Want Some Robert Pattinson Kisses?

Want Some Robert Pattinson Kisses?

Who wouldn't want kisses from Rob?

Might be an idea to have a towel handy to wipe the computer screen afterwards ;-)

Thanks to Patz erella for the great vid

Winner announced for the Robert Pattinson Breaking Dawn Part 2 picture + final contest details

Winner announced for the Robert Pattinson Breaking Dawn Part 2 picture + final contest details

Congrats to our Breaking Dawn Part 2 caption contest winner!



Send your email address to robsessedtips@gmail.com to collect your prize, Mizz :)

2nd and 3rd place will keep bringing the laughs...



That's all folks! We have one more Twitter contest we're running this week but the caption contests are over. Thanks to everyone who participated! They were a riot. If you don't want to wait for the Twitter contest, click HERE to purchase the eBook TODAY or click HERE to follow us.

If you missed our first post about the contest, see the announcement after the cut!

UHQ "Breaking Dawn Part 2 " Poster/Promo Pic With Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner

The "Breaking Dawn Part 2 " Promo Pic from the poster With Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner now UHQ and without the poster writing


Click for UHQ

Source sagatwilightargentina via RPAU

"I Felt Lucky To Have Robert Pattinson" - David Cronenberg Talks "Cosmopolis"

David Cronenberg spoke to the ReadingEagle.com about "Cosmopolis", casting Robert Pattinson for the role of Eric and how impressed he was with the fan sites devoted to "Cosmopolis".
Check out the parts of the interview below where he talks about Rob.


Cronenberg fans will find "Cosmopolis" very much of a piece with his filmography, particularly "Existenz." That film concerned the creation of a new virtual-reality game into which players directly - and cringe-inducingly - plugged themselves. In "Cosmopolis," Packer relies on virtual reality to simultaneously monitor and detach himself from the real world.

"The sort of strange virtual-reality element of 'Cosmopolis' does lead you to 'Existenz,' " Cronenberg conceded, "but thematically they're different. Eric was characterized by one of the investors in the movie - a man named Edouard Carmignac, who is a genuine French billionaire - to be completely accurate. Edouard invested in this movie because he felt he recognized many of his colleagues in Eric, that they do, in fact, create this kind of bubble reality that they live in and that is just completely disconnected from people's idea of human reality.

"So on that level 'Cosmopolis' is very realistic," Cronenberg said. "Of course, at the same time, there are many gamers who live mostly in a virtual world and, I suppose, 'Existenz' is still an accurate portrayal. So there is that crossover."

At first glance, Packer appears to be a soulless character. He initially exhibits little to no outward emotion, not while receiving updates about his dwindling finances, not during sex, not ever. That sense of detachment is enhanced by the limo, which is smooth-running, soundproof and bulletproof, with tinted windows that minimize Packer's view of outside events and prevent prying eyes from looking in at him.

"You can see his soul as the movie progresses, as he approaches his childhood," Cronenberg said, "because, really, we begin to realize that the barbershop represents his childhood. It's his childhood barbershop. It's where he used to live. It's where he came from." (Kate: The scene in the barber shop was one of my favourites as much as it pained me to see Rob's hair being cut)

"Eric wasn't born into money. I think you see Eric become more vulnerable and more childlike and naive, and when he's in the barber chair he becomes like himself as a child, before he'd erected this Eric character, this Master of the Universe guy. So you should gradually warm up to him as you realize how vulnerable and how wounded he is.

"It's why I cast Robert," Cronenberg added. "It's a very uncompromising performance. We don't go out of our way to make him more likable than he is, but you want to watch him. He's very charismatic, Rob." (Kate: Yes, I want watch him every minute and hour of the day, Oops did I say that out loud ;-})

"Cosmopolis" is Pattinson's show, and it's as far removed as it could be from the commercial gloss and sparkly vampires of the "Twilight" films in which Pattinson has starred as Edward Cullen. The actor has been in the news of late, owing to the demise of his relationship with "Twilight" co-star Kristen Stewart, but Cronenberg lauds his leading man for his often-overlooked, still largely untapped talents as an actor.

"Rob is in every scene of this movie," the filmmaker said, "and I needed a guy who could support that. His accent is spot-on - it's very much like Don DeLillo's accent. He brings a wry sense of humor, and he brings that strange emotionality that you feel from underneath because, as I say, it's not there from the beginning, because it's a journey in more ways than one.

"You have to see Eric evolve and, thanks to Rob, you do," Cronenberg said. "I think it's a spectacular performance, very nuanced and detailed."

Like everyone with a stake in "Cosmopolis," Cronenberg hopes that Pattinson's legions of "Twi-hard" fans will turn out en masse for "Cosmopolis." Based on the production of the film, he said, that might happen.

"The Twi-hards followed this movie hugely," Cronenberg said. "There were 20 to 30 sites devoted to 'Cosmopolis,' some of them really quite spectacular, professional and slick, and they were being done mostly by Twi-hards, who are mostly girls, and they were reading the book. They were reading the book and commenting on it, on these sites, before the movie was finished."

The director is clearly impressed.

"That was incredibly satisfying," he said. "They were loving the book and the idea that Rob was doing it, and they're supporting Rob's choice.

"I got a lot of props myself," Cronenberg added with a laugh, "because the Rob fans are rooting for him to show what he can do as an actor and, therefore, they loved me for giving him the chance. (Kate: Yes we did! Plus we loved how adorable Robenberg were)

"That was their attitude, though my attitude was that I felt lucky to have Rob." (Kate: Awwwwww, could we love David any more than we already do?)

Head over to ReadingEagle.com for the full interview 

More gorgeous Robert Pattinson edits + Vote for Rob, GQ's Best Dressed Man!

More gorgeous Robert Pattinson edits + Vote for Rob, GQ's Best Dressed Man!

UPDATE: Added more untagged edits because OH HOT DAMN! Scroll down and KEEP VOTING!

Robert Pattinson is the Best Dressed Man, period. So why is he now second place??
From @BritishGQ

Unacceptable! Click HERE to vote for this divinely, handsome man who KILLS IT in a suit...



Are you lovin' that untagged edit or are you LOVIN' it?? Thanks, Stine, for the awesomeness! Now I'm off to howl.








More edits HERE and the originals HERE.

*NEW* "Breaking Dawn Part 2" Stills With Robert Pattinson (LQ)

UPDATE: More Pics Added (Now in Better Quality) 
*NEW* "Breaking Dawn Part 2" Stills With Robert Pattinson (LQ)

These are from "The Twilight Saga" The Complete Film Archive


OH my..... Edward in black v neck rules!




Click for Larger

Click for Larger

There MORE (Non-Edward ones) over at the Source
Thanks to Melcitron for the tip

This is available for Pre-Order on Amazon US (for release on 16th Oct)

And available to buy on Amazon UK

"Breaking Dawn Part 2" Score -Track Listing & Pre-Order Links

"Breaking Dawn Part 2" Score -Track Listing & Pre-Order Links


Click for Larger

You can PRE-ORDER at the links below 

In the US

 In the UK

Some of the Track titles might be a little spoilerish (for some)so read at your own risk (it's after the cut)
I see a title that I really like on there! " Renesmee's Lullaby" though I'm curious to know what "Something Terrible" is ? Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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