Daniel Radcliffe tells GQ (UK) that Robert Pattinson is a "sex symbol"

Daniel Radcliffe tells GQ (UK) that Robert Pattinson is a "sex symbol"

Trufax, Dan, trufax...


Via ElleCanada:

Daniel also admitted he doesn't think his fans view him in the same was as 'Twilight' devotees do Robert Pattinson because they have seen him grow up on screen.

He explained to the British edition of GQ magazine: "There's more of a sexual energy behind 'Twilight' fans. Because people have mostly grown up with me, they tend to think of me as an older brother kind of figure. Whereas I think Rob is the sex symbol. And also, I guess, he's out there more than I am, going to parties and things.

"I think everyone goes to more parties than me, so it's not really a big competition."
Well, Dan, it's not about him going to parties and things. He's just existing. That's all Rob needs to do. Exist. Let's look at him exist some more...








Who's going to see Harry Potter take a bow this weekend? Who's gone already? I got tix for Sunday. :) HP is breaking some of our Twilight box office records but they should. It's the last movie. Just like Breaking Dawn will break the records being set now. ;)

Lick & save for LARGE SexSymbolRob!

Photos: MelbieToast

*NEW* Robert Pattinson "Edward" Pics From Breaking Dawn Calendar

*NEW* Robert Pattinson "Edward" Pics From Breaking Dawn Calendar

BIG Thanks to the fabulous Jack Morrissey for listening to our pleas and posting these pics of Edward from the "Breaking Dawn" Calendar.
Check him out on twitter, you won't regret it!




Cropped Of Course :-)



Click for Larger

And if you want to order a copy of the calendar you can do so below

And if you wanted to pre-order the Breaking Dawn Illustrated Movie Compainion, here are the links for that

More *NEW* Pics Of Robert Pattinson At The Cosmopolis Wrap Party (14th July)

Some more pics of Robert Pattinson at last nights Cosmopolis Wrap Party.


Click for Larger


*NEW* Robert Pattinson Video From The "Cosmopolis" Set

*NEW* Robert Pattinson Video From The "Cosmopolis" Set

It probably doesn't need to be said but SPOILER WARNING

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