How To Be DVD Release for Germany: 15 Oktober 2009

Pattinson Online got contacted by 3V Media in Germany with information on the German release date for How to Be or Das Leben ist (k)ein Wunschkonzert in German. The DVD (and blu-ray) will be released on October 15th and has the option of dubbed in German and original version. Their twitter page is:

Here is the cover art of RobArt (See what I did there? :)) of German How To Be, see Pattinson Online for the HQ :)

As we reported earlier the DVD release date for US is November 3rd :)

You can also order Region 2 How To Be [DVD]from now. For more info on regions check THIS POST.

Robert Pattinson at Marcus Foster Concert 08/08/2009

Robert Pattinson at the (outside the) Marcus Foster gig yesterday afternoon(08/08/2009)

08/06/2009 They were spotted first at the Bobby Long concert ...
08/06-07/2009 They went to Chateau Marmont and spent the night there...
08/07/2009 Marcus had a gig at the Hotel Cafe and Rob was in attendance.
08/08/2009 They were spotted having lunch
08/08/2009 Rob was spotted at Marcus' gig AGAIN at the Hotel Cafe

I just don't know what to think anymore...

Is he cheating on TomStu? Do we have a Robcus now? Or Marbert?
And do the 2 names make the WORST combination nickname? YES.

No Kristen this time. At one point crowd was excited because a crazy rumor started that Rob would sing, of course he didn't. Bummer :)

source for the pictures

Clear The Traffic: Rob's Driving a Porche in LA :) -UPDATED

Video is from X17 Online and they claim:
Kristen Stewart And Robert Pattinson Get Together For Lunch
August 8, 2009 - Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were spotted meeting to have lunch at The Hall At Palihouse in West Hollywood. Stewart arrived in a cab and Pattinson sped to meet her in his Porsche. The two have been seen hanging out at parties, concerts and hotels for the past few days in Los Angeles. Maybe they are finally ready to make things public!

Gozde: I swear I watched the video 5 times, I can't see if it's even the same place. Maybe if I knew the place I would see it. All I see is a Kristen cornered at an elevator by papz and a seriously pissed off Rob driving a Porsche... Yeah, Rob is driving a Porsche... Clear the traffic! :)

Thanks to Danni for the link

Update: In light of the new pictures, yes Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson had lunch. Marcus Foster was also in presence. Because of the nature of the creepy pap video, the subject of the photos (people having a private lunch with friends (lovers, friends with benefits, whatever you want to speculate) we won't be posting the pictures.

Fan Account From Last Night

Here is a fan report from last night. Thanks to tinkrbe1l3 for sending us her account and extremely "revealing" picture :) Seriously, are we this hard up for Rob pix? No, not really. I just like how cute tinkrbe1l3 was with the "freezing on the spot" :) I think a lot of people will have the same reaction:

Sooo I wasn't gonna send you guys this because I was ashamed of my inability to take a good pic but since fakerparis posted someone else's back shot, I figured I wouldn't get laughed at too bad LOL. The other sad thing is I couldn't even take the pic. It's my camera but my best friend took it. I was frozen and couldn't move so she took charge. She's not a Rob Mega-fan like I am but she is my best friend and was ready to help me since I was a moron. We both knew when he came in, I was very close to the door and in my peripheral i saw girls heads turn towards the door but I kept looking straight (moron, remember). My bf looked too and said, "I really think he just came in." She'd recognized his jaw from the pics I've shown her lol. So I remained frozen and tried to focus on the show even tho he was five feet from me behind a curtain. I knew we could have left and waited outside to get a shot but I felt it was disrespectful to Marcus and Rob...I was trying
to maintain a level of civility but honestly I bet I wasn't that humane and knew I just physically couldn't move from my spot. My feet were glued to the floor. At the end of Marcus' set, Rob and Co. were still there. The venue tried to protect them by pulling the curtain further out to obscure the view. My bf said, "let's go" but i couldn't move so she left me (wisely) to try and get me a shot. I watched her shift towards the wall near the door they'd exit at. The curtain wouldn't reach the door so the venue folks would have to drop it at some point to let them out. Once the curtain dropped my bf snapped and the result is what I attached. She beat herself up saying, "I coulda gotten you better! I should have gone outside!" but I assured her, for our first time out to an event linked to Rob, we (she) did pretty great. I also showed her some blog posts so she'd know that his shirt and hat were famous (LOL) and I was extremely happy with the pic. And while
I'm a jaw girl, I let her know she got some pretty good fingerporn in the pic too LOL.

Love what u guys do!

And thanks to RobPattzNews for the following ground breaking picture ;))

Rob sitting on stool (No! Really?:)). Woman in yellow (with the killer shoes) is allegedly Stephanie Ritz (Agent) Kristen is allegedly hidden sitting 2 the left and I am allegedly sick of writing allegedly.

HQs 'cause who WOULDN'T want to see these amazing pictures in HQ? :)

And click HERE for HQ of RobPattzNews' picture

Retractions, Tweets, Friends and Sad Times

Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes. I appreciate them more than you can imagine. But I had to come and post these first two bullets. The rest? Here.

Retraction: Yesterday I called the Radar Online report load of crap based on the time frame they were reporting (they said Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were at the hotel from 8:45 till the morning and never left when we knew they were at a concert). Well turns out Kristen and Rob (and other people :)) WERE at the Chateau Marmont on Thursday night. So part of their story was true and I'd like to retract what I posted yesterday.

Friends and Sad Times: I'm not sorry about calling it as I saw it considering the facts at the time. I was disappointed in the way the story got published ending with the sentence that seemed like it was confirmed they went to the Marmont after the concert.What I AM sorry about is how it turned out and the fact that it might have cost me friends.I value both Unintended Choice and The Moon is Down's ( Letters To Twilight) friendship very much. I know Moon reported it like she saw it, I never question their integrity or their intentions. I really don't know what else to say, this is just very heavy in my heart and I had to clear it up.

*Old picture but the pout and the sadness are real :) Plus I look like crap so that should count too no?

All right onto the "news":

Tweets: Our friend RobPattzNews tweeted about the sighting of Rob and Kristen last night. Here are her tweets. I'd like to say Marcus Foster's music is indeed great, check him out at and if you get a chance catch one of his shows. Same goes for Sam Bradley who is a brilliant musician and I heard nothing but great things from everyone that met him.

RobPattzNews: Rob and Kristen just left Hotel Cafe in LA where they showed up to watch Rob's friend Marcus Foster perform.

RobPattzNews: Came in same way as last nite for Bobby's show. Door by stage. Rob wearing same plaid blue shirt & NY Yankees cap from earlier.

RobPattzNews: Kristen wearing grey t-shirt, jeans. Rob's Agent and Manager also there. All behind curtain behind stage.

RobPattzNews: Rob and Kristen sitting on stools next to each other. If fans were aware (they were) didn't show it. No paps inside.

RobPattzNews: When Marcus finished set, Rob & Kristen left separately. He was picked up by his agent. Marcus outside taking pics. Love him!

RobPattzNews: Not sure on pics.. will post them if we get them. Good for Rob and Kristen that they got to hang w/Marcus. He's pretty amazing.

From RobPattinsonWorld, Kate didn't post these two pictures so I will.

I spy Rob's manager Nick Frenkel in the car:

And the money shot :))

Doreen noticed the valet person on a walkie-talkie talking to someone at the same time an Audi was pulling up in front of Hotel Cafe. The guy on the walkie-talkie whistled for the Audi to stop. It was stopped facing south towards Sunset Blvd. The door to Hotel Cafe was on my left, I was facing north on Cahuenga and the Audi was on my right. They had to walk past me to get to the car. The next thing you know, the door opens and Stewart runs out, not knowing which way to go (And let me tell you, girl knows how to dodge the cameras). I can’t pay attention to her because within a few moments, Rob comes out and my first instinct is to ask Rob for a picture. In my head I thought it would come out like, “OMG, OMG, can I get your picture?” but all I could say was, “Rob?” and I held up my camera. He apologetically said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” and was rushed to the car by a handler. He was very polite and even more gorgeous in person!!!

How could I badger him after that? I stood where I was and shot away. All-in-all, it was a fast,

You can read the beginning of the story over there RobPattinsonWorld.

Some more from Rob leaving Chateau Marmont yesterday :


Rob at the Chateau yesterday :


And here is a picture just 'cause we all need a good laugh :
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Pics from Last Night 7th Aug

Hi Kate here guest blogging while Goz is away. She has a family emergency and I'm sure you will all join with me in keeping her in your thoughts and prayers!

I'm not sure what has happened to the photos she put up last night but since I don't have access to edit her posts I can't fix them !

So onward and upward here are the pics from last night from RobPattinsonWorld (go there to read the story)

Like Goz I am saying nothing about the pics except that Rob and Kristen heard some great music last night. I won't add to the speculation that is going around, there are enough of people doing that.

Rob Leaving Chateau Marmont 08/07/2009

Thanks to for the pictures, check 'em out for larger ones :)

That shirt is holding onto dear life with just a couple of threads :)

Okay, what kind of a hotel is this? Where the hell is he leaving through?
Wires on the floor, all shady...

Normally I would feel bad about him trying to sneak out and hide his face but not today.
I'm sick of the sneaking today. Hold your head up high and suck it up boy.

And the happy cabbie for giggles:

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