Events producer, Chad Hudson, posted some pics of the Breaking Dawn Part 1 and Remember Me premieres. Visit the source links below to see GREAT interiors of the after party for both film premieres.
Breaking Dawn Part 1
So good to his fans. :)
Kristen Stewart with the photogs while Rob and his posse mingle with fans. Forever love Nick, Stephanie and Dean.
Remember Me
Nick and Stephanie looking on while Rob does his thang.
Description from the Remember Me premiere page:
CHE (Chad Hudson Events) conquered the multiple threats of bad weather, rabid fans, and New York city regulators for the premiere of Remember Me. For Robert Pattinson’s first post-Twilight film, CHE managed a snow-covered red carpet and fans who stormed the barricades, as well as a beautiful, classic Hollywood party at the Plaza Hotel.Eclipse
Rob, Kristen and Taylor. I see Nick and Stephanie again :)
No pics of Rob but click HERE to view the Twilight after party interior and HERE for New Moon.
Source: Breaking Dawn | Source: Remember Me | Source: Eclipse | Via: Kstewangel | Alice_inTwiland