"The Times" UHQ Pics

Gosh this has been such a quiet week in the world of Rob! I'd say he's probably delighted to have a break from the media and is getting down to "Eclipse" business! After all the attention he had while filming "Remember Me" it must but nice not to have paps in your face everyday.
Anyway I found these UHQ pics (below) from "The Times" shoot and also the one above (not HQ) that is new to me, maybe some of you have seen it before!

"The Hair" Makes The New York Times

The New York Times for Delo (A Slovenian Newspaper). Thanks to Darja for the scan. We need material to get through these dark days of "No Rob in sight". Hope it's not like the big drought of 2008 where he went to London and disappeared :))

Thanks to RP Source for always having the best picture gallery and for sharing the love :)))

PopStar September 2009 – New Moon Mini Mag Scans and a Letter to People Mag

Thanks to Robert Pattinson Unlimited for the scans. Above are the pages with Robert Pattinson for the rest of the 16 page magazine check RPUnlimited out ;)

And one of our regulars Diane sent a letter to People magazine about her frustrations with their Robert Pattinson coverage. It's a shame People sank to the lows of other gossip rags. Her letter to the editor is the 3rd one under Rob. Thanks to ShowMe for sending me the scan :)

Robert Pattinson Likes to "Borrow" Friends' Clothes

On the left Marcus Foster at Troubador near Earls Court, London back in May 2009 on the right Robert Pattinson at 2009 Teen Choice Awards in August 2009 fresh off his week with Marcus.

The color seems different but it's because of the lighting, check out the buttons :)

Please tell me this is the new "Green Plaid Shirt" 'cause I so miss the green plaid shirt :)

P.S.: When I was searching for my Bromance posts I realized Kate already posted about Rob wearing Marcus' shirt HERE so I am presenting this as a second proof :)

Robert Pattinson: Do you want Kristen to give us a little life back there?

Another great read from Entertainment Weekly! New Moon Secrets:

Secrets from the ‘New Moon’ set

Kristen Stewart lies on a beige carpet, surrounded by a mess of pink roses and broken crystal. Her sweater is ripped, revealing a bloody gash on her right arm. It's April in Vancouver, and the “New Moon” cast is filming Bella Swan's climactic 18th-birthday celebration — the one cut short after an innocent paper cut turns the Cullen family, in one split second, from civilized “vegetarian” vampires into six beastly creatures hungry for sweet human blood. Director Chris Weitz wants another take of Edward (Robert Pattinson) fighting off his vampire brother Jasper (Jackson Rathbone), as Stewart lies injured in the background.

This is the third freezing night in a row that the cast has worked until dawn, but that doesn't stop the set from feeling warm and jovial. Pattinson mugs for the movie camera between takes and teases his costar for just lying on the floor in the midst of all the vamp-on-vamp violence. “Do you want Kristen to give us a little life back there?” he jokes to the director. Kristen smiles. “I'm just writhing down here,” she says. “A lot of writhing. I writhe really well.”

So do “Twilight” fans. Right now, for instance, millions of them around the world are writhing in delicious agony as they wait for “New Moon” to hit theaters on Nov. 20. Last year “Twilight,” the first adaptation of author Stephenie Meyer's series, grossed close to $400 million worldwide and set Stewart and Pattinson on the road to superstardom — and superscrutiny. Now the team is back with “New Moon,” though the sequel is a different beast — and one that's not as easy to tame. Meyer's second book is steeped in heartbreak and sadness, focusing on Bella's road to recovery after Edward smashes her heart into a million pieces and then vanishes. In addition to the melodrama, the movie has to make do with very little of the dreamy Edward Cullen. Instead, it mainly concerns the burgeoning relationship between Bella and her friend Jacob (Taylor Lautner), who transforms into a gnarling werewolf.

Pattinson couldn't be happier with his downsized role. “It was a stress-free job for three months,” says the actor, 23, in his charming British lilt. “All the pressure was on Taylor.”


Summit also wanted a filmmaker well versed in special effects, particularly after the first movie was ridiculed for the scene in which Edward's skin is exposed to sunlight and begins sparkling like he's in a weird body-lotion commercial. (Gozde: Haha! So true! )


And how did the Bella-Jacob chemistry play out on set? “We have that relationship,” she says. “It's lamely cute. I love that kid. I would do anything for him. I would kill for him, literally.”


While making the first movie, Summit kept urging Stewart and Pattinson to ease up on the teenage angst. Now Stewart's diving headlong into heartache. She says she reached her breaking point one long, cold night in the forest while filming the pivotal scene where Edward abandons her.

“Before the scene, I was sitting in my car, like f---ing crying — crying so hard you can't breathe,” she says. “Because I was really overwhelmed and intimidated by the scene. Everyone says, ‘She better be able to pull off the emotion in this movie!’ And it's such an important moment in the book, when he leaves.” The scene exhausted her. “I'm thinking, ‘We have to be done now,’” she remembers. “‘Just tell me we're done.’”

Read the whole thing HERE at EW.com. It's a great article :)

Boo Boo Confirms Breaking Dawn to be 2 Movies?

Boo Boo (giggle) Stewart gave an interview to Access Hollywood and he says he is signed on for 3 movies in the Twilight Saga:

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --

New “Twilight Saga” cast member Boo Boo Stewart has some big news for fanpires.

“I heard there’s going to be three more movies,” he told Access Hollywood’s Laura “Dish of Salt” Saltman in a new interview. “‘Eclipse,’ ‘Breaking Dawn,’ and there should be one more.”

The star’s rep also noted the additional films when Boo Boo’s casting was announced to Access.

“Boo Boo Stewart will play the character Seth Clearwater in the next three installments of the wildly popular ‘Twilight’ film franchise based on the best-selling novels by Stephenie Meyer,” the rep said in a statement.

Only three movies in the series, “Twilight,” “New Moon” (due Nov. 20) and “Eclipse” have been confirmed by Summit Entertainment, who did not return calls when contacted by Access regarding news of the additional films.

“Breaking Dawn” is the fourth and final book in Stephenie Meyer’s series. Should a fifth film come to light, it is unknown if it would stem from a new story – or follow the “Harry Potter” franchise’s lead and split the final book into two films.

Boo Boo begins his “Twilight” career with filming this September in “Eclipse,” the third film in the series, as wolfpack member Seth Clearwater. The film is due in May 2010.

“In the first movie, he’s introduced and the part gets bigger as the movies go on,” Boo Boo told The Dish. “Jacob’s the biggest [werewolf] and then he’s right there.”

Gozde: So, is this confirmation that Breaking Dawn will be 2 movies or as MyTwiLife said did Boo Boo make a boo boo? :) He is going to make a good Seth though. Such a cute boy!

Additional BooBoo (giggle) where he talks about martial training with Miley Cyrus you can visit Access Hollywood who are always very good to us ;)

Old Vampire Robward Cullenson Picture

Real? I'm not sure but it looks real... Turns out someone photoshopped an old Twilight picture HERE. Well, good photoshopping then!

Thanks to TwiCrackAddict and Jenn:)

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