Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart's "Harpers Bazaar" Cover Named Cover Of The Year By ASME

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart's "Harpers Bazaar" Cover Named Cover Of The Year By ASME


Chicago, IL (October 4, 2010) — The cover of the December 2009 issue of Harper’s Bazaar, featuring the lead actors of the hit movie franchise Twilight, was chosen by customers as “Cover of the Year.” This is the second year that has hosted the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) Best Cover Contest, and the fifth year that ASME has presented the awards. The announcement was made today by Larry Hackett, ASME President and Managing Editor, People, at the American Magazine Conference currently underway in Chicago, Illinois.

Twelve category winners, chosen by customers during the first round of public voting, competed for the “Cover of the Year” honor. The Harper’s Bazaar cover, which won the “Best Vampire” category before it was chosen “Cover of the Year,” depicts Twilight stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson in a rare shot together. While the epic image played on the idea of courtship, it was given extra heat due to their real-life romance.

To see the other 11 winners head over to the source

And there's a little reminder of the photoshoot after the cut (just because ;-))

Screencaps Of Deleted "Twilight" Scene With Robert Pattinson

Screencaps Of Deleted "Twilight" Scene With Robert Pattinson

Oh My....
This is one scene that should never have been deleted. Why Catherine?? Why did you do it?

..........If you go down to the woods today ................


{Love that first pic}




Source@Dallianna Via Gossip Dance & Twi Fans

People tweet about Robert Pattinson and we're all

People tweet about Robert Pattinson and we're all

Oh yes we listen indeed...there is a report that the jaw...IS FREE!!!!
Kat's post must have worked :)))

Last night, two ladies from E! online got pretty lucky last night because they witnessed the release.

They spotted Rob shaved, with Kristen and Tom, AND with the beanie?! I'm uber-jealous. More details will be on Monday morning.

Hallelujah! The Jaw is freeeeeeee!!!!


I love Beardy Rob but come on...his best look is sans beard.


From Spunk Ransom, it seems the location of this dinner was at the Soho House. Surprise, surprise.


Sounds like quite a few people got to scope out the released jaw...and I bet these people aren't it would only be fair for Rob to take a stroll in LA and let his fans have a glimpse, right? ;) I kid, I kid (not really). Keep your privacy, Rob, at the Soho house *coughnotprivatecough*

Another fun tweet about Rob came from the famed stylist, Rachel Zoe

How do we think she'll fair after Bel Ami and Water For Elephants are released? Her crush will turn into an annihilation....just. like. the rest of us.

Source / Source / Source

New/Old Pic Of Robert Pattinson For Film Ink Magazine

New/Old Pic Of Robert Pattinson For Film Ink Magazine

Good God Almighty I'm putting a Finger Porn ALERT on this pic.
So don't go saying I'm not giving you fair warning.


Source Mel452 via Robstenation Head over there if you want to see pics of Kristen and Taylor with the mag.

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart In People Magazine

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart In People Magazine


Click For Larger

Possible UK Release Date For "Water For Elephants"

Possible UK Release Date For "Water For Elephants"


Photo Credit: Fame Pictures

According to the Launching Films Website they are listing 22nd April 2011 as a possible release date for WFE in the UK.


They also say that future release dates are subject to change and that this schedule is updated weekly.

So in other words the date may change, but we'll keep an eye and let you know as soon as there's any news!

via LeRPttzClub & Spunk Ransom

Martha Stewart Likes "Twilight" Because Of Robert Pattinson

Martha Stewart Likes "Twilight" Because Of Robert Pattinson

Why doesn't it surprise me that the Pattinson Effect works even on Martha Stewart?
I mean if Rosie and Queenie were not immune to it Martha wouldn't have a chance either.


Click for Larger

When asked if she was a fan of "Twilight", "True Blood" Or "Vampire Diaries" Martha said
"I'm really a fan of the "Twilight Saga" Why? I think it's because of Robert Pattinson"

We just have one thing to say Martha "Get to the end of the line!"

Source StrictlyRobertPattinson via Spunk Ransom
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