MUST WATCH! Rob talks to Grimmy & friends during London press junket for Breaking Dawn Part 2 promo....for 12 minutes. :D
- The end is sinking in. Rob says it's a little frightening. He's got 5 days and that's it. That only made me wonder about the 2 extra days he tacked on there...
- The word Saga reminds him of old people
- Jokes about the Irish vampires having to wear a red wig and only green
- Jokes that he feels like he's acting with nothing in every scene when interviewer talks special effects
- Working with the CGI baby
- Likes doing the shows in Italy. They never ask about the film. Random things like Italian politics
- Remembers the crazy interview in Japan from 2009 NM promo with the fake fly buzzing around. That was classic. Click HERE to revisit
- Says Kristen and Taylor get mad at him for his answers during promo - "I don't even know what the movie's about."
- Talks about why he always looks like he's putting his hand down his pants at premieres
- Rob tucks his shirt in his underwear. He said that line looking directly at the fans sitting there. Clearly trying to kill those poor girls.
- Rob shares his premiere speed theory
- Mentions Jet from Gladiators being his obsession when he was younger. He did a dog beauty show when he was 10 and Jet was supposed to come but didn't. Said it scarred him with women and he doesn't trust women anymore.
- Fanboy'd over Stevie Nicks and said she's a big Twilight fan. Talked to her and she shared that her album was influenced by Twilight.
- Would like Carlisle's power of empathy because he has none
- Rob says he thinks Voldemort would win against the Volturi
- Acting Tips 101: Do it as much as you can, join drama clubs and dont speak off stage about your performance, act weird so people think you're interesting.
- Weirdest thing a fan has shown him was a tattoo of Edward that didn't look anything like him
- Says he'd want to direct the sex scene in Breaking Dawn but doesn't want to elaborate. Except he does elaborate later and loses me at walrus.
- Explains why kissing scenes are harder to film than love-making scenes