More *NEW* HQ's & MQ's Of Robert Pattinson From Comic-Con

A few more MQ & HQ pics of Robert Pattinson & co from Comic-Con


How is it that he makes a simple thing like drinking a bottle of water so interesting to look at??



More After The Cut

Gorgeous Robert Pattinson WFE Stills Now In HQ

Some gorgeous Robert Pattinson "Water For Elephants" Stills now HQ.

I can't wait for this DVD to come out. I NEED to see it again and again and again :-}



Click & Click Again for HQ

Source:RobsessedSpain via Robstenation

And in case you haven't already done it you can Pre-Order "Water For Elephants" using the links below :-)

In the US you can pre-order here

And if you're in the UK you can pre-order here

How to get Robert Pattinson's 6 pack abs

How to get Robert Pattinson's 6 pack abs

I love having a logical reason to post this pic...


Robert Pattinson definitely knows how to tone up. His trainer spills the beans on the 4 moves to get Pattinson packs:

Jealous of Robert Pattinson's chiseled six-pack? It's okay to admit it -- even some of his female fans are. So we spoke to the man behind the physique, celeb trainer and fitness maven Harley Pasternak, to find out the moves Pattinson uses on his enviable core.

Pasternak recommends starting with a five-minute cardio warmup, then heading into the circuit. "To start, three sets of 20 to 25 reps per move is great, but remember to keep changing your program week to week to keep seeing results," he advises.

The Moves:
1. Bicycle Crunch: Lay flat on your back and raise your legs into the air, bending them at a 90-degree angle. Crunch your head up with your hands interlaced behind your head. Bend your right knee towards your left elbow, extending your left leg, then repeat, switching sides. "This move is great because it trains the ab muscles forwards, backwards and sideways on the transverse muscle," says Pasternak.

2. Dumbbell Side Bend: Stand up straight with a dumbbell in your right hand and your left hand on your hip. Lean down with your weighted hand, moving the dumbbell towards your knee, and then return to standing. Do all reps on one side, then switch. "This tones the obliques and helps create that crease you see on Rob. It's great for those shirtless scenes!" he says. (Tink: *bites fist*)
Click HERE to read steps 3 and 4!

Now we need to know what workout regimen Rob has for THIS:

*whispers* you know I had to fit that gif into this post as well.

Source: Huffington Post | Via: @SkylarLSpencer

Gorgeous *New* Robert Pattinson Wallpapers

Our lovely reader Agi made these beautiful Robert Pattinson Wallpapers, the first one using a pic from last years Teen Choice Awards.
Look at the stubble, I love this wallpaper.


And this second one is using pics from USA Today


Click & Save Below For Full Size

Caption Robert Pattinson - "Hidden" Competition

It's time to announce the winner of the Caption Robert Pattinson - "Hidden" Competition.
As usual great entries and it was very tight!

BUT the lucky winner is..........



Aussiegirl captioned this photo with...........
"I swear to God, I literally have a different personality, depending on which side of my face you speak to."


Congrats Aussiegirl!
Can you please email us at and we will get your ebook on it's way to you!

The top 3 after Aussiegirl (all separated by only a few votes) were.......

Audience members watch, confused, as Rob flings his head from side to side.
"Now you see it, now you don't. Now you see it, now you don't."

Help me name tag is stuck in my fly and I can't straighten up!

R: Go ahead, touch the bald spot...I know you waaaaant to!!!!
K: This is so embarrassing...I can't even look!!

So onto your pic for today.

Again we are giving away another ebook of "Hidden" and for your chance to win we want you to caption THIS pic of Robert Pattinson. (It's another Comic-Con one because there's SO many good ones from there)


To enter for a chance to win a copy of "Hidden" write a caption for the pic in the comments.

Your fellow ROBsessors will vote by clicking that little "like" button next to your comment.
(Do not click "like" twice because it deletes the 1st vote when you do:))
The caption with the most "likes" wins.
Please keep your caption to 2-3 sentences at most ;-)

The competition is open worldwide!
You have until 10am Tuesday 2nd Aug (GMT) to enter ;-)

We will announce the winner then and give you another pic to caption and another chance to win.

If you're not lucky enough to win "Hidden" you can purchase it at these places:

In Print



NEW/OLD PIC: Robert Pattinson on the set of Cosmopolis with David Cronenberg and Goûchy Boy

NEW/OLD PIC: Robert Pattinson on the set of Cosmopolis with David Cronenberg and Goûchy Boy

Pre-haircut ;)


Wonder if he plays the character of Kozmo. Just checked IMDb and he's listed as Kozmo. :)

Source: Gouchy Boy | Via: SkylarLSpencer

Don't Forget To Enter Our Caption Robert Pattinson -"Hidden" Competition

Don't forget you have until 10am (GMT) tomorrow to get your entry in for our "Caption Robert Pattinson" Competition for your chance to win a copy of "Hidden"


For the photo that we want you to caption and details of How To Enter, go HERE

Good Luck!
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