E! News 'Who is RPazz Dating?'

Interview With Rob in the Brazilian Magazine "Toda Teen"

A conversation with Rob

Q.How was get a role after competing with many applicants and have 75 thousand fans organizing a petition-signed for that you don't make the character? You thought: "Now I will show them what I can do?
"Yes, like ... When are you going to an audition to live what a lot of people believe to be the perfect boyfriend, you are sort of asking for this. You have to wait people to say things like: 'Who this guy thinks he is? "So I was expecting every part of the repercussion. But I tried to not paying much attention in all this. "

Q.But the reactions are great now.
"I think so. I stopped to look at the (reaction) bad. "

Q.It has a lot of girls crazy for you. How you handle that?
"I don't know. I never met with anyone, unless the people of the press. But it's strange how the girls very, very young, like, ten years old, come and say things like: 'can you bite me?'. It's very weird. "

Q.Who would you like to bite
"I don't know if I would bite, no. I'm not like these folks who bite people ... "

Q.You went through some image training? Someone come to say: to become the star that we want you to be, you have to say that you don't have a girlfriend, have to be always beautiful and shaved,' that kind of thing?
"Yes Everyone was really angry with me because I simply left it aside. Sent us for a training of media to to say how you should answer each of the questions. And I thought: 'why? That is so stupid '... I made jokes all the time and people were annoyed with me. I received calls from everyone saying, 'what Rob is doing in the training of media? He's ruining everything. " (laughter) "

Q.What were the stupid suggestions you received in the training of media?
"Silly things . I thought very funny when they asked something to train for a interview situation and the guy faking say 'Hi Rob, I'm Bob's from CNN!' And I was like ... 'You isn't from CNN!' (Laughs). It was so stupid. But was pretty funny. "

Q.What is most important to you: be an actor or musician?
"None of them is more important. I can't really make music for a while because I think it means seems silly, especially when so many actors who have only a great movie, suddenly,says 'hey, I'm releasing an album' ... Both are important and I take it seriously. "

Q.What kind of music you play?
"I still don't know, really. It's strange because I never did a real professional recording and Catherine (Hardwicke, director of Twilight) only heard some of my things that were on mycomputer. "

Q.It's more indie rock or folk
"More folk rock."

Q.Catherine asked you to do the song for the movie?
"I had written before. Nikki Reed (Rosalie of Twilight) gave a CD for Catherine because she wanted to hear. And then she put it in the editing of the film and said 'hey, watch this.' And I hadn't noticed that was my music playing and I said something like 'wow, this embedded well. " I thought that would be nice to do this kind of anonymously, but nobody let me do so. "

Q.How was your life before making the role of Edward?
"In 2007, I rented a nice apartment, one kind old of London where you can climb on the roof in the middle of Soho (a London neighborhood). I spent almost every day trying to playing music and record things. I was able to maintain a good rhythm, but then I did a film in Spain (Little Ashes) at the end of 2007. And everything changed ... It was the first time I had to research something. And even being a small budget film, I really get involved. Changed my views about acting. "

Q.Do you miss London?
"Yes, a lot. I was surprised about how much I miss London. "

Q.Do you pretend to be the teen vampire in the next 10 years?
"Well, I won't be that for 10 years because he doesn't get old, so I can't handle this much longer than two or three years, maybe. Because, anyway, that would be ridiculous. "

Q.Why do you think people are so interested in vampires lately?
"I don't know, is very strange. I think it's just the way the industry works ... It's weird because I think people have always liked vampires - I don't know why. "

Q.Do you like vampires?
"I like the original Nosferatu and stuff like this. It's incredible. "

Q.And your friends, are they proud of you or make more jokes about your success?
"A lot of my friends were in the London premiere and was funny because when you see something like that for the first time, when there are literally hundreds and hundreds of people screaming at you, it's very scary. And all my friends started to see that and I took a look at them and they came to ask me: 'you are okay? "(Laughs). The reaction is completely opposite of what I thought they would have... "

Q.Are you afraid that the series affects your career in a negative way and that the directors see you only as a vampire?
"I hope not. It is too early to tell. But you expect that people are not moron. (laughs). "

5-Rob curiosities

He confessed that, in adolescence, was obsessed with Van Morrison, a very influential musician who plays soul.

In the film Little Ashes, which plays the painter Salvador DalÌ, Rob kisses the actor Javier Beltran ... in the mouth! He said that felt strange to do the scene.

He is Jack Nicholson huge fan.

His younger sister, Lizzie, is musician. She played in a band called Aurora (the music is in the blood.) You can see some clips of her on YouTube.

At the time who lived alone in the Soho apartment, he needed to go to his parent's home for take a shower. "There are only two garden chairs, no carpet and no heater, much less shower," says Rob.

Thanks to Fernanda at Source

Is Rob the New Johnny Depp??

After shooting to fame in ‘Twilight’, hunk Robert Pattinson has the world at his feet - will he become the next Johnny Depp?

Screaming teenagers, award ceremonies and no escape from the paparazzi – the British actor’s life has changed massively since the vampire romance turned him into a global star.

When the 23-year-old was born in London in 1986, Johnny Depp (46) was the teen idol.

He shot to fame in the series ‘21 Jump Street’, but despite the age difference the Hollywood pair have many similarities:

• Neither were star pupils. Pattinson said he did not work hard in school, while Johnny preferred to play with his band down the pub.

• Rob is also a big music fan. He learnt to play piano aged three and guitar at 12. He now plays in a band called ‘Bad Girls’ and wrote two songs for the ‘Twilight’ soundtrack.

• Both became actors by accident. Pattinson got his first taste of the theatre at 15. He liked the atmosphere backstage and decided to give it a go.

• Johnny only started acting to earn money for his unsuccessful band ‘The Kids’. His friend Nicolas Cage (45) encouraged him to give up his music career and start acting professionally.

• Both like playing crazy characters. Depp was nominated for an Oscar for his role as Captain Jack Sparrow in ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’. Next year he will play the Mad Hatter in ‘Alice in Wonderland’.

• And Robert Pattinson of course plays a crazy vampire who falls in love and last year starred as the eccentric Spanish artist Dali in the film ‘Little Ashes’.

With two more ‘Twilight’ films now in the making, Rob is definitely on track to become a superstar like Johnny Depp - but fame can be a fleeting thing.

Source via Source

New Moon Trailer in English

Video removed due to Summit Entertainment's claim of Copyright Infringement.

Peter Facinelli clears up the rumors...

Turns out Peter's wife Jennie Garth was misquoted as spilling the beans that Rob is dating a "Twilight costar"

On Thursday 13th August 2009, @peterfacinelli said:

Complete media fabrication. I read the transcript of what my wife actually said, which was, "My husband talks to me about Twilight stuff, but I promised him I wouldn't talk about it." Somehow that got turned into this.

Its unbelievable how the media can just write whatever they want to sell papers.
Perez, love ya, but check your sources before u blog buddy.

SOURCE- Peter's Twitter

This below from Access Hollywood on what was really said by Jennie Garth:

Despite a report in the New York Daily News’ Gatercrasher that claimed Jennie confirmed Pattison is dating one of his co-stars, the actress did not reveal anything about the identity of Pattinson’s lady love, Nicole Nasser, Jennie’s personal rep told Access.

Instead, Jennie, whose husband, Peter Facinelli, stars alongside Pattinson in the “Twilight” series, simply confirmed she knows who he is dating, Jennie’s rep said.

“I can’t say,” Jennie reportedly said. “That will be breaking my promise to my husband. But I do know.”
Dani's 2 cents...don't believe everything you read in the media, sad thing is they spin and misquote and out right lie sometimes about things. SHOCKER I KNOW! Keep your mind settled on the positive, Rob is a fox and you can oogle his goodies without drama here anyday.
I know that makes me feel better.

New 'OLD' EW Outtake

Now in color.
Previously released in black and white.

A New Moon Cover Without Robert Pattinson?

I've only posted the Rob bits ,that sounds "naughty" (in my best Rob voice)
If you want to read the rest go to the Source
From EW Online:

Entertainment Weekly's fall movie preview features New Moon on its cover. Ahhh! Oh, but wait, no Robert Pattinson. Just Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner hanging out, getting close. In fact, the only time everyone's favorite sparkle vampire pops up is to talk about Taylor.
"It was a stress-free job for three months," says the Pattz. "All the pressure was on Taylor."

As for her chemistry with Rob, she just says she's not pregnant...
"It's so absurd. I walk out of my trailer with my pants undone—and they think I'm pregnant? I mean, really?! They think I’m pregnant? Come on! Like, dude I don't get it."
OK, just to be clear, that answer was actually in response to all the tabloid nonsense she has to deal with; the Robsten situation was never addressed, obviously.
Thanks to Kim for the tip.
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