Monday Madness - Robert Pattinson Brings You The Letter P

Each time I pour through our prodigious collection of Robert Pattinson photos to find perfection for picspams, (I know... poor me!) I come across an image that sparks the next picspam.

This time this one was the culprit...


I've picspammed his profile in the past - but that was a long time ago. So much perfect, pouty, picspam p0rn since then. So much.

Just look at it... Rob, look to the right please?


And to the left....


Thank you.

Do you see it? The perfection, the pleasantness, the pure paradise, The Pretty. Need more proof on the pleasing perception? Okay - you twisted my arm...


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Happy Monday! Peace xox

On a side note - if you're having any trouble noting the pleasing perfection of the profile - click HERE. :-)

Sinful Sundays with Robert Pattinson and your Robfessions

Sinful Sundays with Robert Pattinson and your Robfessions

Let's crowd into the ROBfessional together...

So much PromoRob on the horizon! This confessor will be put in the nut house for sure because I've got a lot of money on Gucci being Rob's suit of choice for promo season.


Awww...poor sweet Rob. Gucci today, Gucci gone tomorrow. Gotta love the contrasts between RedCarpetRob and RealRob though. :)


Now we're talkin'! Let's get really sinful...


And if he followed through with those eyes, what would you have him do, dear confessor?


Alrighty then! And what would happen in the limo?


"So gross, so brazen!" We're just a bunch of cannibals for Rob. Well not all of us...


Yeah right. What kind of friends? ;)


Are you smiling? :)

Lick and save for HQ images used for the ROBfessions

Outtakes lol

Email us your ROBfessions and we'll see you sinful ladies next week!

Sarah Gadon mentions Robert Pattinson's character + Cosmopolis wallpapers

Sarah Gadon mentions Robert Pattinson's character + Cosmopolis wallpapers


Sarah was interviewed by MTV and talked briefly about her and Rob's characters in Cosmopolis:

MTV: Can you give me a sense of Elise [in "Cosmopolis"] and how she interacts with Rob's character?

Gadon: I think it's a really interesting film, and I don't want to give away too much, but I think in a really kind of pared-down version of the film, it's about a young millionaire who loses everything in the course of a day. And I play his new wife, so I'm one of the only characters that really kind of comes in and out of the story throughout the film. We have breakfast, lunch and dinner together, and those are going to be some interesting meals.

Can. not. wait.

Visit MTV to read the article in its entirety.

Did that Elise & Eric wallpaper at the top make you the love? You know what that means. Marina has a few more Eric Packer wallpapers she's designed for CosmopolisFilm. Check 'em out!




How awesome are these?? Love the background Marina's been using in recent weeks. And obviously I love the foreground too. ;)

Lick and save for HQ wallpapers!

Robert Pattinson Is Sexiest Man In UK's Glamour Magazine

It's no surprise to us that UK "Glamour" Magazine readers voted for Robert Pattinson as their sexiest man.
He's ALWAYS our sexiest man!


From the November issue of GlamourUK:

"So for the second time on the spot, R-Pattz is crowned your sexiest man on the planet. He's wrestled the top spot from his co-star and - votes combined - proves the love among the Twihards is still strong. And that's only set to intensify when Breaking Dawn hits cinema screens next month. Yes. you'll once again get to ogle Edward in all his brooding, marble-skinned glory! Oh and we finally get to see the big sex scene- Team Edward, prepare to lose your shiz!"

Source via RobPattzNews

Showcase Saturday starring Robert Pattinson

Showcase Saturday starring Robert Pattinson

After looking at this video, how can you not breathe, "perfect..." *cries*

So much PromoRob in this one! I love it. Especially since this past week brought us some 411 on PromoRob for Breaking Dawn :) Rob's sex is totally a killer.

The slow-mo strip tease from RomeRob and RomeRob fingering his sexhair? Done and done.

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