Does a Robert Pattinson Sex Tape Exist? *GASP*

Oh how much I love to HATE Australian Famous magazine. They are so full of crap and they don't shy away from creating more :)


Disclaimer: A puppy dies and a unicorn sheds a tear every time you pay a dime to this crap.

Thanks to [info]readthebooknow at [info]team_kbitch via source for the scans :)

Rob and Eclipse Cast hit a Yaletown Pub in Vancouver BC

The cast get a drink at a local pub after the KOL Concert Aug 15th.

Thanks to RobertPattinsonSource for the pics.

Mwahs and hugs to Monika for the tip.

Even MORE HQ KOL Concert Pics

I wasn't here for all the drama, but Kate you have done nothing wrong by posting the previous pics of the KOL concert I would have posted them without question had my internet access been behaving this weekend. If you ask me K Stew and Rob look as snug as a couple bugs in a rug. And its adorable, the hobolicious love story.

Thanks to KittyGlam from RobertPattinsonLife for the HQ and Untagged pics.

I Just Want To make Love To You

Fab video by the lovely Jewels.
Love the song choice!
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