International Magazine Scans

Joy Russia, August 2009 (Thanks to Darja)

Robert Pattinson
Montepulciano, Tuscany, filming sequel to Twilight, New Moon, Bella saves boyfriend Edward

Nova Slovenija, 15. June 2009 (Thanks to Darja for the scan and translation :))

Translation: Vanity Fair readers voted and Robert Pattinson is the most beautiful man on the planet. Star of romantic drama Twilight is the most popular hollywood actor and women around the world from granddaughters to grannys are crazy about beautiful british vampire with magnetic gaze.Young star has no competition at the moment, he has 59% of votes, followed by Brad Pitt with only 12%.
Heat UK 15-31 July 2009 (Thanks to Darja)

Series Mania Spain (Thanks to Anna for the scans)


Interfilms (Spain) (Thanks to Anna :)

And your weekly NW Australian CRAP (NW is the magazine that claimed Kristen was pregnant) (Thanks to Orion :)) Story confirmed as CRAP HERE.

*Yawn* Breaking Dawn Will Be Made Into a Movie

Robert Pattinson is hot as HELL, Stephenie Meyer rocks my world, Kristen Stewart is fabulously awkward and Bryce Howard has big shoes to fill...

*looks around*

What? I thought it was stating the obvious day at Twilight Universe.

First Summit "Officially" Announced (and I quote) it has commenced principal photography on THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE!(Gasp! Really?)

And now Marc Malkin says: Breaking Dawn will be made into a movie!

:) Breaking news! :)

From Marc Malkin at E!:

While there's been no official announcement that all systems are go for a fourth Twilight flick, a rep for Summit Entertainment promises that Eclipse will not be the last we see of Robert Pattinson & company...

"The fans should rest assured the we're working with Stephenie Meyer to bring Breaking Dawn to the big screen," the rep said. "As in all creative processes, things take time. We want to make sure we get it right."

And as Twilight fans know, that probably means softening the more hard-core aspects of Breaking Dawn.

"Our fans are in the PG age range, and I don't feel a big necessity to see violence and to see gore," Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg told us in late April.

Gore or not, Kristen Stewart probably said it best when we chatted with her in March.

"We all really hope there is going to be a number four," she said at the time. "I'm pretty confident that the fans aren't going to...lose interest. The only case that a fourth one wouldn't be made is if all of a sudden people stopped caring, and I really don't think that's going to happen."

Enjoy a fan made Breaking Dawn trailer with Renesmee(hobbit :))

Picture source (which is obviously a manip) and Image Credit:

Robert Pattinson and the Many Uses of the Stoli t-shirt

Previously on Robert Pattinson's Stoli T-Shirt


We all KNOW the Stoli shirt, we all LOVE the Stoli shirt...

And now we are uncovering another piece of the puzzle that the Stoli t-shirt is
thanks to our keen eyed reader Gizem :))

The t-shirt is not only comfortable, durable, fashionable, serving as a security blanket and OH SO Sexy it can also be worn inside out!

Is this really Rob or his wax figure?:) And if it IS did they really make a wax figure of Rob with the inside out Stoli shirt? Classic!

Is it a fashion statement?
Was he dressed in the dark?
Was the front of the t-shirt stained and he had to wear it inside out?
Was he just "high"?

Whatever the reason is it just makes us love Rob more :)

Robert Pattinson a.k.a Pure Sex

Pop Vox Newsweek blogger Isia Jasiewicz prepared the The Dummies' Guide to the New 'Twilight' Movie :) It's a fun read. Here are parts about Rob:

Listen very, very closely. Hear that high-pitched noise? That's the reverberating sound of squealing Twilight fans. First came last week's release of the latest trailer for New Moon, the new movie installment of the bestselling teen vampire book series. Then, as if that weren't enough, stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were caught canoodling at a Kings of Leon concert. Could it be that Kristen and Rob are a real-world Bella and Edward? That might cause too much happiness (and/or jealousy) for Twilight fans to bear.

In case you're a rare surviving specimen of the endangered species known as the "non-Twilight fan," here's a quick guide to the (supernaturally attractive) cast of New Moon. Trust us, if you stare at their pictures for long enough, you're bound to become another squealer. (Gozde: I believe the readers of this blog can attest to that :))


Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen): a.k.a. pure sex. Asking a girl if she thinks Robert Pattinson is hot is like asking if the pope's a Catholic. The brooding British hottie has been known to cause epidemics of teenage girls swooning in movie theaters ever since he took to the big screen as the tragic hero Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black): Poor Jacob Black. Bella's best guy friend (who also just happens tobe a werewolf ... go figure) has always had a thing for her, but she's too busy chasing after vampires to care. In New Moon, though, Jacob and Bella grow closer ... and, despite Edward's overwhelming hotness, you almost can't blame her. It must be tough playing second fiddle to Rob (Face of a God) Pattinson, but Lautner holds his own, with that sexy dark skin and buff upper body.(Gozde: Nah, not so much Taylor, sorry. Plus he is still illegal in most states :))

You can read the rest HERE.

Thanks to RobPattzNews for the tip ;)

Oh Hot RED LIPS Batman!

Is this picture real? Is Rob real? Am I hallucinating? Oh hot RED LIPS batman!

Thanks to Laura for the link ;)

P.S.: It may be phtoshopped since I never saw it before but who cares? It IS real! Thanks to Melainii for finding it. It's from The 12th Annual Hollywood Film Festival Gala.

Here are some more and check out RPSource for the whole set and the UHQs like THIS ONE(click with caution may cause serious heart palpitations :)

Nobody Said It Was Easy

Our friend, lovely Cilla, founder of Robert Pattinson Australia made another video. Her videos hold a special place in my heart :) She chooses great music and captures the feeling.Enjoy!

For other Cilla videos check HERE :)

The Blink and You Miss Kiss from the New Moon Trailer

Thank God for slowed down .gifs :)

I do understand that New Moon is mostly Taycob but can we get a Robward trailer next please?

Thanks to KBitch_Owns_Me for the gif and Laura for the link :)

And 2 screencaps from Just Jared:


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