Robert Pattinson Talks to CNN (Mexico) About Dior, Edward & Fatherhood

Robert Pattinson Talks to CNN Mexico About Dior, Edward & Fatherhood

Have I ever mentioned how much I HATE dubbed interviews??
We have a transaltion below for this one thanks to


How do you feel about the end of the saga? Happy, sad, relieved?
 Rob: Definitely proud. We still have to look at what it’s become, because we’re still immersed in it. Perhaps in 10 years when I watch the DVDs…it’s crazy… I still don’t understand why people watch the movies, there’s no separation.

Have you watched it with the fans? 
Rob: Not this one.

But you did last night, and there are some very passionate fans. 
Rob: Yeah

Will you miss Edward? 
Rob: Definitely. He’s very familiar to me. It’s strange to think I won’t portray him any more.

In Breaking Dawn you portray a young father, well he’s not really young, he’s 107 years old. Do you see yourself as a young father? 
Rob: He’s responsible enough. I don’t know. I don’t think so. A lot of my friends are having children and I’m starting to notice I’m not that young but, yeah, I don’t think men have any idea how to be parents. It just happens.

What do you have in common with Edward and did he teach you anything? 
Rob: I think I’m patient. I think (laughs) That’s how I would summarize it. And what did he teach me? I don’t know, not to be so introspective. I think in this film he comes out of his shell more. He stops thinking inwardly so much and tries to project himself outward. I think that’s important.

Are we going to see something with a fragrance? We’ve heard comments about Dior. You’re a stylish guy so why not? Everyone does it? 
Rob: I don’t know. I think there’d be some sort of announcement if it happens.


Robert Pattinson talks about his future plans, Mission: Blacklist, show business and more

Robert Pattinson talks about his future plans, Mission: Blacklist, show business and more

Photobucket Rob spoke to Metro about Mission: Blacklist, the choice to film in Iraq, listening to the negative, show biz culture and more. Good quotes and I like him joking about trying to find a film that more than one person will see. He's cute, loving his indies but wanting something with mainstream appeal too. We'll be there whatever it is. :) Here's his portion excerpted from Metro:
Starring as Edward Cullen, the moody vampire at the center of the "Twilight" series, Robert Pattinson has achieved worldwide stardom -- something that doesn't sit well with the British actor. "I have a weird mental disorder where the only thing I can ever hear is the negative stuff," he tells us. "It doesn't matter how many people say anything complimentary, it's always the negative."  
You can't blame him. This summer, the 26 year-old was at the center of some pretty negative headlines: His girlfriend and co-star Kristen Stewart reportedly cheated on him with her "Snow White" director Rupert Sanders. Are they on? Off? Rather than obsess about it, Pattinson would rather focus on his career after this last film in the series, "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn ---Part 2." Of his fame, he says: "Maybe I feel like I don't particularly deserve it yet, so I really want to do something worthwhile in my head and struggle for a long time."
What drives him
As evidenced by recent choices -- including David Cronenberg's challenging "Cosmopolis," which featured him getting a prostate exam -- he's not afraid of risk. "I signed up for a lot of stuff in the last year. I was really fixated on working with a lot of people who are kind of dangerous," he says. "The business part of show business has really just taken a big s-- on the show aspect of it, and so I think anyone who has any visibility should be trying to do something that is really, really subversive. I think it would be interesting trying to get really subversive stuff into the mainstream. You're in the cinema not just as a consumer but as a participant." 
It's that sensibility that led him to sign up for the lead in "Mission: Blacklist," a film to be made in Iraq next year. "That's probably out of anybody's comfort zone," Pattinson offers of the film, which is based on a true story. "It's about this guy call Eric Maddox who was an Army interrogator who almost single-handedly found Saddam Hussein. No one really knows the story of it, and the story's absolutely amazing and kind of hilarious in some ways and bizarre."  
Comfort zonesThat project teams Pattinson with French director Jean-Stephane Sauvaire, who used real Liberian child soldiers for his last film. "I think that's like his thing," says Pattinson. "I wanted him to be in his comfort zone, so we were both pushing, saying we need to shoot this in Iraq -- that's the whole point." 
You can tell where his passions lie by the fact that, during this interview, the actor talks more about "Mission: Blacklist" than "Twilight." But promotion for "Breaking Dawn - Part 2" must be done. The story finds his Edward and Stewart's Bella protecting their child from killer vampires. It's already predicted to be the highest-grossing effort in the series. And the actor is busy lining up another high-profile project, lest he lose his ability to get the riskier ones made. "This year I'm thinking I should probably try to do a movie which at least one person will see," he says, "so I'm trying to figure that out now."
MariaUK proposed that we do a book club here for MB. We were going to have one on the Mission: Blacklist blog that Kate and I run but we're all much chattier over here, aren't we. ;) Keep a look out if you're interested. It will likely start up after the holiday season. In the meantime, if you haven't already, you can purchase the book HERE


Spoiler Post: SO, What Did YOU Think Of "Breaking Dawn Part 2" ?

Spoiler Post: SO, What Did YOU Think Of "Breaking Dawn Part 2"?

Have you seen it yet? How many times have you seen it already?

What are your favourite parts? Are there things you didn't like?
Share all your thoughts in the comments below and please keep all the talk about the movie in this post so as not to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet ;-)


"Cosmopolis Scared Robert Pattinson But He Knew That Was A Good Thing" - David Cronenberg Talks Rob

"Cosmopolis Scared Robert Pattinson But He Knew That Was A Good Thing" - David Cronenberg Talks Rob

I could listen to David talking about Rob all day.

"Cosmopolis" Is out on dvd and bluray in the UK right now. Have you picked up your copy yet?
I got mine when I was over in London last week but haven't had a chance to sit down and watch it yet. That will be rectified VERY soon!

Paul Giamatti also mentions Rob and the character of Eric


Robert Pattinson Talks About Babies & We All Swoon

Robert Pattinson Talks About Babies & We All Swoon

Well actually we swoon no matter what he talks about but even more so when he talks babies, right?

Source MTV

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner Talk About The Dedication Of The Fans To Reelz

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner Talk About the Dedicated Fans who have travelled from places like Italy and Japan (and don't forget Ireland Rob!)for the BD Premiere in London

via Source

Robert Pattinson Wants To Know How The Fans Keep Warm At The Premieres

Robert Pattinson Wants To Know How The Fans Keep Warm At The Premieres

Bet there's plenty of people who would be willing to show him!
ITN caught up with Rob & Kristen on the Berlin Red Carpet
Rob's part is near the end around 1:27

Source  ITN via Source
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