12 minutes with Robert Pattinson on camera? Yes please. Fantastic interview from London press junket

12 minutes with Robert Pattinson on camera? Yes please. Fantastic interview from London press junket

MUST WATCH! Rob talks to Grimmy & friends during London press junket for Breaking Dawn Part 2 promo....for 12 minutes. :D

  • The end is sinking in. Rob says it's a little frightening. He's got 5 days and that's it. That only made me wonder about the 2 extra days he tacked on there...
  • The word Saga reminds him of old people
  • Jokes about the Irish vampires having to wear a red wig and only green
  • Jokes that he feels like he's acting with nothing in every scene when interviewer talks special effects
  • Working with the CGI baby
  • Likes doing the shows in Italy. They never ask about the film. Random things like Italian politics
  • Remembers the crazy interview in Japan from 2009 NM promo with the fake fly buzzing around. That was classic. Click HERE to revisit
  • Says Kristen and Taylor get mad at him for his answers during promo - "I don't even know what the movie's about."
  • Talks about why he always looks like he's putting his hand down his pants at premieres
  • Rob tucks his shirt in his underwear. He said that line looking directly at the fans sitting there. Clearly trying to kill those poor girls.
  • Rob shares his premiere speed theory
  • Mentions Jet from Gladiators being his obsession when he was younger. He did a dog beauty show when he was 10 and Jet was supposed to come but didn't. Said it scarred him with women and he doesn't trust women anymore. 
  • Fanboy'd over Stevie Nicks and said she's a big Twilight fan. Talked to her and she shared that her album was influenced by Twilight.
  • Would like Carlisle's power of empathy because he has none
  • Rob says he thinks Voldemort would win against the Volturi
  • Acting Tips 101: Do it as much as you can, join drama clubs and dont speak off stage about your performance, act weird so people think you're interesting.
  • Weirdest thing a fan has shown him was a tattoo of Edward that didn't look anything like him
  • Says he'd want to direct the sex scene in Breaking Dawn but doesn't want to elaborate. Except he does elaborate later and loses me at walrus. 
  • Explains why kissing scenes are harder to film than love-making scenes
Great pics of Rob after the cut

Pictures of Robert Pattinson from the Breaking Dawn Part Two London Press Junket

Pictures of Robert Pattinson from the Breaking Dawn Part Two London Press Junket

UPDATE: Added the write up from the woman in the first photo. It's too cute! Thanks to our reader, Sunny Days, for the heads up. An excerpt from Entertainment IE:
What I wasn't ready for was the moment [Robert would] walk past me in the corridor - pre-interview - and make eye contact with me (or as I prefer to think of it: the moment he looked deep into my soul and we totally connected); my jaw dropped at how ridiculously attractive he is in real life. His jawline was one you could grate cheese with.
Last but by no means least it was time for the man himself, Mr. Pattinson. Pattinson is without doubt the most handsome actor I've had the pleasure of meeting. He's also the friendliest and the most unaffected by fame (sorry Joseph Gordon-Levitt, you've been relegated to my no. 2 spot). Giggling along as he figured out what he was saying, as the words, uncensored, tumbled out of his mouth, "R-Patz" remains as grateful as ever for the platform this has given him. He's not sure yet how he feels about wrapping up, he's dying to get his teeth into his next role opposite Carey Mulligan who he cannot speak more highly of - "she's just sooo good" - and he reckons he'd never be good enough to play Bond (modesty *swoons*).

What's more, he still cannot understand why people scream in his face. He's more shocked at how inaccurate the crazy fans' tattoos are, and he did once offer to bite a fan's baby. Finishing off our brief affair, Pattinson told me that he's just taken up surfing so just might take a trip to the West of Ireland which, I told him, boasts the best waves in the world. Not that I'd know, my only encounter with waves ended with a bellyful of salt water and stingy, red eyes. Not a good look for our first date, perhaps. Then he willingly posed for a pic while I said to myself "Robert Pattinson's arm is around you, take it all in", before expressing his wonder at my weird 3D phone. I then demonstrated how it takes 3D photos as he seemed genuinely amazed, to the point of getting a headache. I told him it was a HTC Android, so if you're reading this, HTC, I'll assume my cheque's in the post. With one last "Have a good day, nice to meet you" from him and a "See you soon" (um, doubtful) from me it was over, just like that. 
Click HERE to read her entire report. She talks about her encounters with Kristen, who she spotted closely behind Rob, Taylor and the film.

From Entertainment (Ireland)Moment I've been waiting for since 2008. Finally met Robert Pattinson n here's the proof!


MORE pics under the cut

Robert Pattinson talks cooking an egg, his mother the hoarder, licking his own armpits and more

Robert Pattinson talks cooking an egg, his mother the hoarder, licking his own armpits and more

I loved this audio interview with Rob from Australian promo. It feels like you're on the phone with him. He's his natural witty, humble and charming self with a good mix of giggles and jokes. You'll love it. I excerpted Rob's portion from the podcast to make it easier to listen.

  • Wants to kill the creator of "R-Pattz"
  • Filming, assuming The Rover, in Adelaide
  • Reflecting on the end of Twilight and overall experience
  • He's turned into a weirdo recluse but jokes he's lucky he wasn't that normal to begin with
  • Jokes about being named sexiest man alive in polls and one day being number 1 and dropping to 2 or 3
  • His mother has stacks of newspaper articles since he's been acting and knows his schedule before he does
  • About 90% of the things written about him are untrue
  • He sometimes likes licking armpits, including his own
  • He learned how to cook an egg
  • Since he doesn't like the gym, he just doesn't eat
  • Said he wasn't clever enough for Mackenzie and swore too much around her

Robert Pattinson and his fine lines grace the Breaking Dawn Part 2 London premiere red carpet

Robert Pattinson and his fine lines grace the Breaking Dawn Part 2 London premiere red carpet

WHAT EVEN, ROBERT?????? *weeps*


100 more after the cut

More pictures of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart leaving the London Breaking Dawn Part 2 premiere

More pictures of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart leaving the London Breaking Dawn Part 2 premiere



MORE after the cut

VIDEOS: Robert Pattinson interviews and coverage from Breaking Dawn Part 2 London Premiere

VIDEOS: Robert Pattinson interviews and coverage from Breaking Dawn Part 2 London Premiere

UPDATE: Added YouTube to the BBC interview below and Showbiz411 talks to Rob, Taylor and Kristen. Rob's portion is only in the beginning - "It's getting more emotional the closer we get to the final premiere."

Rob and Taylor talk to itv on the red carpet. Rob reflects on the Twilight years, gives much love to London ("London's the best. I'm English!") and tells a story about how a fan peed on him once. ???? LOL

Check out his naughty smile and those giggles right after he shares THAT bit of news. He MUST be joking....right??

Rob talks to BBC about Stephenie Meyer and the uniqueness of BD2 to the other films. Click the image to view.

UPDATE: YouTube added for BBC interview

More coverage and livestream interviews after the cut

Robert Pattinson continues to dazzle on the London red carpet for Breaking Dawn Part 2

Robert Pattinson continues to dazzle on the London red carpet for Breaking Dawn Part 2

Click HERE for all HQs, HERE for London premiere coverage and HERE for press junket coverage!

Hey good-lookin'!


Oh these faces he's giving us!



Over 100 HQs after the cut!
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