44 Days of Robert Pattinson - Day One: Rob's laugh
A couple of years ago, I took a tumblr challenge called
30 Days of Rob. I had so much fun with it, I created a new list with my friend, Deb, and we developed something called
44 Days of Rob. That was back in 2010 but a friend recently asked me to bring it back because we could all use a bit of a ROBlympics (thanks for that term Nancy!).
So I revamped the list and off we go!
44 Days of Rob! :)
Day One: Favorite display of Rob’s laugh
Tink's pick
Kate's pick
If you have a tumblr, you can post away there but Kate and I know many of you just hang out here, in the DR. :) We'll post our daily entries and we want you guys to share in the comments what your pick would be for that day.
Links are moderated so note that we'll have to approve them as you comment. Might take time.
A couple of other notes
- Try and mix up your choices. It’s been since the end of 2010 for
44DoR and lord knows there has been SO much yummy from Rob 2011-present. That's also why the list slants a little more 2011 and beyond.
- Many of these say “Favorite” but think of it more as “One of my favorite” because really....it would be more like Torture Tuesdays if you had to pick favorites.
Want to know all the days ahead of time? Check them out after the cut!