Caption Robert Pattinson in Breaking Dawn Part 1 for a chance to win an eBook with Rob interviews and audio + winner announced for Eclipse pic!

Caption Robert Pattinson in Breaking Dawn Part 1 for a chance to win an eBook with Rob interviews and audio + winner announced for Eclipse pic!

Congrats to our Eclipse caption contest winner!



Kaz and her poetic skills! Send your email address to to collect your prize :)

Our 2nd and 3rd place goes to...



Ready for Part 4? It's Rob during Breaking Dawn Part 1 filming...

Caption this!


To enter, write a caption for the picture in the comments.
  • Your fellow ROBsessors will vote by clicking that little "like" button next to your comment.
  • Do not click "like" twice because it deletes the 1st vote when you do.
  • The caption with the most "likes" wins.
  • Please keep your caption to 1-3 sentences ;-)
  • The contest is open worldwide & you have until 12pm (PST) Thursday, Oct. 11th, to enter.
Good luck! Part 5, the final part for the caption contests, will follow part 4 and will be the same contest but with Rob filming Breaking Dawn Part 2 portions. Keep a look out on our Twitter and Facebook for those contests. We'll be launching our Facebook contest this week so if you hang with us over there, be on the lookout. If you don't want to wait, click HERE to purchase the eBook TODAY. :)

If you missed our first post about the contest, see the announcement after the cut!

New/Old translated interviews with Robert Pattinson (Tu, Star Club & Cannes)

New/Old translated interviews with Robert Pattinson (Tu, Star Club & Cannes)

We got 3 translated interviews for you guys and you know how those go so rub your temples and enjoy :)

UPDATE: Adding another translated interview, Star Club magazine (French)

SC: Hello Rob, what did you learn from your experience filming Twilight?

RP: I learned to put things into perspective, that the circus surrounding an actor's life is fleeting. You can be worshipped one day and hated the next. For now, the craze around Twilight is still there but I'm not naive, a few months after the last movie is out, people will have moved on. Our replacement is already here. I'm thinking mostly about The Hunger Games actors.

In the end, you're still happy to have played Edward, right?

Rob: Yes, he's an extension of myself, like a good friend. He helped me learn more about myself and I will be eternally grateful. I grew up though and if tomorrow Stephenie Meyer writes a sequel to Twilight, I'd gladly read it. I don't think people would like me reprising the role. I'd be too old to play him again.

What was your life like before your success?

Rob: I had a hard time finding roles. It's simple, for three years I found nothing but small productions that payed around $40 a day. Just between you and me, I was seconds away from giving up so when I was offered the role of Edward I couldn't believe it.

You didn't see yourself in the role of a vampire?

Rob: I didn't have a choice, I was broke! Nobody believed in me except for Catherine Hardwicke (editor's note: the director) who sort of had to force the producer's hands a little. In the end, this role helped me improve my everyday life and my life style. On the other hand, I lost what I cherished the most: my freedom. Some told me that it's the price for success. I'm sorry to disagree but I feel like it's a price too high to pay.

So did you view the end of the filming as freeing?

Rob: It's strange, I felt like releasing a big 'phew' of relief but at the same time I felt sad. For now, I know that I'm successful. Will it last? I have no idea, but if tomorrow I encounter movie failures, I won't cry about it.

Let's go back to your teenage years. I'd like to know in what kind of state of mind you were the day before the start of a new school year...

Rob: If you're looking for the speech of a the kid who was at the top of the class, you're not gonna get that from me. I wasn't a bad student either. When I was fifteen, I was a boy who was disciplined, who would learn all his lessons and pay attention in class until the day I started reading. I thought I learned more from life by reading than at school. I'm pretty please by the way that I indirectly influenced young people to take pleasure in reading. Indeed Twilight helped a whole generation to love reading about a love story as captivating as it was fascinating.

The big question! If you were to become a dad tomorrow, would you prefer to have a girl or a boy first?

Rob: I think that I'd have a better understanding with a boy. Girls are hard to understand. The instruction manual that comes with them is 800 pages long and written in Chinese! And if you know how to read it, you realise that you're still missing 32 more chapters that are essential and you have to improvise. Whereas with a boy, it's easy. Sports, tv, a video game, a big bowl of ...., some Coke and he's happy *laughs*!

2 more interviews after the cut!

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson using power tools and drilling in NYC (Oct. 5)

NEW PIC: Robert Pattinson using power tools and drilling in NYC (Oct. 5)

Yes that title is correct. Rob is drilling into a table. WELP. *spirals hard and fast into the dark recesses*


From @killawolf1


UPDATE: While our fantasy is telling us one thing, the reality of the PowerDrillingRob is here, from the source:


Click HERE if you missed the tweets from fanboys that spotted Rob at special dinner hosted by IFC Films at the New York Film Fest.

Thanks R!

Showcase Saturday With Robert Pattinson

Showcase Saturday With Robert Pattinson

It's possible that we had this one before because it's a couple of years old but I love it and it's appropriate for today ;-) (watch out for the little finger wiggle at the end!!)

Love the editing in this video

This one is super short but SO good. Who doesn't love a bit of 2009 Cannes Rob?

And seeing as we're heading into "Breaking Dawn" Promo in a couple of weeks check out this fantastic video to get you in the mood. Videomakers have some serious talent these days.

Robert Pattinson Says "Thank You" To Spanish Twilight Fans

Robert Pattinson Says "Thank You" To Spanish Twilight Fans

I could listen to that voice all day ;-)

You Tube

You can hear messages from Taylor Lautner & Kristen Stewart over at the Source

You Tube Source
Via Melcitron

Robert Pattinson attends IFC Films dinner at New York Film Fest (Oct. 5)

Robert Pattinson attends IFC Films dinner at New York Film Fest (Oct. 5)

Rob made a surprise appearance in New York last night!


Old pic but he's gorgeous and in New York. The pic applies to the theme. ;)

A bunch of lucky fellas were graced with his holy hotness at a dinner by IFC Films supporting french filmmaker, Olivier Assayas (Something in the AirParis, je t'aime), during the New York Film Fest.

First Brian Brooks tried to play it cool...


But realized quick, he was in the presence of a holy one.


The male division of the Robert Pattinson Fan Club, also reported the sighting:


Spoken like a true fangirl :)


The Playlist is definitely feeling the reason Rob hit the scene...


An Indiewire assistant editor also made note of Rob's posse:


And a crucial self realization...


So he did...


Another Indiewire reporter let us know who the posse really was...


And LA Times chimed in as well...


Another lucky guy, Ryan Werner:

Best tweet of the night goes to Matt Dentler:


Lookin' good and supporting artists. Love Rob mixing and mingling with good film folk and all the fanboys who can't contain their inner squee. :)

Robert Pattinson memes it again! Funnies spawned from the Breaking Dawn Part 2 poster

Robert Pattinson memes it again! Funnies spawned from the Breaking Dawn Part 2 poster

The Breaking Dawn Part 2 poster came out earlier this week and you know what happened, don't you?

UPDATE: Reader, Cared, sent us this gem :)


Run, Robward, RUN!

Forrestward: Totally_Dazzled

Eye of the mountain lion with eye of the tiger!

Rockyward: iluvmormonvampires


Beatlesward: rosearcadia

*giggles* MemeRob forever cracks me up. You remember JumpingRob, of course. Now we have...actually I don't know what people are calling this Robward. Runningward? JoggingRob? Whatever the name, it's funny as hell and I wanna see Edward pop up all over the place and running.

Must go faster....

Jurassicward: rosearcadia

Marathonward1: epictwilightsisters

I'd SO run in a marathon with Robward there...

Marathonward2: rosearcadia

I wanna ruuuun to yooouuuu-uuuuuu!

Gif: bswans

Some classic memes join the epic finale...

Poster meme: fuckyeahtwilightmanips

I asked my friend, fab, to make these last two to screw with my brain...


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