New Moon will be better than "Twilight"

That's according to Kristen Stewart. Here's what she has to say:

While making the first movie, Summit kept urging Stewart and Pattinson to ease up on the teenage angst. Now Stewart's diving headlong into heartache. She says she reached her breaking point one long, cold night in the forest while filming the pivotal scene where Edward abandons her. ''Before the scene, I was sitting in my car, like f---ing crying — crying so hard you can't breathe,'' she says. ''Because I was really overwhelmed and intimidated by the scene. Everyone says, 'She better be able to pull off the emotion in this movie!' And it's such an important moment in the book, when he leaves.'' The scene exhausted her. ''I'm thinking, 'We have to be done now,''' she remembers. '''Just tell me we're done.'''

Despite the heavy emotional weather in New Moon, director Weitz remained calm and contemplative, as different from the driven, frenetic Hardwicke as Jacob is from Edward. On particularly tough days, Weitz wore a shirt bearing the WWII British propaganda slogan ''Keep Calm and Carry On.'' Sometimes he'd sit in the 
 director's chair and read sci-fi novels while the crew readied the next shot. ''[Making Twilight] was much more of a fight,'' says Stewart. ''Everyone was a little more scared. We needed to make something commercial but stay true to the book. We didn't have as much money. It was all very impulsive, and that's what I love about that f---ing movie.''

She pauses. ''But I think New Moon is gonna be even better.''

Thar's just the part where she mentions Rob. If you want to read the full article head over to

Ok so here's the deal.....

Don't have a heart attack!!!! In case you haven't already seen these they are really good manips have been floating around and I think people just need to be aware that they are MANIPS!!

They are REALLY, REALLY good ones (in my opinion). In fact so good that a certain gossip columnist who we love to hate actually thought the second one was real and tweeted about it LOL. But they are not real and just in case you have ANY doubt here's the proof!

Here are the original photos that were used to create the pictures above!

Pic 1:

Pic 2:

Ok glad we cleared that up, now off you go back to your Robsessing!

Brett Ratner Wants 'Twilight' Star Robert Pattinson For 'Youngblood' Movie

According to
Robert Pattinson and his brooding "Twilight" alter ego might not be the first things that come to mind when contemplating the casting for Brett Ratner's upcoming, big-screen adaptation of the superhero series "Youngblood," but that's exactly whose name the filmmaker dropped when asked if he had any actors in mind.

"Definitely [Robert Pattinson] from 'Twilight,'" Ratner told MTV News when asked if he has his eye on any potential "Youngblood" actors at this point. "He just feels like he belongs in that world. I don't only see him as a vampire, he's a really good actor."

Given the roster of the comic book's team, Pattinson's leading-man resume and Ratner's previous comments about the "Youngblood" storyline, it's not too difficult to guess which role Ratner has in mind for the "Twilight" star.

The series, which was conceived by "Deadpool" co-creator Rob Liefeld, chronicled the adventures of a government-funded team of superheroes who dealt with with supervillain-level danger and super-sized drama, all while constantly remaining in the public eye. The team was led by a former FBI agent and expert marksman codenamed "Shaft"—one of the focal points for the film and the most likely character for Pattinson to play.

"[Pattinson] could do anything. He just has that look," said Ratner. "I picture him on Youngblood, for sure."

As for where the project stands these days, the "X-Men: The Last Stand" filmmaker said the script is still being written, and the mature themes of the source material—which often served as a commentary on politics, government and the nature of celebrity—will find their way into the screenplay.

"My vision for it is: We're going to make a very edgy, cool film," explained Ratner. "We're not soft-peddling it at all."

Thanks to the lovely Suz for the tip.

IM Magazine (Hungary)


PAST: He started playing roles in plays because his father forced him and because his father thought that he’ll have more and better chance at girls. His ‘trip’ at Barnes Theatre Company turned more serious than he planned: Not only as model he has been discovered, but they saw his talent, too. After The Times saw him in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, they wrote ‘United Kingdom’s next big star, the next Jude Law’ about him.
PRESENT: He got the big ‘break-out chance’ from the movie version of the novel of Stephenie Meyer. He played one of the leads of the movie: the vampire who’s between his instincts and emotions.
FUTURE: He played the legendary artist Salvador DalĂ­ in Little Ashes, and of course it couldn’t be that they give the role of Edward Cullen someone else in the next Twilight movie. And he doesn’t remiss the “harder” genres: he’s planning that he’ll play a lot of roles in theatres in the next year – but only in demanding movies with a role what’s hard to play. It seems he can allow himself to select.


Picture 'GIF' Montage

Lets take a break for a moment from the tabloid drama to feast our eyes on his yumminess.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

And saving the best for last...HUMMINA HUMMINA WOW!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Thanks to the gals @ Rob's IMDb Board for putting together a gif thread HERE and especially to kathywath89 and penguinmama88 whom made or posted most of the gifs above.

E! Online 'Catherine Hardwicke on "Tortured" Robsten'

Today 5:05 AM PDT by Ted Casablanca and Taryn Ryder (grain of salt? it is Ted C after all)

We keep running into these Twilight people so much we're starting to run out of questions to ask them!

Since director Catherine Hardwicke is about to finish her crazy-ass ride on the Twilight train, we couldn't pass up an opportunity to chat with the dame director, again. Why? Because she's friggin' unpredictable, and we effin' love it. Cathy confirms what everyone else in the cast is too scared to say:

That Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are not just friends.

Check out our interview with her from Sunday's Teen Choice Awards:

Your poor cast! They've all become insane tabloid targets. Do you pay attention to all the rumors?
When I'm in the airport on trips I'll look at the magazines. It's pretty wild. I feel pretty bad for everybody. You wish you could just have a life!

Some aren't exactly rumors though, like Rob and Kristen being more than "good friends." Do you like them as a couple in real life, too?
Of course! I cast them together, so obviously I think they're awesome together. There's no question about that.

Last time we chatted you told us how you knew there was something special with Robsten from the start. What exactly do you think makes them work as a couple?
I think they're both fascinating, tortured artists, which is kind of cool to be with somebody else that gets what that's like. They are both amazing with very interesting minds. So that's kind of cool, too.

Couldn't agree more. So is Breaking Dawn going to get way sexier now that Rob and Kristen are heating up?
It has to be! I mean, come on. There are feathers flying!

Whoever directs it should write some extra Robsten love scenes…
Oh yeah, yeah, they totally should.

So there's some more Twi fun for you Robsten lovers out there. We dig the way Catherine described their relaysh, too. It couldn't be truer. But then you all knew that already, didn't you?

Source- E! Online

Movie-Con 2 New Moon Footage

I will use ANY excuse to post shirtless Rob pics! The Article is underneath the picture, if you can manage to scroll down!


Aaaaiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee! Yes, insert your earplugs now, because this year's Empire and BFI Movie-Con II is going to include not one, but two new scenes from The Twilight Saga: New Moon, which we know may cause some of you to faint with sheer excitement.
The film's not due out until November 20, but you'll be getting a sneak peek at two key scenes at this weekend's event. While we can't tell you which ones just yet, we can guarantee a)brooding and b) pining for an absent true love.
Watch out for more announcements as we get them, and please note that we're serious about those earplugs. If you're planning to scream, on the other hand, might want to bring lots of water for that scratchy throat, eh?

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