London Press Conference (FULL) Video with Robert Pattinson, WeitzMaster, Kristen and Taylor

Kate posted parts of the press conference below but thanks to TwiRocks we now have the full videos :))

*The videos take a while to load so please be patient and remember: our site is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox :)

Thanks to TwiRocks for the tip :) If you can't view the videos, check 'em out at the source: part one, part two

Killed by Robert Pattinson :)

Robert Pattinson might be the end of me and boy! What a lovely way to go! :))

Click for HQ if you dare :))

Thanks to Melainii from H.Y.P.E for the scan, our good friends/affiliate Robert Pattinson Australia for posting and DreamySim1 for the tip :)

New and Old Empire Magazine Outtakes with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

We had this picture before :

but now it's in HQ:

Source: @Twilighter_News via [info]dorcii in [info]kstewartfans

Rest of the Empire Magazine Pictures and Outtakes:


"Love it" Magazine (UK) with Robert Pattinson

This would be our version of "Life & Style" maybe (not sure) except that it applies for the crap and pinch of salt warning! But the pictures are pretty!

Now TV at the London Press Conference with Robert Pattinson & Co

Not embeddable but you can watch them HERE and HERE

Thanks to Rocio for the tip :)

*NEW* Robert Pattinson Interview with Vikend (Slovenia)

Thanks to our friend Darja for sending us all these scans and translations! Our readers and friends are the best! :))

The interview is from Vikend's(Slovenia) Nov 28th issue

Robert Pattinson, New Moon

Sexiest Man?
I'm not even a Man yet!

Los Angeles is full of covers of Robert Pattinson, 23 year old Londoner who became a new sex symbol practically overnight. After closed screening of New Noon, the sequel of phenomenon Twilight, we met Robert and co-star Kristen Stewart at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. Every step we were followed by their personal PR people and by people from agency that organized interviews. And we were warned: "No personal questions. We are here to promote the movie." Okay. Anyway, we asked Robert about OK magazine, the actual cover was about their breakup, he smiled and said: "Gossip doesn't affect my career..." We can tell you, dear female fans, Robert is not as pale as Edward and his lips are not that red either.

How many girls asked you to bite their neck today?
(laughter) I have to disappoint you. I'm surrounded by bodyguards at all times and they practically carry me in and out, so I have almost no idea what is going on outside.

How do you handle instant fame, media interest and fan pressure?
Sometimes it is unpleasant, all those interviews, army of fans, magazine covers... At the beginning it was nerve wrecking, I tried to hide, but why bother? I have no intention to hate my life. I try to accommodate as much as I could.

Can you walk the street without being stampeded by an army of female fans?
Not really. Well, I don't even have time. I work a lot these days and I don't know what is happening in real world, I'm spending all my time on movie sets or hotels or on airplanes anyway. Big cities surprise me sometimes. Recently I've been in Tokyo and I went for a walk and no one recognized me and it was strange, since I was the only white person on the street...

Maybe all white people seem alike to them.... (Gozde: a touchdown by the interviewer :))
(laughter) Maybe. But it was a great experience, opposite to New York where I was making a movie recently. I had eight bodyguards there and they were walking along me on my way from trailer to movie set, but one day there was such a crowd that we had to actually run away - they were pulling me around, pushing, it was a mess. We had to hire additional ten body guards so I went to work every day surrounded by eighteen enormous guys. That was surrealistic.

Are you afraid of all the craziness around you?
Hysteric masses of people can be scary. I think everyone would feel bad in a situation where you have no control, where you can't do anything to calm the situation. People in this kind of situations are in a state of kind of hysteric hypnotic madness. Einstein was right when he said that human civilization is the most dangerous when it moves in masses.

As a teenager, were you never obsessed with a star?
I don't remember being obsessed, but I remember the huge impact the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest had on me. I started to dress like Jack Nicholson and I started to mimic him and it lasted some time. But I wasn't crazy over him or sat in front of his house.

Were you ever in love with an actress?
Maybe.... I don't know... I always liked Patricia Arquette, I think I was in love with her as a teenager, she wasn't very inspiring (laughter). Hm, it looks like I was a little lost as a teenager as well (laughter)....

Your parents are probably very proud of you?
Very! And they are a little surprised by my reaction to my success, I don't experience it as they are. They are impressed by it, everything is so fantastic to them, mom reads everything about me (laughter). I still think that everything is a lucky coincidence. I never wanted to be famous, I didn't plan big things in my life, so everything is strange to me. I still adapt and still think what to do with everything.(Gozde: Hi Mama P. :))

Robert Pattinson Poses with Malaysian Galaxie Magazine

New picture of Robert Pattinson from New Moon Press Conference photoshoot:

Source:Galaxie Magazine

Thanks to [info]mayfrayn in [info]lion_lamb and our friends Twilight ladies for the tip :)
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