Comic-Con Livestreams Links


Not sure what will work and what won't (or which ones will be focusing on what area).
We'll update as more come in

MTV (not available in UK or Canada :-()
YouTube - Hall H Coverage

via Source

"Breaking Dawn" Poster With Robert Pattinson & "The Cullens"

"Breaking Dawn" poster featuring Robert Pattinson & "The Cullens" from Comic Con
(emmmm there's one there that doesn't belong!)

UPDATED with another pic thanks to Jack Morrissey


Source btwnthestacks via Twilightish

Caption Robert Pattinson - "Becoming Edward" Competition

Well here we are for the final Caption Robert Pattinson.
We had such a great response to this competition.
I want to say a BIG thank you to you all. I've loved reading all the captions and as I said before I'm SO glad i don't have to pick a winner because it would be impossible.

Right onto the final winner who is going to get a copy of "Becoming Edward"


And the winner IS............


Who captioned this picture with
"So do you like working with the best motherfu#ker in Hollywood?"



Kazrob can you please contact us at and we'll get your book out to you asap.

Thanks so much to you all for taking part and remember if you weren't lucky enough to win you can purchase "Becoming Edward" at the links below

OR It's also available at Smashwords by clicking HERE

RUMOUR: Robert Pattinson Spotted In San Diego

I'm putting RUMOUR on this because as you know there's STILL no official confirmation that Robert Pattinson is going to be at Comic Con BUT Levi Dailey tweeted this a while ago (make of it what you will)






John Boone reporter from E! has been the only one so far to tweet names of who will be attending the Press Conference, so is this confirmation of Rob?
I guess we'll just have to wait a little bit longer to find out for sure.
And don't forget we'll be covering it all right here on the blog ;-)


Thanks to Miss Caino for the tip

Robert Pattinson at Comic Con 2011: Breaking Dawn swag during Preview Night & Media coverage

Robert Pattinson at Comic Con 2011: Breaking Dawn swag during Preview Night & Media coverage

While Summit seems to not want to confirm Rob, Kristen and Taylor...

US Weekly says eff-all!


YEAH BABY! Tonight was preview night at Comic Con and Robward makes an appearance in the Summit swag bag and the Hallmark merchandise booth.


Edward-featured trading cards


Twilight characters in Edward's trading card pack. This pack is the best pack. Click HERE to see the other.


Some kind of pin.


Aside from Robward being the cat's pajamas...I was underwhelmed by the loot so far. We could make this stuff from the calendar images online. I'd like to be impressed. Moving on...

HALLMARK MERCHANDISE (available in the fall, closer to Breaking Dawn release)


What is....why is....what....he....why....ugh.


This is the ONLY birthday card I should receive ;)


And the inside...


Funny...that's not what I was thinking, Edward. ;)

Tomorrow is going to be an AMAZING day! The press conference starts at 9am PT according to @Twilightish blogger, @rosenfie. Again, not sure if Rob will be there but god forbid he isn't, someone is bound to talk about him/Edward and we'll bring the news to the blog. :)

You submit questions to the following tweeters who will be at the press conference or have interviews with cast throughout the day:

@ColliderFrosty | @Twilightish | @taryder | @SD6ComicCon | @ontheredcarpet | @JennaBusch |

MTV & Entertainment Weekly will be holding LIVE streams.

MTV: The first of our three live Comic-Con-themed shows is a veritable feast for all the "Twilight" fans out there. We're kicking off our coverage in a big way Thursday with an entire hour dedicated to "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn." Mark your calendars and set your phone alerts to remind you to tune into at 6 p.m. ET/ 3 p.m. PT for a smorgasbord of "Twilight" goodness that includes exclusive interviews with the film's superstar cast and filmmakers, news from the "Breaking Dawn" panel and other tidbits associated with the film's Comic-Con events.

Click HERE to read about their coverage of other Comic Con events and click HERE to view the live stream at 3pm PT.

Visit @MTVnews and submit questions with the hashtag: #MTVSDCC

Entertainment Weekly will have a lounge where Breaking Dawn cast members stop by. Hopefully it's like last time. ;)

EW: Join us for Entertainment Weekly's All-Access pass to Comic-Con 2011

LIVE! Streaming Video provided by our partners at NowLive

Get an insider view from our VIP LOUNGE, where we'll talk to the casts of 'Spider-Man,' 'Glee,' 'Breaking Dawn,' 'True Blood,' and many more.

Wall-to-wall coverage of the hottest panels, sneak peeks & coolest stuff from the convention floor.

Exclusive portraits from our photo booth!

You don't want to miss this!

Updates all day long at

So much to look forward to! See you guys tomorrow!

Thanks to RobPattzNews for the pics and info from Preview Night!

Photos: @RobPattzNews

*NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Tom Sturridge "Bear" Walking

*NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson & Tom Sturridge Walking Bear in California Yesterday (19th July)

I'm adding a cuteness alert to these!

Happy, smilie, buff Rob *sigh*
Bear looks like he has a mind of his own {giggle}
Tom.....emmmm...... grizzly adams comes to mind ;-}


Bear: C'mon you slow coaches, there's a lot of smelling to be done.


Wonky Heaven



Click For Larger


Robert Pattinson as Edward on Comic Con promotional Twilight card

Robert Pattinson as Edward on Comic Con promotional Twilight card

"I've been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan."



Fans are lined up for Thursday and ready to go! So are we :) There will be so so so many goodies on Thursday. Are you ready?? Once there is official confirmation about Robert Pattinson's attendance, we'll post all the live streams available.

Adding crops because I love me some Robward. *still swoooooooooning*



And why not...


Visit the source to view Bella and Jacob cards.

UPDATE: USA Today also talked a little bit about Edward and his role as a hero:
The undead men of True Blood, as well as vampire Edward Cullen and lovelorn werewolf Jacob Black in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight book series, have become key heroes in pop culture, especially to women. Bill Condon, director of the final two Twilight movies, Breaking Dawn, Part I (out Nov. 18) and Part II (Nov. 16, 2012), sees Cullen and Black as part of a long tradition of rooting for the noble monster, dating to the original Frankenstein film in 1931.

"We've always had a complicated relationship toward monsters. Don't you feel like in every Dracula movie, you're sort of wanting him to get away with it?" Condon says, laughing.
Monster? Aww....Edward is not monster. I must have my Bella glasses on. ;)
Click HERE to read the article in its entirety

Source: USA Today | Via: @Kstewangel & @PattinsonStew | Larger image
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