More KOL Concert Pics

After a lot of thinking and believe me I did a lot of it. I decided to post these pics. The reason I took so long to make my mind up was because I'm only guest blogging here and I was trying to think what Goz and Dani would do. And the reason I decided to post them is because even though the photos are intimate there is no way that Rob & Kristen don't know that they are being photographed. I have a funny feeling that they are having a great laugh at the fuss these pics are causing (I know I would if I was them anyway).
So here they are. I'm sure most of you have seen them already, unless you've been living on another planet for the last couple of hours!



HQ Kings of Leon Concert 15th August

The cast of "Eclipse" had dinner again last night and then headed to see the "Kings of Leon" in concert!

Source. Thanks to Laura for the tip.

HQ Pics from Cast Dinner 14th August

Thanks to MrPattinson for the HQ's and the Mel for the tip.

Star & US Weekly

Seeing as we're giving out Awards Today......

We're giving the award for most stupid rumour to this story on the Allie is wired Blog.
I think this photo says what we (and maybe even Rob) think of the story ! LOL

Gossip cop obviously agree with us. This is what they have to say!

Gossip Cop couldn’t pass up on pointing out how ridiculous this “Robert Pattinson Is Engaged!” story is.

While the blog Allie is Wired reports as fact that Robert Pattinson is engaged, and goes to lengths to say he hasn’t proposed to Kristen Stewart or “any of his co-stars,” the item is missing one teensy weensy detail — to whom?!

Hmm. Maybe Cinderella? The Little Mermaid? They’re both as real as this story.

And the Award for Crap Mag of the week goes to.....

Thanks to alykona at Source for the scans

Rob enjoys Dinner with his Cast Mates-Updated

Just Jared reports that Rob and his "Eclipse" castmates had dinner and drinks last night (Friday 14th Aug) at a sushi bar in Vancouver. They are making it sound like Rob and Kristen had a "date night" with the heading they've given it but em...... it's kinda hard to have a proper date with that many people around and we know from "Twilight" and "New Moon" that the cast like to hang out with each other. SO this is what I'm saying..... the cast went out for some food and drinks. Draw your on conclusions. And there's only one pic of Rob (see below). For more pics of the rest of the cast who were there go to the source.

Thanks to the fabulous Mel for the tip!

More pics from last night.

More at source.
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