Robert Pattinson Makes Us All Winners....

A couple of weeks ago many of you sent us your number one reasons for the Rob love you hold. Your wonderful, thoughtful responses were taken and turned into Rob's 26th Birthday Post and everyone who sent in an email was also entered into a drawing.

Photobucket *No reason at all to use this gif in this post other than, why not? It's my favourite.

Goz, Kate, Tink and I were all winners after having the pleasure of reading your heart felt emails.

Robert Pattinson makes us all winners with each turn he takes in his career.

But there can only be one winner of the Cosmopolis Soundtrack and they are revealed after the cut...

David Cronenberg & Don DeLillo Talk Robert Pattinson To Le Monde

Le Monde spoke to David Cronenberg & Don DeLillo and they mention Robert Pattinson.
Again I used Google to translate so take the translation loosely but I think you'll get the gist of it. (I hope ;-})


Why did you, as a director choose to adapt a novel?

David Cronenberg: First of all laziness, to write an original script can take years. Cosmopolis, that took me six days. A record for me. It was very strange. The first day, I transcribed the dialogues, in a direct format scenario. The following day, I added the details of the action. And that's all. I read, wondering if this was a movie. It was. With the structure of dialogues. Don DeLillo's dialogues are unique. They have a specific rhythm. They are totally realistic, but at the same time stylish.

The dialogues are crucial?

David Cronenberg: They're a key element of the scenario, the only really found on the screen. Everything else changes once in production. The dialogues give you an idea of ​​the quality of the film. Are the characters are interesting? How do they interact?

This approach to the scenario may seem surprising from an author well versed in the genre of film?

David Cronenberg: We often think that cinema is a visual art. I personally think that this is a very complex alloy. For me, the essence of cinema is a face that speaks. That's what we film the most. I heard that the last twenty-two minutes of the film, where there is none other than Paul Giamatti and Robert Pattinson in a room, this is theater. I don't think so. In theater, you wouldn't have close-ups, no camera movement, no changes in light. This is the cinema. Without close-ups there is no cinema.

And Robert Pattinson?

Don DeLillo: The character he plays ​is very close to the one in the novel. I haven't seen the Twilight series, in which he acts, but I impressed my two 13 year old nieces, saying that Britain's Robert Pattinson would play in a film adapted from one of my books. They show me respect now! (Kate: I bet they do. Now is the time to suck up to Uncle Don)

David Cronenberg: Casting is an occult art. It is a matter of intuition. There are objective factors, though. The character is 28 years old, he is American. So you need someone who is that age, and that can have a perfect American accent. The film is a co-production between France and Canada. Also, I could use only one American actor, and for me it was Paul Giamatti. I could take a Briton, however.

Then of course there is the presence of the actor. He needs to be able to embody this character who is particularly complex, cruel, brutal, vulgar, in a sense, and very sophisticated and vulnerable at the same time, naive and childish? To make people believe that such a young person has achieved so much, takes strength and charisma. And he's in every scene. This doesn't mean he must be beautiful, but it must be pleasant to look at him for an hour and a half. (Kate: Oh believe me it's more than pleasant to look at Rob for an hour an a half ;-))
Finally, he must have a certain notoriety. Since the film costs a certain budget, you need to be able to excite your financial partners a little. (Kate: And I'm pretty sure that Rob excites financial partners (along with everyone else) more than a little.)
With all these constraints, the list of actors is relatively short. And I started thinking about Rob soon enough.

via rpattzrobertpattinson

2 NEW Robert Pattinson "Cosmopolis" Stills (From The Soundtrack Booklet)

2 NEW Robert Pattinson "Cosmopolis" Stills (From The Soundtrack Booklet)



Other pics of the soundtrack
Click for Larger


And if you want to pre-order your copy you can do so below

Amazon UK (Release Date: 4th June)

CD & MP3

You can have a listen HERE

Amazon US (Release Date: 10th July)

CD & MP3

You can have a listen HERE

Juliette Binoche Tells "Io Donna" (Italy) That Robert Pattinson Is A Very Ambitious Man

Juliette Binoche talks about the new David Cronenberg film starring Robert Pattinson: Cosmopolis. Here's a preview of her interview in "Io Donna"

I translated this using google translate so if it's a bit lost in translation that's why ;-)


Cosmopolis is the place and the time is when "a rat became the unit of currency."

That's the epigraph to the novel by Don DeLillo that David Cronenberg has made ​​into a film.
It says a lot that it is among one of the most anticipated at the Cannes Film Festival (out May 25).
"We are at the end of an era, the golden age of cyber capitalism, with the booming markets and unbridled dreams of individual wealth." On that fateful day Eric Packer (Robert Pattinson, the star of Twilight) - a young and immoral millionaire - decides to cross the city, in his soundproofed and protected limousine for a haircut.
In this odyssey he will meet rebellion, will cross the fate of murderers, professionals, technocrats, and that of Didi Fincher, his art dealer.
She proposes to acquire a work by Mark Rothko. But Eric Packer wants the Rothko Chapel for himself , a place of spirituality that 'belongs to the world. "The deal will not be made."
Didi Fincher in "Cosmopolis" is Juliette Binoche, an actress who is an object of desire for directors all over the world.

Robert Pattinson HD "Cosmopolis" Screencaps (The Steamy Set)

Robert Pattinson HD "Cosmopolis" Screencaps (The Steamy Set)

I just had to screencap it. I mean look at that face!



"Except I'm a world citizen with a New York pair of balls"



LOADS More Screencaps After The Cut

David Cronenberg: ‟I Was Proud To Offer Robert Pattinson A Chance To Prove The Extent Of His Talent"

David Cronenberg: ‟I Was Proud To Offer Robert Pattinson A Chance To Prove The Extent Of His Talent"

You may remember last week we had an interview with Robert Pattinson in Premiere magazine
And now with thanks to our lovely reader OverTheRainbow we have the full translation of David Cronenbergs interview as well.

It's a fantastic read where David talks about how he's excited to take Rob to Cannes, how he chose Rob for the role of Eric & how the other actors in the movie felt about Rob getting the part.
He also says that Rob could have as good a career (maybe even better) than Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt plus lots more.

It's a must read and I guarantee you will have a smile on your face after reading it.
I didn't think it was possible to love David anymore than I already do, but it is.


David Cronenberg: ‟I can really see Rob having a career like Johnny Depp's.”

Sex, power and limo: the Cosmopolis film director tells how he guided Robert Pattinson into living his performance.

Première: What is it like to come back to Cannes with Cosmopolis?
David Cronenberg: The festival and me, we have a long history. In a sense, I feel like I'm coming home. I think Cosmopolis is an ideal film for Cannes and I am very excited at the thought of taking Rob to it. (Kate: So are we. We can't wait)

Première: It is impossible now to imagine anyone else in this role. Yet, you had originally offered it to Colin Farrell...
David Cronenberg: When Colin left the project to shoot the remake of Total Recall, (Kate: Oh Colin, you fool! But it was fate. This role BELONGS to Rob) I started to rethink everything., He was too old for the role, anyway; he is 35, and if I wanted to be faithful to the book, I had to find someone who is 25. I then began to study actors of that age, and that's when I thought of Rob. I had seen him in Twilight, of course, but nothing he had done until then really predisposed him to play in Cosmopolis. Except that you choose an actor for the potential you see in him, not for his resume. And the more I thought about it, the more the idea appealed to me.

Robert Pattinson Steamy "Cosmopolis" Clip (Now In HD)

We had this Robert Pattinson "Cosmopolis" Clip before and the windows of the limo (and my computer screen) were well and truly steamed up after it but now it's in HD glory.
God help us all when we see it on the big screen.

And in French without the subtitles

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