More Robert Pattinson at Chateau Marmont 08/07/2009

Thanks to for the pictures, check 'em out for larger ones :)

Oooh, those fries look GOOD!....So does the guy eating them ;)

Dude, how tightly packed are the tables at the Marmont? :)

Seriously, from this angle that guy with the gray hair is practically ass to ass with Rob :)

Yes... You still have the Best Pout in the World...

And then we have Kristen getting into the car :)

Yep, she is indeed getting into the car

Close up of Kristen getting into the car

She is ALMOST in the car:

Hey wait! What happened?

Why is the picture blurry?
The camera is probably overwhelmed with the wonder Kristen's mullet (bed head) is :)

THAT is some serious arm hair man!

Oh and finally:

Thanks to fab Ang from WhyNotRPattz for the picture of the cup with "words of wisdom" :))

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart - 08/07/2009

OK! Magazine Claims:

One day after Robert Pattinson was photographed speeding away from Kristen Stewart’s L.A. home in his car, it’s Bella that’s the one attempting to make a stealthy exit.

On Friday morning, the Twilight star was photographed leaving the side exit of the Chateau Marmont Hotel in Hollywood, where R-Pattz has been staying since returning to L.A. earlier this week.

Five minutes after she left, Rob himself was spotted chowing down on the hotel’s patio.

Facts? I just don't know anymore :)

Based on the information I received since last night I can't call it CRAP neither can I confirm it.

I said I wouldn't speculate and I won't.

Where Will Robert Pattinson Sit at The Teen Choice Awards?

I know y'all have been anxiously and patiently waiting to hear where Rob will be sitting at the Teen Choice Awards! No? Yeah me neither :)

From Marc Malkin on E!:

Twilight fans, rejoice!

Robert Pattinson & Co. have some of the best seats in the house at this weekend's Teen Choice Awards.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will be sitting next to each other. Also in their row: Jackson Rathbone, Justin Chon, Ashley Greene, Taylor Lautner, Kellan Lutz and Nikki Reed. Director Catherine Hardwicke is directly behind them, as are Megan Fox, Miley Cyrus, Cameron Diaz and Hugh Jackman. Sadly, it looks like Rachelle Lefevre will be skipping the festivities.(Gozde: Uhoh, Megan Fox right behind Rob? She'd better keep her claws away! I'm just sayin' ;) If Catherine doesn't kick her out of the way I'm sure someone else will ;))

According to the seating plan I saw today, the Black Eyed Peas are the only celebs in front of the Twilight cast.

However, I gotta feeling that will change.

"Let me put it this way," Bain says, "the Twilight cast can sit any place they want—and you can quote me on that!"

With our fave young-vampire-love movie up for so many awards, expect to see plenty of Pattz & Co. "There's also a big presentation at the end of the show for the entire cast," Bain says.

And then there's the commander in chief.

"We are doing a press conference with the Jonas Brothers and the president of the United States," Bain says. "It will be on the show, but that's all I could tell you." (Gozde: Dude! Obama! JoeBros? Really?:))

Thanks to RobPattzNews for the tip ;)

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart - About Last Night: The Facts So Far UPDATED

Did you just get on the site? Well Hello! Here is what you missed:
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were spotted at the Bobby Long concert in Los Angeles last night.
Our bitchin' blogger friend "The Moon is Down" from Letters to Twilight/Rob snapped a picture of them getting in a cab after the concert:

So here are the facts until now:

  • Last night Marcus Foster, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart went to the Bobby Long concert to have fun/support their friend.
  • While inside the 3 of them stood behind a curtain by the stage in a small space.
  • Kristen,Rob and Marcus left before the last song , got in a cab.
  • No PDA, no cuddling, nothing to celebrate or mourn over since he is not shagging me or you :))
  • Radar Online's story about Rob and Kristen spending the whole night at Chateau Marmont is a BIG LOAD OF CRAP. They claim they went into the room at 8:45 and never left :)) Pictures? We have the picture AND witnesses. Serious FAIL...
  • UPDATE: Moon's Story can now be found on Radar Online. I don't know what to say. I stand behind the load of crap about Chateau, I'm sorry about the story being on Radar Online and I am chagrined by the last sentence in the story : So a little after 10:30 pm Rob and Kristen headed back to the Chateau as scooped.
Thanks to @LilKel4 and @Hearts_Kaos for filling in the blanks ;)

Jimmy Fallon Does Robert Pattinson AGAIN

Himm, I usually find Jimmy very funny. Maybe my sense of humor is broken this morning :) You decide...

[Via PattinsonLife]

Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Spotted Leaving Bobby Long's Concert

Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Were Spotted Leaving Bobby Long's Concert last night in Los Angeles. Marcus Foster was there as well :)

Pictures or it didn't happen? As much as I know everyone will take the pic and re-post it, I'll respect Moon's "please don't take the picture" and send you to Letters to Rob for the pic :))

UPDATE: Posting with permission from UnintendedChoice, please don't repost ;)

She did see them, I trust Moon's eye sight. You can tell from both of their postures anyways ;)

What does this mean? It means they went to a concert together :) I can't/won't speculate further but please go nuts in the comments section...

P.S.: I'm sorry Rob/Kristen I know you didn't want to be seen and I do fell crappy for posting this but it's out and at least I report it without speculating...

Noot Seear Talks About The Craze Around Robert Pattinson published an interview with Noot Seear(on the far right in the above picture) who plays Heidi in New Moon. Here are the parts about Rob and you can read the rest at ;)

Had you read the Twilight books before you went out for the part?

No, actually. And even though the first movie had come out by the time I heard about the role, I still didn’t have a clear idea what a huge production this was and what an insane cult following it has. It didn’t quite hit me until Comic-Con. I mean, people slept outside overnight just to get a glimpse of the cast, and then, you know, we go into this auditorium, and screen a clip of the movie, and the fans are just screaming, like, the loudest noise I’ve ever heard. And the screaming would die down for a minute, and then Rob [Pattinson] would brush his hair out of his eyes or something, and that’s all it would take for the screaming to start up again.

Do you look at Robert Pattinson and think, yikes, that’s going to be my life in a few months?

I’m not sure it will be the same thing. My part is relatively small, and then I’m not coming back until the fourth film, so I’d like to think I can stay under-the-radar. All that fame, I mean, I know it’s something Rob has been struggling with, because it happened so quickly to him and in such a massive way. I like being able to walk down my street without being recognized, and I don’t like people knowing my business. So what I’d prefer, rather than go for some big blockbuster after this, is to build my career up slowly, with some indies, things like that. Good scripts, good directors. I’ve managed to have a lot of longevity as a model because I never got overexposed. I’m hoping I can have the same kind of career as an actress.

Thanks to Birgit for the tip :)
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