*NEW* HQ Pics Of Robert Pattinson On The "Cosmopolis" Set (7th July)

Gorgeous *NEW* HQ pics of Robert Pattinson on the "Cosmopolis" Set (7th July)

All smiles

Touching THE HAIR!!! *THUD*



Pouts *dies*


Press ups? {giggles}


LOADS More After the Cut!


*NEW* More Fan Pics & Video Of Robert Pattinson From The "Cosmopolis" Set

Smilie Rob on set signing for fans


VERY serious in a scene



*NEW* Pics and vid Robert Pattinson On the "Cosmopolis" Set (7th July)

Can I just say I love how everyone is so quiet while Rob is signing! And of course Rob's giggle is just A-DORABLE!

All smiles signing for fans


With the Birthday Girl


Click for Larger

Source MrWillW's Blog Check it out for an account for the night!!
Video Source
via Robstenation

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson on the Cosmopolis set July 7th

NEW PICS: Robert Pattinson on the Cosmopolis set July 7th

UPDATE: Rob wished Deb from Cosmopolis Film a Happy Birthday!


From @mrwillw: Robert Pattinson signs autographs for Fans at 4:15am. Wishes @cosmopolisfilm a Happy Birthday in-person too!

Yum! Packinson ;)


Could he BE cuter?


Of course he can ;) *blasts Guns 'N Roses*

Click for LARGER

Source: Photo2 | Photo3&4
via InYoFace

Random Adds of Robert Pattinson

There are 3 blogs I credit for being a part of my Robert Pattinson foundation....Rob roots, if you will. Obviously this blog is #1. It sent me over the edge. Past the point of no return.

Twifans is another. It was the first fansite I found that I liked directly after reading Twilight. It was also how I found ROBsessed blog. We all know most Rob fans have to pass through the gates of Edward before they are fully Robsessed.

The 3rd and last site I credit is Random Acts of Rob. I found this site through google. I could tell it wasn't a news site but it was funny and seemed to match these crazy thoughts I was starting to have. I didn't have a name for it yet because I stumbled upon that site at the end of April '09 and didn't truly explore ROBsessed until the start of May '09.

"Oh! It's Robsession! That's why that girl...what's her name? Just A Girl...that's why Just A Girl is so funny and I can relate! Robsession."

I lurked for a while on the site. Did what a lot of people do which is go through the archives. This was easy because the blog was only a couple months old. I laughed. I drooled. I adopted her language. I followed her on twitter. I started looking into this thing called fanfic. A whole new world was opening up. A community. A fandom.

Over two years have passed and that beloved blog has ended. It broke my heart. I told Goz. It broke her heart. She brought out multiple sad faces :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.....multiple times :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

We understand that for JAG, it was time. We love her dearly and will miss her witty blog. This post celebrates her and one of her favorite Rob features. One that she so humorously posted about back in April 2009. Click HERE for her first post dedicated wholeheatedly wholeheartedly to add.

JAG, we'll miss you as a blogger but glad to still have you as a tweeter. Rather then shed tears and watch you go...let's sit back, make catcalls, and watch Rob go... *cues obscene objectification of Rob*

We start with some vintage add in the classic sexpenders...


Let there be light...


May we help you with that, Mr. Paddinson?


Run add, run!


A little photoshoot add. Have you ever wanted to yank something so badly?


What a sweet add...


Sexually confident add...


TONS of add after the cut!

Robert Pattinson Attending Comic-Con?

Still no official word on Robert Pattinson attending Comic-Con but it's looking likely.
Taylor Lautner has been confirmed and Mark Malkin had this to say:

"While there's been no official word of who will be on the panel, I'm told Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and director Bill Condon are set to be there."

via RobPattzNews

As soon as we get more news we will let you know, until then keep your crossables crossed because we want to see more of this, right?

Robert Pattinson Is A Handy Man To Have Around

Our lovely reader Emanuela sent me a Robert Pattinson video that she made.
She had it in her head that I would like it and that I was a bit obsessed with Rob's hands!

Don't know WHERE she got that idea from :-?







Mmmmmm, ya see, not a clue why she thought that.


Anyway she was wrong.........I didn't like her video...................nope I didn't

I didn't like it .........


Check it out and see why

And now because she's started me off how about a hand picspam?
Are you in the mood? I certainly am after watching that.

Rob doesn't think it's a good idea!
He doesn't think you will handle all the fingerporn.
I, on the other hand have every faith in you.


Have a look after the cut, if you dare!

New/Old close-up pictures of Robert Pattinson at Water for Elephants NYC premiere

New/Old close-up pictures of Robert Pattinson at Water for Elephants NYC premiere

This one just about kills me. KILLS me.




Lashes shouldn't be so sexy on a man. But everything is sexy about Rob.


Lick and save larger UpCloseRob!

Source: Robert Pattinson Moms
Via: Gossip Dance
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