New/Old still of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart from deleted Twilight scene

New/Old still of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart from deleted Twilight scene

This still was found in the French version of the Twilight Movie Companion book.


I cropped it so we have no line and just E & B flirting in fall leaves. I know there's a fan fic out there for this kind of picture.


Click for UHQ!

Thanks TwiFans for sharing this with us!

Beautiful NEW Robert Pattinson Wallpapers

The fabulous Eva sent us these gorgeous Rob wallpapers that she made.
I know you'll agree that they are beautiful.
Check out her Gallery HERE for lots more (non-Rob) Wallpapers. She has something for everyone.




Click and save

Old (but now un-obnoxiously-tagged) pic of Robert Pattinson and Charlie Bewley in Montepilciano

We've seen this one before and posted it with a rather large tag way back when... it's so cute I had to share again, tagless (kinda)!


Tagless is great, but shirtless is better :-)

Via Robstenation

New/Old Pic of Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart filming Twilight

New/Old Pic of Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart filming Twilight


Here are a few more pics I dug out of our ROBsessed gallery from that scene


Robward smiles and an angel gets its wings



I always wondered what scene this was since it wasn't included in the deleted scenes.
Anyone know?

1st pic: Gossip Dance

"Love & Distrust" DVD Featuring Robert Pattinson's "The Summer House" Now Available For Pre-Order On Amazon

"Love & Distrust" DVD Featuring Robert Pattinson's "The Summer House" Now Available For Pre-Order On Amazon


If you were unlucky enough not to be able to see "The Summerhouse" when it was released on Itunes over the summer then you can now pre-order it on DVD on
The release date is November 2nd.

And if you're in the UK and want it, it's available right now here

via Spunk Ransom

Robert Pattinson's sister Lizzy gives him a mention before singing Hands

Robert Pattinson's sister Lizzy gives him a mention before singing Hands

Should this be Lizzy Pattinson Day at ROBsessed?

Here is the lovely chanteuse singing her song, Hands, that she co-wrote with Rob and Nikki Reed. She mentions Rob at 39:45
She has a wonderful sound...if only Rob let us hear his wonderful sound again. Isn't it about time Songs From A Room released their full version of Rob singing? *impatient*

Never gets old...

Thanks RobPattzNews for tipping the Lizzy vid :)

Lizzy Pattinson has got her eye on YOU!

Lizzy Pattinson has got her eye on YOU!

Vampirefreak101 attended Lizzy Pattinson show, Sept. 30th in London and got to chat with the beautiful sibling of Robert Pattinson.


Come again?! So Lizzy is reading Robsessed.......


She's reading our comments........



Rob is a handsome young man. We're very supportive of his career and we find him to be highly enjoyable to watch.


That sounded forced, didn't it? Guess we'll just have to stick to our philosophical posts about jawporn, crotch-flashes, and the likes!

"I always feel like, LizzyP is watching meeeeeeeeeeeeee"

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