WATCH Robert Pattinson & Co At The "Breaking Dawn Part 2" US Premiere HERE- Livestream & Times

WATCH Robert Pattinson & Co At The "Breaking Dawn Part 2" US Premiere HERE- Livestream & Times

Livestream will start at 4.30pm PT/ 7.30pm ET/ 12.30am GMT (Tues) /1.30am CET (Tues)

Or Watch HERE

If There Was A Twilight Yearbook, What Award Would Robert Pattinson Give Taylor Lautner?

Popcorn Biz asked the cast of Twilight if there was a Twilight yearbook what award they'd give Taylor. Of course Rob had a hilarious answer

I think Rob has a bit of a nipple obsession. How many times has he mentioned nipples throughout the Breaking Dawn Promo? I'm losing count here!

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What Will Robert Pattinson Miss About Twilight? And What Will He NOT Miss

UPDATE Added Coming Soon On You Tube
What Will Robert Pattinson Miss About Twilight? And What Will He NOT Miss

Coming Soon found out

And Canal 13 (Argentina) talk to Rob & Kristen

Sourcevia ThoseBristishBoys

Robert Pattinson Talks About Being A GodParent, How He LIkes Working With Children & MORE

Robert Pattinson talks to Windy City Live about his ideas if there was another Twilight movie, talks about being a godparent, how he likes working with children, how Twilight has changed him and


Thanks to Marie for the tip!

WINNERS Of The "Breaking Dawn Part 2" Soundtrack

To celebrate the release of the "Breaking Dawn Part 2" Soundtrack a couple of days ago here in Ireland we ran a compeition to give away 5 copies, thanks to WarnerMusicIre.


Here are the lucky winners who answered the question correctly and were picked using

Ashley Aherne
Elaine Pilkington
Amy Hansard
Fiona O'Neill
Eva McInerney

Congratulations. You should have received an email from me, please reply to it with your mailing details and we'll get your cd out to you ASAP

Thanks for entering and don't worry if you didn't win.
There's another chance later today on our twitter page where we'll be giving away 2 more copies!!

Robert Pattinson's Interview with Scoop - researching vampires, the end of Twi and future roles.

Scoop interviews Robert Pattinson at the LA Press Junket for Breaking Dawn Part Two.

Rob talks about how his life has changed, researching vampires, the end of Twilight and his MANY future roles.

Robert Pattinson Talks To The San Francisco Chronicle About How Things Changed While Filming Each Twilight Movie

The San Francisco Chronicle spoke to  Robert Pattinson at the "Breaking Dawn" LA Press Junket where Rob told them about the Twilight Movies and how things changed while filming each movie


In some roles played over long periods, performers can find a way to make their character evolve, bend to their will. But in the glittering vampire world of "Twilight," star Robert Pattinson found that some things really do last forever.

"It's a strange character because there's not too many places to go," says Pattinson of much lusted-after, noble "vegetarian" vampire Edward Cullen. "He's gonna be around forever, he can't die, can't get hurt, his emotions are quite fossilized as well. I think (series author Stephenie Meyer) mentioned this in a book: With vampires, once you start feeling one thing, it just stays like that for ages. Once he's fallen in love with Bella, that's it. There's no other place to go but worrying about her."

Pattinson looks fit, if surprisingly thin, and perfectly put together as he puffs on an electronic cigarette in this Four Seasons suite in Los Angeles. However, with the promotional blitz for the franchise's final film - "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2" - only just begun, he's already sounding a touch weary, though unfailingly polite and willing to answer questions. Perhaps it's the sound of a man with one more hill before the finish line.

"It's a very strange character to play when you're projecting absolutely every human emotion onto another human. You're living vicariously through them. That's why he'd almost become a noncharacter, up until the last two movies - 'Breaking Dawn' is when he suddenly realizes, 'Oh, I have to actually live for myself. I'm not just living for her.' He spends the first three books completely saying, 'I don't exist.' I mean, that's how I read it.

"I guess I made the boldest choices in the first one. I was really thinking, 'How do I fix problems in my performance?' " He laughs at himself, then wistfully adds: "The first one was crazy; you could do anything you wanted. Entirely different thing."

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