Robert Pattinson talks about Queen of the Desert and the role being expanded just for him

Robert Pattinson talks about Queen of the Desert and the role being expanded just for him

Thompson on Hollywood chatted with Rob about his next projects and Queen of the Desert was talked about. An excerpt:

Photobucket Rob Pattinson changed out of his green suit before coming to the party with wearing a more casual red sweater and baseball cap, saying he has three movies to shoot befiore he even gets to "Queen of the Desert," in which he plays T.E. Lawrence opposite Naomi Watts' Gertude Bell. 

"I wanted to work with Werner Herzog," he told me. He has no idea if he'll go blond to play Lawrence fo Arabia. And the role is being expanded for him. First he has to get through David Michod's "The Rover."

This might be The Rover, Mission: Blacklist and Maps To The Stars before QotD. We'll see how all the productions pan out but how awesome that the role was expanded for Rob! The filmmakers know they got a great thing going for them. ;)

Thanks smurfy_tapz!

No Video Left Behind: More press junket interviews with Robert Pattinson

No Video Left Behind: More press junket interviews with Robert Pattinson

Loads of fun tidbits in these. I highlighted them to give you an idea for each one.

Rob talks about the end with Time Warner Cable and talks The Truman Show again :) He mentioned that film during Cosmopolis promo. He also believes the film will meet fan expectation. I like how he said he was at the gym working out on the treadmill and....what else was he saying? ;)

Rob tells AMC what the end feels like and new areas he got to explore with Edward.

Rob talks to Startalk about feeling braver about movies and excited about what he's going to do next. Just after 10:40. Also mentions his favorite scene from the series and the wedding right after 13:35. One last bit at 14:25, Rob talking about actors getting films financed.

What's unique about BD2 Edward, secret Rob talent and more revealed after the cut!

Robert Pattinson talks to ITN and ClevverTV on the BD2 Black Carpet

Robert Pattinson talks about realizing Twilight was something special at the end of filming the first film and how he'd do it all the same way if he had the chance.

Little bit of Rob talking about being a parent at the beginning of this one...


HQ pictures of the Green Gucci God, Robert Pattinson, at Breaking Dawn Part 2 LA premiere

HQ pictures of the Green Gucci God, Robert Pattinson, at Breaking Dawn Part 2 LA premiere

Pics keep rolling in and they keep having all sorts of things we love about Rob.


Rob looking in the camera and trying to kill us...


Rob looking away from the camera and still trying to kill us...


Rob messing with his pants knowing this kills us....


Rob doing things with his tongue because he knows it kills us...


Rob keeping his tongue in his mouth but turning the smolder up because he's trying to kill us...


Still messing with his pants and making us think he should just take them off and that would definitely kill us...


Rob being awesome and killing us with his special brand of adorkable...


Rob reminding you he's just as sexy as he is adorkable and both will kill us....


Rob leaving and that always kills us.


See??? So much Rob, all kinds of Rob.

More than 100+ pics after the cut!

Breaking Dawn Part 2 LA Premiere: Robert Pattinson Interviews from the Red Carpet

Breaking Dawn Part 2 LA Premiere: Robert Pattinson Interviews from the Red Carpet

UPDATE5: Yahoo interview with Rob from the livestream. Located under the cut!
UPDATE4: Another angle of Rob added after the cut
UPDATE3: Two more videos added. E!, the first video on the page and Metro, the first video after the cut. Rob talking about his custom Gucci and more. SO cute
UPDATE2: More video interviews located right after the cut
UPDATE: Rob gives props to the first Twilight film for ClevverTV

Interviews are out! First up is our favorite guy, Josh Horowitz with MTV. Rob is presented with his award for the Twi-Fight. Edward won and Rob said, "Why was there even a competition?" LOL So true...:

Click HERE to view if the YouTube disappears.

Rob revealed to eOnline his inspiration for that snazzy, Gucci green suit!
Robert Pattinson might feel a little relieved that The Twilight Saga has come to an end. He's said as much himself! But that doesn't mean he won't miss it.
"In a year, I think I'll definitely miss it," R.Pattz admitted on the black carpet at the Breaking Dawn Part 2 premiere held at Nokia Theatre. "It's such a strange experience. That's why I waited to see the movie until tonight. It's such a different thing seeing it with the fans instead of on a DVD or whatever."
Fans that have been with the saga since the very beginning. And are still just as dedicated five years later, if the throngs of screaming fans that have been camping out for days are any indication.
"It was incredibly overwhelming, the first one. I mean, it felt like you were getting hit by a truck," Rob recalled of his first Twilight premiere. "This one, you kind of know what the deal is. You know nothing really weird is going to happen."
And Twi-hards, don't start your grieving just yet—because Edward Cullen himself may not hang up his fangs forever.
"Yeah! Yeah definitely," Rob told us when asked if he would ever play a vampire on the big screen again. "If it was a good script."
As for the flashy green suit he rocked tonight?
 R.Pattz laughed, "I had a dream about an emerald green houndstooth suit, and I got Gucci to make it."
LAWD! Are we going to get FashionDesignerRob in the new Rob era???

MORE interviews after the cut!

New outtake from Robert Pattinson's Blackbook magazine photoshoot

New outtake from Robert Pattinson's Blackbook magazine photoshoot

Who didn't looooove BlackBookRob?? Now we have a new outtake from that hot photoshoot :)


I'm including the rest of the set in case you were under a rock ;)

Lick and save for HQ!

Source: autumndewilde | Via

David Cronenberg mentions Robert Pattinson in Cosmopolis interview for UK DVD release

David Cronenberg mentions Robert Pattinson in Cosmopolis interview for UK DVD release

Digital Spy got a chance to talk to David Cronenberg about Cosmopolis to coincide with the UK DVD release:

PhotobucketIn terms of tapping into the cultural zeitgeist, the casting of Robert Pattinson works extremely well. Was his current fame and adulation a key factor in choosing him to play Eric?

"Well not really, I mean the so-called 'baggage' a certain actor brings with him or her is something that is completely irrelevant once you're on the film set. As a director you can't worry about that - it's too complex, it's too shifting.

"Eric in the movie is not famous, he is like the London Whale - and I don't mean the baby whale that went up the Thames. I mean the investment guy called the London Whale because of the immensity of his trades. He's anonymous, not a celebrity, because as soon as people started tracking his moves, his power to make these trades was gone.

"Eric is like that, and the reason he has this one guy tracking him is because it's an obsessive guy who is anti-capitalist in the movie. He can be in a restaurant and not besieged by fans who are tracking him on the internet, he has a bodyguard because he's worried about normal threats that anybody with a limo might have. His situation is totally different from Rob's."

I can not WAIT for Rob and David to work together again. What a fantastic advocate for Rob. Great interview overall about the film and more so click HERE to read in its entirety.

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