Robert Pattinson makes Monday Magestic - Beanie Baby Style

This photo a week or so ago made me miss the beanie... it's been such a long time since we've had the honour of seeing Beanie Robert Pattinson.


Remember when it was a must have for Rob? Awwww, the memories.


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


More Beanie-Love After The Cut....

Robert Pattinson's "Bel Ami" Russian DVD Menu With A New Scene

Robert Pattinson's "Bel Ami" Russian DVD Menu With A New Scene

More torture for us.

Via / Source

Showcase Saturday starring Robert Pattinson

Showcase Saturday starring Robert Pattinson

OH MAN! This was too short! So hot....and what's number 1?? GAH. Still super hot.

This video has so much yum! Warning though...Cosmopolis spoiler just after :55 but then it's gone at 1:10. It was a clip from pap footage during filming. If you're trying to stay protected, just skip over that and enjoy the rest of the yummmmmm.

I love the video caption for this one: Rob was so hard with his new haircut on Berlinale.
Indeed he was. (FYI: Hard as in boss, DR.)

See you next Saturday!

Screencaps Of Robert Pattinson & Uma Thurman (New "Bel Ami" Scene)

Screencaps Of Robert Pattinson & Uma Thurman (New "Bel Ami" Scene)

Thought you might like these (they're not HQ so i'll remake them if/when the vid comes out in better quality)

Georges is not looking too interested


Oooh hang on something has caught his eye


I wonder what it could be



Tons More Screecaps After the Cut

Longer Video Of The New "Bel Ami" Scene With Robert Pattinson & Uma Thurman

Longer Video Of The New "Bel Ami" Scene With Robert Pattinson & Uma Thurman

I Loved this scene

Say it Again

NEW PIC: Behind the Scene shot of Robert Pattinson and David Cronenberg on the Cosmopolis Set

NEW PIC: Behind the Scene shot of Robert Pattinson and David Cronenberg on the Cosmopolis Set

The official website got a new look and also had a new Rob pics in their "downloads" section!



UHQs after the cut :)

New Bel Ami Scene with Robert Pattinson and Uma Thurman

New Bel Ami Scene with Robert Pattinson and Uma Thurman

YAY! New Bel Ami scene featured on ENews :) It's LQ but it's still gooooooood. SEXY!

How will YOU be watching Bel Ami on May 4th? Click HERE for your options.
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