fatale. Also, I'm going to be in "Queen of the Dessert" with Naomi Watts and Jude Law and then I play in "Maps of the Stars", another of  David Cronenberg's movies

Source: 20 Minuten via

EXCLUSIVE: Video & Pics From The Red Carpet & Inside The Cinema At London Breaking Dawn Premiere

EXCLUSIVE: Video & Pics From The Red Carpet & Inside The Cinema At London Breaking Dawn Premiere

I was lucky enough to go to the "Breaking Dawn Part 2" London Premiere on the 14th Novemeber & while I didn't get a pic with Rob (I'm going to believe that will happen eventually ;-}) it was an experience I will never ever forget.

It was my first time at a movie premiere so I wasn't quiet sure what to expect.
I "thought" I videoed a lot more than I did so I want to apologise for that first of all.
I think the time must have stood still when Rob appeared or something :-}

Anyway this first vid is of Rob on the Red Carpet getting pap'd. Sorry for the shakiness ;-} and you might want to turn the volume down a little too

The next vid is when they came Inside The Cinema to introduce the movie. I don't think anyone was expecting them to do this but I decided to record when I saw Bill coming to talk and then when he introduced Judi, Jamie & MyAnna I really didn't think Rob, Kristen & Taylor would be there BUT............. you know what happened.

I need to let you know that I didn't get the few words that Kristen spoke. I don't know WHY (it might be because I was taking pics at the same time, the camera does this, but it's new so I really don't know) but just as Rob finished talking my camera threw up a message saying it was writing to the card & by the time it finished Kristen had finished talking and handed the microphone to Taylor. I don't even know what she said coz I was too busy cursing at my camera but I know it was short.
Also sorry for the camera going up in the air one stage ;-}

Right I'll shut up and let you look at the vid now.



The best of the pics that I got are After The Cut 
I have LOTS of blurry ones. Seriously he was moving at VAMP speed {giggles}

"Breaking Dawn Part 2" TV Spot "Coming" With Robert Pattinson

"Breaking Dawn Part 2" TV Spot "Coming" With Robert Pattinson

This was the new tv spot that I saw over here on tv the week before last
LOVE jumping Edward going to battle!
I think I might need to go and see it again after seeing this!

via Spunk Ransom
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