New images of Robert Pattinson in Cosmopolis + Visual effects details about the hand/gun shot scene

New images of Robert Pattinson in Cosmopolis + Visual effects details about the hand/gun shot scene

The Art of VFX got a chance to sit down with James Cooper, lead compositor on Cosmopolis. He discussed the film's visual effects at length and mentioned Rob. New images from the film were included too.

The whole article is interesting for those that have seen the film and something to keep in mind for those who haven't seen it yet. I love that it gave me new things to consider when I get to see Cosmopolis again in August.



These are the specific Eric Packer and Rob mentions excerpted from the article but I bolded the Rob mention. It's kind of funny. ;)
Sometimes Eric Packer occults the windows limo. Was there an on-set effect or is it your work?

It was a combination of both, actually. Initially that was to be a practical effect but David wanted to have options as to when the windows became fully opaque and when they returned to tinted transparency. To this end he shot the parts of the sequences where he was certain they would be opaque practically but left numerous shots on the front and back end of those shots as greenscreen. This allowed him much more control as to the timing of when the windows fell into darkness and for how long and gave us references as to what they would look like fully darkened.


Can you tell us about the design of the various screens inside the limo?

The character of Eric sees much more than just price and volume variations. He has a unique ability to look at the many different patterns that the volatility of the stock, commodity futures and money markets generate, analyze them and predict where they will end up in the near future. Keeping that in mind we started with the production design references and adapted them, adding our own design elements and animations to create more visually interesting screens than might normally be seen on a trader’s monitor.


Can you explain to us the shot in which Eric shots in his hand?

Well, in terms of visual effects I can. For motivation you’ll have to talk to Mr. Cronenberg. Apparently Robert Pattinson and his handlers balked at the thought of doing this as a practical effect so he just pointed the (unloaded) gun at his hand and pulled the trigger. We added the muzzle flash, smoke, wound and blood splatter in compositing.
LOL...that had to be Dean shutting down the "practical effect". Don't forget when you see that scene, it was done in one take. Forever impressed with Rob. :)

Is there an invisible effect you want to reveal to us?

A particularly challenging shot has Eric entering an alleyway on a mission to confront his stalker. We needed to replace the building at the end of the lane way for continuity purposes but Eric passes through a chain link gate which is left swinging behind him. And, of course, the camera is moving as well. Production did not have a green screen big enough to cover the entire entrance to the lane way so we rotoscoped the gates, put them on cards in 3D space, tracked the camera and animated the roto to match the actual gate. All in all a very tricky shot.


This is for Kate who commented on the surreal background:
What was the biggest challenge on this project and how did you achieve it? 

Well, of course, making the driving shots believable was a challenge, particularly since David has a slightly surreal aesthetic even in his more, shall we say, realistic films. I’m not sure that he wanted the cityscape outside to feel too real. I would say the biggest technical challenge was in the keying. He wanted to shoot the interior of the limo with tinted windows in place in very low light. This presented some challenges in that the green screen luminance was considerably less than optimal and, because of the high ISO needed to shoot in such low light, was much grainier than ideal as well. Of course we wanted to keep every hair on everyone’s head in the keys so we spent a lot of time finessing them.
Click the thumbnails to view the visual effects comparisons closer. Non-Rob images at the source.

Source | Via: Spunk Ransom

"I couldn't believe someone could be so beautiful." New/Old Robert Pattinson encounter + the rare CleanShaveRob

"I couldn't believe  someone could be so beautiful." New/Old Robert Pattinson encounter + the rare CleanShaveRob

CleanShaveRob....a rare breed.


This article was so amusing. The writer starts out with some fiction that seems pretty real to me. Rob IS a god sooooo....

From The Age (Au):
Stubble is a crime when a man looks this good clean-shaven, writes Maggie Alderson.

Rob. Pattinson. ROBERT. PATTINSON. Rarely do the heavens bestow such a bone structure on a human. He looks like something Zeus and his daughter Aphrodite dreamt up on a wet afternoon on Olympus.

Aphrodite: ''Daddy, I'm boooooooored.''

Zeus: ''Are you, my little honeybun? Let's play a game.''

He pauses to think, scratching his head with the end of his lightning bolt.

Zeus: ''I know - we'll create a human so beautiful it makes the others go mad.''

Aphrodite: ''Ooh, that would be so fun. Hmm, let me think … Got it! We'll make a young man with such a perfect face all women go soppy and mad with lust and longing when they see him.''

KERPOW! Zeus throws a bolt of lightning down to Earth, which lands in a suburb of south west London. We hear a baby's cry. Cut to poster for Twilight.
 Ah yes...clean-shaven Robward...


The author continues her campaign for more cleanshavenporn from Rob:
I can also vouchsafe that Rob is even more astonishing in real life. The director of his first film (The Haunted Airman) is one of my friends and I went to see him on set, happening to walk past Rob's trailer when he was coming out of it in his WWII RAF uniform. I nearly fainted. My director pal had told me he'd cast ''a very interesting young actor'' in the lead, but hadn't prepared me for this. I couldn't believe someone could be so beautiful - and I've interviewed a lot of stars and supermodels. But I do wish he would shave more.
I'm adding a quick visual aid of Toby Jugg for us :)

This picture is a still from his new film Cosmopolis and he's wearing a Gucci suit. Doesn't he look fine? (Tink: I used a different still for's at the top and he looks SO fine.) And the marvelous thing is that since discovering what an immaculately cut suit can do for a chap, Rob pretty much always wears Gucci for public appearances. Now he just needs to catch up his face grooming.

What makes this picture so striking is that it combines his new suit style with the clean-shaven face demanded by the character he plays in the film. The only other time I've seen him like that is the prom scene in Twilight.

What? Hello? Sorry, just had to pick myself up off the floor here.

So, knowing what he looks like without it, it's such a waste of that improbably perfect jawline to besmatter it with scruffy stubble, the way he does. I can only think it's his way of coping with his shocking beauty.

From my brief experience of him (and that wasn't the only time I met him, oh joy), I can report that he's very nice and very shy. It must have been bewildering to have suddenly become such a focus of obsession. So I reckon the face fur is a small barrier between him and the all-staring world, when he's on the promotional roll and can't go the sunnies/baseball cap celebrity hideout shell.

So other men, please take note. There are some blokes - Tom Ford springs to mind - who can work the almost-beard, but most chaps (and I hope my husband is reading this) just end up looking a bit dirty.

I can see that shaving every day is a bore, but if Rob Pattinson looks a bit rough stubbled up, can you really afford to go there?
The lady loves her some smooth skin. While it's not often, Rob has given the trusty razor a workout and freed his jaw for all to drool over. I collected some samples over the years. They may not be the cleanest shave because let's face it - ChiaRob gets a five o'clock shadow at noon. He's a MAN! But these are some of the cleanest we've seen from a man who can rock anything from baby face to mountain man and the scrufftee and stubble in between.


I wish I was the light that gets to kiss this face...


Or a water bottle. I could be the water bottle. *entering the DR*


MORE CleanShaveRob (or close) after the cut! Talk to Robert Pattinson About "Cosmopolis" Talk to Robert Pattinson About "Cosmopolis"

Interview is dubbed. You can kind of hear what Rob is saying if you don't get too mesmerised by his hands (like me ;-))

Or watch at the source

New pictures of Robert Pattinson aka DJ Rob and Kristen Stewart at a wedding (June 23rd)

New pictures of Robert Pattinson aka DJ Rob and Kristen Stewart at a wedding (June 23rd)

UPDATE 3: DJ Rob doesn't quit :) 2nd pic from the top.
UPDATE 2: YAY! More DJ Rob :) pic at the top
UPDATE: Added some "Where's Waldo" pictures in the thumbnails down below. Missed any other wedding dish? Click HERE for the reports and HERE for more pics.



Happy wedding guests are happy! And who wouldn't be when the meat in this sandwich is Robert "I'm too sexy for this world" Pattinson.


Spin it, Mr. DJ!


More about DJ Rob:
Candiesland "Twilight radio or wedding singer @samsklub playing your theme song."
@samsklub "Return of the Mack"
@furrycalamari @samsklub "yes and i told him to. He said he never got a reaction like that EVER"
@candiesland @bobbyalt "Ha! He was a guest but then took over the DJ booth "
Click HERE if you missed the main post with more pictures of super, sexhaired Rob and DJ Rob at friend and producer, Kevin Turen's wedding.

UPDATE: Where's Rob? He's in all of these pics. Click the thumbnails and have fun searching. ;)

Source | Source | Via: Robstenation, Robstendreams Alice_InTwiland & SkylarLSpencer 

New picture of Robert Pattinson with reporter in Bild newspaper during Cosmopolis promo in Berlin

New picture of Robert Pattinson with reporter in Bild newspaper during Cosmopolis promo in Berlin

GAH. Why so hot, Rob?? Jesus.


I have no idea what this paper says other than the title ("Being Normal is Damned Expensive") but we'll update the post when a translation comes in.

UPDATE: Translation is in. From Kate1706K in the comments. Thanks Kate!
They asked him whether he has ever been poor and he responds saying that before Twilight he was but these things don't matter when you're young. He also says that still lives the same life as before, only that it is much more expensive now to keep living a normal life. Before, when he went out he would only take 20 Euros with him, whereas now he spends 12.000 in one night. he also cannot just go shopping, he has to pay people to do it.... (tried to keep it literal, but "Bild" is as yellow press as it gets in Germany, so grain of salt :)

Source | Via: Spunk Ransom

More *NEW* Pics From Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg's Photoshoot

More *NEW* Pics From Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg's Photoshoot
More pics and the other ones Now LARGER

So Handsome


Click for Larger


New photoshoot with Robert Pattinson and David Cronenberg during Cosmopolis promo in London

New photoshoot with Robert Pattinson and David Cronenberg during Cosmopolis promo in London

Tiny for now but yummy for ALWAYS! Rob is gorgeous as always in these portraits during the press junket in London June 1st.


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