Robert Pattinson on 'Breaking Dawn' at Comic-Con: 'You always forget just how huge it is'

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Bill Condon talk to EW about being at Comic-Con and how it compared with other years.


Comic-Con’s Hall H held all the devoted fans (some who had been waiting to get in since Monday) it could pack in for Thursday’s Breaking Dawn panel. “You always forget just how huge it is,” said Robert Pattinson, a few hours later, relaxing with coffee alongside Kristen Stewart and director Bill Condon.

The highlight of the presentation had to be the screening of the never-before-seen footage of Bella and Edward’s honeymoon on Isle Esme. “I thought it went over really well,” said Condon. “I was hoping that the beats that they would kind of ‘Oooh’ and ‘Ahh’ over were the ones they would. It felt really good.” There certainly was plenty of both oooh-ing and ahh-ing (thanks to scenes of Stewart clad only in a white towel and Pattinson shirtless in the ocean by moonlight). And yet both actors agreed it was a calmer, gentler panel scene than during previous years at Comic-Con.

“The first time we did it,” says Pattinson of his first Comic-Con in 2008, “all the lights came up when everyone came in. And people just went insane. People didn’t stop screaming for ages — and that was before the movie even came out. It was a turning point. It was the first bit of promotional stuff — we’d done one Entertainment Weekly cover at that point, and that was it. And it was like the characters from the book had actually just walked out on stage.”

Stewart agreed. “It was the first real sign,” she said, that the movie versions of the beloved books might be a hit. Of that first appearance, “I think I was genuinely scared.” But this year, “everyone was so nice,” she said of the fans who attended the panel. Both actors and Condon mentioned they were impressed with fans’ thoughtfulness and respect given during the Q&A, and were thrilled to be able to show them the footage. “We had a discussion about it,” said Condon about the length of the clip. “I said, ‘Let’s not just do a little thing. Let’s really show them.’”

Source EW

Bill Condon Talks Breaking Headboards...... I Mean Breaking Dawn With Movieline

Bill Condon Talks To Movieline about Breaking Dawn Secrecy, the Honeymoon and how Robert Pattinson & Co are more comfortable this time around at Comic-Con


Movieline: I’ve seen every Twilight panel at Comic-Con over the years, and Kristen and Rob and Taylor really seemed more comfortable this time around.
Bill: Oh, good! Well, they’re getting older, right?

What is your strategy in regards to what to show and what not to show to fans?
B; I know! Well, it was hard this time, because I think there are just basic things. You don’t want to show Bella in the wedding dress…

B: Because we want to, as long as we can and I hope we can keep it until opening day! We want to keep it a surprise.

You went pretty long without even announcing the dress designer. So, until opening day, will you not reveal Bella’s dress?
B: If we have our way, which you know will never happen. [Laughs] But I’m hoping! Certainly today in July, we’re not going to show anything in the wedding dress, and I’m not going to show anything of her pregnant because that’s a whole transformation that she goes through. So you take that out of the equation and for Bella and Edward there’s really only the honeymoon, and for Jacob, it’s really not that many scenes. So it wasn’t really hard to figure out once you got to that point.

There are so many iconic scenes in the book; how do you walk the line of romanticizing the feathers-at-the-honeymoon scene, or deciding how gory to go with the birth scene, in a PG-13 movie?
B: You know it’s not going to be an R-rated movie, so it’s a great challenge. How do you have the experience without having to be too explicit about it. I think that’s not a hard thing to do. No one wants to see — no one needs to see a full-on sex scene to have the incredibly intense experience that they’re making love, you know? And it’s more romantic. (Kate: Do I need to comment on this? I have faith in you Bill and judging by the reaction at Comic-Con it is good so I won't say anything.) The same with the birth; I think it’s very visceral, but it doesn’t necessarily need close-ups of certain things.

Did you track the fan reaction when the honeymoon footage leaked?
B: Oh, yeah. That was upsetting.

I can imagine — so much got out. But fans seemed to love what you did in that sex scene. Especially, if I may point out, the bed breaking glimpsed in the trailer. It’s sexy.
B: [Laughs] I think it’s good. I hope people feel that way. (Kate: Oh we do, we do)

Check out more of the interview with Bill over at Movieline

R.I.P Amy Winehouse

At this stage most of you have probably heard about the sad passing of Amy Winehouse and you're probably saying why am I posting this on Robsessed?

Well a few years ago Goz asked the fabulous Biel to make the video below and we adopted this song as our theme.

We are posting this in memory of Amy.

“We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.”
~ Chuck Palahniuk

RIP Amy :-(

MORE Robert Pattinson "Bel Ami" GIFs

These Robert Pattinson "Bel Ami" GIFs by RobertPattinsonAU are different to the ones I made last night. You can see the ones I made HERE (in case you missed them) but I had to share these with you too because I KNEW you'd like them ;-)





MORE After The Cut

A Few More Comic-Con Panel Videos Featuring Robert Pattinson & The BD Cast

A few more videos of the "Breaking Dawn" Panel with Robert Pattinson & his co-stars.
Vids are pretty much the same thing but from different angles (you get to see the people asking the questions) and this first one we didn't have SO CUTE!

From Twilightish

And these from ones are from andzegiantpeach (I just put up the parts featuring Rob. If you want to see the others with just Taylor an Kristen head over to andzegiantpeach's channel)

More After The Cut

Old/New Robert Pattinson Fanpic From London

All smiles. New/Old Pic of Robert Pattinson & Adriel Scolari in London.

Wait till Tink sees this, she'll get all sentimental about the LB hat ;-)


"Adriel has met several celebrities when he was assistant chef of a restaurant in London and Robert Pattinson was one of them."

Source via twilightfeverr & Robstenation

More Robert Pattinson Fanpics From Comic-Con & A Little Challenge

Some more very cute Fanpics of Robert Pattinson at the Comic-Con Press Conference this time from Twilightish

AND we couldn't let this pic go by without setting a little challenge (just for fun).
We challenge you to.............Caption this pic of Robert Pattinson!
Leave your caption in the comments below and vote for you fave by clicking the like button (as always).


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