Cosmopolis Goodies: Kevin Durand discusses Robert Pattinson and their characters + Rob and Paul Giamatti still

Cosmopolis Goodies: Kevin Durand discusses Robert Pattinson and their characters + Rob and Paul Giamatti still

We've had this posted already but it was cropped.

I love this picture because I love what Eric says here: "You're unsettled because you feel
you have no role, you have no place."

Kevin Durand (Torval) spoke to Suite101 about Cosmopolis and Rob. Here's an excerpt:
Torval tolerates Eric, and he tends to see him better than anyone else does and feels disdain for him. Was that intentional or did I read that in?

Durand: From when I first read it I thought he was more than just chief of security relationship with this financial iconic kid. It was kind of father son-ish in some ways, seeing someone who over the years come sot care for this kid. He’s doing the dumbest things and constantly putting me in danger. It is layered, there is a lot happening, a lot of affection too and loathing. It’s all there.

Robert Pattinson said he had ideas for his onscreen relationship with Torval. Did you ever discuss it?

Durand: He didn’t really have to think of it. He’s used to a lot of security and so it was natural. It was important to him because especially in this film, his life is in Torval’s hands. There were times when I was reading the script I asked myself so many questions. Does he like this kid? Does he want to kill this kid? There were so many things going on. Ultimately he was just trying to keep him alive.

There are moments when you’re looking at him and there is real fire.

Durand: I can’t believe it but it’s a daily thing for him. It was hard for me to get into that too much. It was the second scene we shot and I was frustrated. I was getting angry that he wasn’t looking at me. It was either his choice or David’s choice but he never makes eye contact with me so immediately that informs you of your place. I remember I had to pull it back and make it sit. You’re feeling “What am I?” This real classist thing. There was disdain for him but he was also entertained by the ridiculous shit he talks about, like saying how perky a woman’s breasts were. It’s like, “How do you get away with this shit?” I would be in prison. It’s an interesting mix of disdain and admiration.
The Torval and Eric relationship was very good. One of my favorite interactions and one I recite often. At least Torval's lines. They're funny. He's going on and on about the complex and the situation and Eric is pretty steady - we want a haircut.

Photo: eOne

"People Do Not Know What To Expect When They Walk In To See "Cosmopolis" - Robert Pattinson

UPDATE: Added You Tube

"People Do Not Know What To Expect When They Walk In To See "Cosmopolis" - Robert Pattinson tells MSN

Well I think most of us have a fair idea by now ;-))
If you haven't read the book skip forward to 1:00 because there's a big spoiler at the start

Original Vid After The Cut

Gorgeous *NEW* "Cosmopolis" Still With Robert Pattinson

Gorgeous *NEW* "Cosmopolis" Still With Robert Pattinson

Eric & Ibrahim


Click For HQ

Thanks to eOnefilms

FULL Video Of Robert Pattinson At The "Cosmopolis" Screening In Portugal (29th May)

FULL Video Of Robert Pattinson At The "Cosmopolis" Screening In Portugal (29th May)

via rpattzrobertpattinson

Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg Apple Store London Q&A (Now in HD)

UPDATE Added Daily Motion Version
Robert Pattinson & David Cronenberg Apple Store London Q&A (Now in HD)

Or Click on the screencap to watch


Source via Source

Robert Pattinson Discusses His Future Acting Projects & Getting Into Music With MSN

Robert Pattinson Discusses His Future Acting Projects & Getting Into Music With MSN

Or check it out at the Source

A Modest Robert Pattinson Talks To "Total Film" Magazine About "Cosmopolis" & More

A Modest Robert Pattinson Talks To "Total Film" Magazine About "Cosmopolis" & More


Robert Pattinson will soon be bidding farewell to the Twiverse, with Breaking Dawn – Part Two hitting cinemas in November. He’s not wasting any time moving on, though, as Cosmopolis blasts into cineplexes this month.

Directed by David Cronenberg and adapted from Don DeLillo’s novel, Cosmopolis is a blackly comic drama in which 28-year-old billionaire Eric (Pattinson) gets caught up in a whirlwind of chaotic activity as he attempts to get across Manhattan.

We gave Pattinson a ring to ask him a few quick questions about the film...

How’s it going?

"Good. Although I don’t why we’re doing this [interview] at 9 o’clock at night on a Friday in London. It just shows how much of a loser I am! It’s the one time I’m free…"

Cosmopolis seems like a game-changer performance for you…

"I felt, doing this film, how I felt doing films before the first Twilight. Where I didn’t have to worry about anyone’s reaction… and now I’m incredibly worried about everybody’s reaction! I’m absolutely terrified!"

It’s a film open to interpretation. What do you think it’s about?

"I definitely didn’t think it was a Wall Street movie and that was what I was most afraid of. Because Eric’s wearing a suit and seems apathetic I thought people would write it off as American Psycho. I never read it as that but the tone has similarities. What I thought is that it’s about Eric trying to find some kind of alternative reality. It’s really sad.

"I read a thing that described is as a guy who’s trying to throw everything away in one day – he’s not trying to throw anything away, he’s trying to find something else. If the guy was totally nihilistic, it wouldn’t be sad. I did an interview with a French magazine the other day and the journalist was saying ‘this is a movie about the end of the world’ and was like,‘oh, YEAH. It IS.’

"David was saying at the wrap party, ‘Oh, it’s much funnier than anything I’ve done in ages’ and I completely forgot that I found the script funny because I was playing it totally seriously the whole time. It’s confusing! (Kate: That's the understatement of the year!) David said to me ‘I didn’t understand it at the beginning and I hope to not understand it at the end’.

"It’s that that thing that Fellini said – as soon as you understand it, it’s dead, it has no more interest. It’s this thing that’s swimming in nothingness and has no land or sky… and that’s the most pretension thing I think I’ve ever said in my entire life."

Did you base Eric on anyone?

"It’s just the words – there was such a specific voice from the very beginning. It’s just really well written. Most scripts are really shit and you’re just thinking ‘how can I make it better?’ but this one, all you had to do was just say it. A really shitty actor could just sit there and say it and make it sound really good." (Kate: No a really shitty actor could NOT just sit there and make it sound good! Stop running yourself down Rob!)

There’s a lot of crazy scenes in this… what were your favourite and least favourite scenes to film?

"The prostate exam scene got cut down, the last line of that scene was [Eric saying] ‘I wanna bottle-fuck you slowly with my sunglasses on.’ I remember reading that scene [when reading the script], with a doctor’s finger up your arse – and having absolutely no idea how to say that. Or even if I could get on set and have a camera in my face and say that. But that fear is what made me want to do it."

Do you think this will take you to a different audience?

"When you get some kind of success quite quickly you have to pay for it somehow, pay your dues and stuff. I want to support the whole part of the industry that I like and got me interested in film. With the limited amount of power I have I would love to use it to get indies which never would be made or seen, hopefully seen. And also I just want seem cool!"

What do you think the Twilight fans will think of this?

"I think they’ll like it. I’m not particularly worried about that at all. The only thing they wouldn’t like is the same thing that anyone wouldn’t like – if it was shit. But I think it’s a good film. Some people will be like ‘whaaat?’ but no-one’s going to be offended by it. It’s quite a funny film, essentially."

What was it like working with Paul Giamatti?

"I shot a lot in the limo and all the other actors had to enter my world there. Then my scenes with Paul were huge scenes in a different environment and probably the most nerve-wracking scenes. We had 5 days to shoot 19 pages and we ended up shooting it in a day and half. Almost every take in it is the first take. And the scene where I shot myself in the hand was all one 4-minute take. It’s crazy."

Seems like you work relentlessly – do you ever take a break?

"I inadvertently took a really long break. I didn’t want to, but I haven’t worked for 10 months – I mean, not working on a film, I did other stuff, (Kate: And what "other stuff" would that be now?) I didn’t just sit there – but I’ll probably work for five years now. I really want to do something soon."

Cosmopolis opens 15 June 2012.

Source Total Film
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