Blast from the Past: Robert Pattinson's Comic Con panels (2008-2011)

Blast from the Past: Robert Pattinson's Comic Con panels (2008-2011)

I can't help but feel like this Thursday, when Rob graces the stage at Hall H one last time for Twilight, it's the beginning of the end for this era in his career. PromoRob will be back to start the finish of his promotion of the Twilight Saga and Edward Cullen. The role and saga were life changing for Rob and for me. For us all, wouldn't you say? It gets me all emotional just thinking about how I became ROBsessed. *sigh* Anyway...I hope I don't get the DR all sappy but I bet we're going to be loads of sappy in the 2nd half of 2012 as we watch Rob, Kristen and Taylor say farewell to this beloved franchise.

Let's flash us back to all the panels from previous Comic Cons....2008, 2009 and 2011 :')

Comic Con 2008 - Twilight

New Moon and Breaking Dawn panels after the cut!

New/Old fan pictures of Robert Pattinson in Portugal during Cosmopolis promo

New/Old fan pictures of Robert Pattinson in Portugal during Cosmopolis promo

UPDATE: added more fanpics from this crazy pic...someone looks a little...out of place, non? Everybody loves Rob. ;)


GAWD. I was never so attracted to facial hair pre-Rob. Or moles. Or ears.....*entering the DR*


Another great, hairy shot with bonus ear & majestic mole ;)


Source | Source | Via: Spunk Ransom & Gossip Dance

MORE From Robert Pattinson About Shooting "Cosmopolis"

Another little snippet of Robert Pattinson on set talking some more about shooting "Cosmopolis"

via rpattzrobertpattinson

Great *NEW* Interview With Robert Pattinson From The Berlin Junket

Today seems to be the day for interviews with Robert Pattinson from the Berlin Press Junket
This time we have one from Prosieben.
So many cute moments in this interview AND it's NOT dubbed YAY

Source | YouTube Source via Source

UK Release Date For Robert Pattinson's "Cosmopolis" DVD & Blu-Ray & Pre-Order Links

Yeap Robert Pattinson's "Cosmopolis" DVD & Blu-Ray will be released in the UK on October 8th 2012 & you can find the Pre-Order Links for it below
Let the countdown begin!


Pre-Order Below

Thanks to Gossipgyal for the tip!

*NEW* Interview With Robert Pattinson From The "Cosmopolis" Berlin Press Junket

UPDATE: Added Translation of the video below
*NEW* Interview With Robert Pattinson From The "Cosmopolis" Berlin Press Junket

Have I told you how much I HATE dubbed interviews? Well I DO!
Why can't they use subtitles?
Anyway have fun with this one you can hear parts of it if you listen carefully.
One thing I can tell you is that they talk about sex and sex scenes and sex.
Of course THIS came into my mind ;-} and now I'll be humming it all day

Had to add this SUPER sexy toothpick action GIF Thanks to Manu


Now can you concentrate on the translation after that? {giggles}

Translation thanks to @Kris1787

I've just seen your movie.
Rob:Did you like it?
It's really crazy
Rob: It's pretty weird. It's pretty out there.
It's definitely no teenage movie
Rob: Yeah no. unless you are a really clever teenager or really interested in big limousines

In the movie there are many nude scenes. You have much sex with many different women. How was that?
Rob:Its strange. Half of the sex scenes was not planned to be sex scenes. They should take place after the sex. The script said: "They just had sex", but David said on the day: "You have sex now". All my preparations, all the work and the huge dialogue scenes that I've thought about, I could throw away.

Has you girlfriend Kristen seen the movie?
Rob:Yeah, yeah

How did you prepare her for all these scenes with all these different women?
Rob:The only problem is, when the movie isn't good. And then there is the question: "Why are you doing this? Why are you playing so many sex scenes in such a bad movie? If it's interesting and believable, then everything is okay."

When did you decide to make your relationship official?
Rob:To be honest. I don't talk about my relationship. Simply because I never did this. Since I started doing interviews. Cause I just don’t, I’ve been like it since the beginning

source | Video Source via Source

*NEW* Cute Robert Pattinson Fan Pic From The Night Of The Katy Perry AfterParty (26th June)

*NEW* Cute Robert Pattinson Fan Pic From The Night Of The Katy Perry AfterParty (26th June)


source via @Drawde_C /Robstenation
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